Intellij IDEA最全的热键表(default keymap)

Posted jpfss


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Intellij IDEA最全的热键表(default keymap)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


Ctrl + Space
Basic code completion (the name of any class,
method or variable)
Ctrl + Shift + Space
Smart code completion (filters the list of methods
and variables by expected type)
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Complete statement
Ctrl + P
Parameter info (within method call arguments)
Ctrl + Q
Quick documentation lookup
Shift + F1
External Doc
Ctrl + mouse over code
Brief Info
Ctrl + F1
Show descriptions of error or warning at caret
Alt + Insert
Generate code… (Getters, Setters, Constructors,
hashCode/equals, toString)
Ctrl + O
Override methods
Ctrl + I
Implement methods
Ctrl + Alt + T
Surround with… (if..else, try..catch, for,
synchronized, etc.)
Ctrl + /
Comment/uncomment with line comment
Ctrl + Shift + /
Comment/uncomment with block comment
Ctrl + W
Select successively increasing code blocks
Ctrl + Shift + W
Decrease current selection to previous state
Alt + Q
Context info
Alt + Enter
Show intention actions and quick-fixes
Ctrl + Alt + L
Reformat code
Ctrl + Alt + O
Optimize imports
Ctrl + Alt + I
Auto-indent line(s)
Tab / Shift + Tab
Indent/unindent selected lines
Ctrl + X , Shift + Delete
Cut current line or selected block to clipboard
Ctrl + C , Ctrl + Insert
Copy current line or selected block to clipboard
Ctrl + V , Shift + Insert
Paste from clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + V
Paste from recent buffers…
Ctrl + D
Duplicate current line or selected block
Ctrl + Y
Delete line at caret
Ctrl + Shift + J
Smart line join
Ctrl + Enter
Smart line split
Shift + Enter
Start new line
Ctrl + Shift + U
Toggle case for word at caret or selected block
Ctrl + Shift + ]/[
Select till code block end/start
Ctrl + Delete
Delete to word end
Ctrl + Backspace
Delete to word start
Ctrl + NumPad+/-
Expand/collapse code block
Ctrl + Shift + NumPad+Expand all
Ctrl + Shift + NumPad-Collapse all
Ctrl + F4
Close active editor tab


Double Shift
Search everywhere
Ctrl + F
Find next
Shift + F3
Find previous
Ctrl + R
Ctrl + Shift + F
Find in path
Ctrl + Shift + R
Replace in path
Ctrl + Shift + S
Search structurally (Ultimate Edition only)
Ctrl + Shift + M
Replace structurally (Ultimate Edition only)

Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7
Find usages / Find usages in file
Ctrl + Shift + F7
Highlight usages in file
Ctrl + Alt + F7
Show usages

Compile and Run

Ctrl + F9
Make project (compile modifed and dependent)
Ctrl + Shift + F9
Compile selected file, package or module
Alt + Shift + F10
Select configuration and run
Alt + Shift + F9
Select configuration and debug
Shift + F10
Shift + F9
Ctrl + Shift + F10
Run context configuration from editor


Step over
Step into
Shift + F7
Smart step into
Shift + F8
Step out
Alt + F9
Run to cursor
Alt + F8
Evaluate expression
Resume program
Ctrl + F8
Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl + Shift + F8
View breakpoints

Ctrl + N
Go to class
Ctrl + Shift + N
Go to file
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
Go to symbol
Alt + Right/Left
Go to next/previous editor tab
Go back to previous tool window
Go to editor (from tool window)
Shift + Esc
Hide active or last active window
Ctrl + Shift + F4
Close active run/messages/find/… tab
Ctrl + G
Go to line
Ctrl + E
Recent files popup
Ctrl + Alt + Left
Navigate back/forward
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
Navigate to last edit location
Alt + F1
Select current file or symbol in any view
Ctrl + B , Ctrl + Click
Go to declaration
Ctrl + Alt + B
Go to implementation(s)
Ctrl + Shift + I
Open quick definition lookup
Ctrl + Shift + B
Go to type declaration
Ctrl + U
Go to super-method/super-class
Alt + Up/Down
Go to previous/next method
Ctrl + ]/[
Move to code block end/start
Ctrl + F12
File structure popup
Ctrl + H
Type hierarchy
Ctrl + Shift + H
Method hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt + H
Call hierarchy
F2 / Shift + F2
Next/previous highlighted error
F4 / Ctrl + Enter
Edit source / View source
Alt + Home
Show navigation bar
Toggle bookmark
Ctrl + F11
Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
Ctrl + #[0-9]
Go to numbered bookmark
Shift + F11
Show bookmarks


Alt + Delete
Safe Delete
Shift + F6
Ctrl + F6
Change Signature
Ctrl + Alt + N
Ctrl + Alt + M
Extract Method
Ctrl + Alt + V
Extract Variable
Ctrl + Alt + F
Extract Field
Ctrl + Alt + C
Extract Constant
Ctrl + Alt + P
Extract Parameter

VCS/Local History

Ctrl + K
Commit project to VCS
Ctrl + T
Update project from VCS
Alt + Shift + C
View recent changes
Alt + BackQuote (`)
‘VCS’ quick popup

Live Templates

Ctrl + Alt + J
Surround with Live Template
Ctrl + J
Insert Live Template
Iteration according to Java SDK 1.5 style
Check object type with instanceof and downcast it
Iterate elements of java.util.Collection
Iterate elements of java.util.Iterator
Iterate elements of java.util.List
public static final
throw new
Alt + #[0-9]
Open corresponding tool window
Ctrl + S
Save all
Ctrl + Alt + Y
Ctrl + Shift + F12
Toggle maximizing editor
Alt + Shift + F
Add to Favorites
Alt + Shift + I
Inspect current file with current profile
Ctrl + BackQuote (`)
Quick switch current scheme
Ctrl + Alt + S
Open Settings dialog
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
Open Project Structure dialog
Ctrl + Shift + A
Find Action
Ctrl + Tab
Switch between tabs and tool window


其实你也可以快速的在Intellij IDEA里面找到这个热键表:



以上是关于Intellij IDEA最全的热键表(default keymap)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Intellij IDEA:“从源滚动”的热键

IntelliJ IDEA - 使用热键删除文件末尾的空行。

IntelliJ IDEA 乱码:全网最全 4 种方法完美解决 IntelliJ IDEA 控制台中文乱码问题

Intellij IDEA 最全实用快捷键整理

IntelliJ IDEA 控制台中文乱码解决方案

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