Type Erasure with Pokemon---swift的类型擦除

Posted feng9exe


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Type Erasure with Pokemon---swift的类型擦除相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。









import Foundation





protocol Pokemon {


    associatedtype Power


    func attack() -> Power







struct Pikachu: Pokemon {


    func attack() -> ?? {


        return ??()









struct Charmander: Pokemon {


    func attack() -> ?? {


        return ??()









// power types


struct ?? { }


struct ?? { }





// MARK: - Abstract base class


class _AnyPokemonBase<Power>: Pokemon {


    init() {


        guard type(of: self) != _AnyPokemonBase.self else {


            fatalError("_AnyPokemonBase<Power> instances can not be created; create a subclass instance instead")






    func attack() -> Power {


        fatalError("Must override")






// MARK: - Box container class


fileprivate final class _AnyPokemonBox<Base: Pokemon>: _AnyPokemonBase<Base.Power> {


    var base: Base


    init(_ base: Base) { self.base = base }


    fileprivate override func attack() -> Base.Power {


        return base.attack()






// MARK: - AnyPokemon Wrapper


final class AnyPokemon<Power>: Pokemon {


    private let box: _AnyPokemonBase<Power>


    init<Base: Pokemon>(_ base: Base) where Base.Power == Power {


        box = _AnyPokemonBox(base)




    func attack() -> Power {


        return box.attack()









// Use AnyPokemon type directly


let pokemon: AnyPokemon = AnyPokemon(Pikachu())







// Add a new electric Pokemon


class Jolteon: Eevee, Pokemon {


    func attack() -> ?? {


        return ??()






class Eevee {}





// Iterate over a collection of Electric Pokemon


let electricPokemon = [AnyPokemon(Pikachu()), AnyPokemon(Jolteon())]


electricPokemon.map() { $0.attack() }






  1. class Pet { }
  2. class Dog: Pet { }
  3. class Cat: Pet { }
  4. // 1. 隐藏具体宠物类型信息
  5. let pets: [Pet] = [Dog(), Cat()]



以上是关于Type Erasure with Pokemon---swift的类型擦除的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

前向声明 boost.type_erasure 引用类型

java类型擦除(Java Type Erasure Mechanism)

C++Type Erasure 学习笔记

C++Breaking Dependencies: Type Erasure - A Design Analysis - Klaus Iglberger - CppCon 2021 - 知识点目录

具有前向声明类型的 Boost.TypeErasure

从 groupby 对象创建字典,Python