



114-02234-4 汽车专业英语 人民交通出版社出版的书

Abnormal combustion 异常燃烧

Abnormal knocking 异响

Abnormal motion 异常运动

Abrasion 磨蚀,磨损,研磨

Abrasion resistance 耐磨性、抗磨性

Abrasion resisting properties 耐磨性

Abrasion test 磨损试验

Abrasive 磨料

Abrasive cloth 砂布

Abrasive paper 砂纸

Abrasive powder 研磨粉

Abrasive resistance 耐磨性

Abrasive stick 油石、磨条

Abrasive stone 油石

Abrasive wear 磨损,磨蚀

Abrasive wheel 磨轮,砂轮

Aerator 抛丸清理机

Abscissa 横坐标

Absolute altitude 绝对高度

Absolute humidity 绝对湿度

Absolute motion 绝对运动

Absolute pressure 绝对压力

Absolute temperature 绝对温度

Absolute unit 绝对单位

Absolute value 绝对值

Absolute velocity 绝对速度

Absorb 吸收

Absorbed power 吸收功率

Absorbed torque (测功器)吸收扭矩

Absorption 吸收

Ace 加速器;加速踏板;催化剂

Accelerated ageing 加速老化

Accelerated life test 加速寿命试验

Accelerated load test 加速负荷试验

Accelerating ability 加速能力

Accelerating jet 加速喷嘴

Accelerating pump加速泵

Accelerating resistance 加速阻力

Accelerating winding加速线圈

Acceleration 加速度

Acceleration lane 加速车行道

Acceleration limiter 加速限制器

Acceleration meter加速度计

Acceleration of vibration 振动加速度

Acceleration performance 加速性

Acceleration pickup加速度传感器

Acceleration spectrum 加速度谱

Acceleration vector of center of mass质心加速度矢量

Accelerator (美)油门(踏板)

Accelerator jet 加速喷嘴(量孔)

Accelerator nozzle 加速喷嘴

Accelerator pedal 加速踏板

Accelerator pump加速泵

Accelerator vacuum switch加速踏板真空开关

Accel pedal 加速踏板,油门踏板


Acceptance test 验收试验

Accessibility 可接近性


Accessory device 附属装置

Accident 意外,事故

Accommodation 适应;调节作用;居住设备

Accordion 可折叠的;折叠屏风

Accordion coil 折形线圈

Accordion door 折叠门

Accordion partition 折叠隔板

Accumulation wear average 累计平均磨耗

Accumulator 蓄能器,蓄电池

Accuracy 精度

Accuracy class 精度等级

Accuracy control 精确控制

Accuracy of manufacture 制造精度

Accuracy of measurement 测量精度

Accuracy of positioning 定位精度

Accuracy of reading 读数精度

Accuracy of repetition 复制精度;重复精度

Accuracy of thread 螺纹精度

Aceton 丙酮

Acetylene 乙炔

AC generator 交流发电机

Acid 酸

Acid-proof alloy 耐酸合金

Acid-proof pipe 耐酸管

Acid tanker 酸罐车

Acid vapour 酸罐汽

Acme thread 梯形螺纹,爱克姆螺纹

Acoustic absorption 吸音

Acoustic insulation 隔音

Acoustic panel 吸声板

Acoustimeter 声级计,噪声计

Acquisition 探测;搜索

Acquisition of signal 信号采集

Acre 英亩

Acryl 丙烯酸树脂

Active braking distance 有效制动距离

Active braking time 有效制动时间

Active suspension 主动悬架[挂]

Actuating arm 驱动臂

Actuating cam 致动凸轮

Actuating line 促动管路

Actuating motor 伺服电动机

Actuating time 促动时间

Actuator 执行机构,操作机构

Actuator track 滑轨

Adapter 接头;适配器

Adapter plate 安装板,固定板

Adapter ring 接合环

Adapter sleeve 紧固套,连接套

Addendum 齿顶高,齿顶

Addendum circle 齿顶圆

Addendum face 齿顶面

Additional seat 附加座椅

Additional temperature error 温度附加误差

Additional wheel drive control 附加驱动车轮的操纵件

Adhesion 附着;附着力;

Adhesion coefficient 附着系数

Adhesive 黏合剂

Adiabatic 绝热的

Adiabatic compression 绝热压缩

Adjust 调整,调节,校正

Adjustable 可调节的

Adjustable brush 可调电刷

Adjustable fork spanner 可调*形扳手

Adjustable pedal 可调踏板

Adjustable reamer 可调铰刀

Adjustable seat 可调节的座椅

Adjustable shutter 可调百叶窗

Adjustable spanner 活动扳手

Adjustable stop screw 活动止动螺钉

Adjustable wheel 可调式车轮

Adjustable wrench 可调扳手,活扳手

Adjusting 调整用的

Adjusting cam 调整凸轮

Adjusting hand wheel 调整手轮

Adjusting lever 调整杆

Adjusting nut 调整螺母

Adjusting shim 调整垫片

Adjusting spring 调整弹簧

Adjusting washer 调整垫圈

Adjustment 调整,调节

Admission cam 进气凸轮

Admission cam shaft 进气凸轮轴

Admittance 导纳;加工余量;通道

Advanced ignition 提前点火

Advancer (点火)提前装置

Advertising car 广告汽车

Aerial 天线

Aerial pollution 大气污染

Aerodynamic angle of attack 气动迎角

Aerodynamic body 流线形车身

Aerodynamic drag 空气动力阻力

Aerodynamic force 气动力

Aerodynamic retarder 空气动力缓速装置[器]

Aerodynamics 空气动力学

Aero-stabilizer 气动力稳定装置

Affinity 亲和力,亲和性

After-burning 补燃,后燃,复燃

After fire 消音器内爆炸;(点火开关切断后)自燃现象

After-running 发动机惯性运转

Age 年龄;老化;使用期限

Age hardening 时效硬化

Age resister 老化防止剂

Aging 老化;时效

Aiming of headlamp 前照灯对准

Air bag (撞车保护用)气袋

Air bleeding 放气

Air bleed screw 放气螺钉

Air bleed valve 空气溢流阀

Air booster 气压助力器

Air brake 空压制动

Air brake actuator 气压制动执行器

Air brake antifreeze tank 气压制动防冻液罐

Air brake chamber 气压制动室

Air brake equalizer 气压制动补偿器

Air brake governor 气压制动调节器

Air brake hose dummy coupling气压制动软件管(未连接时的)堵头

Air brake reservoir pressure indicator 贮气简压力表

Air brake valve 气制动阀

Air braking system 气制动系

Air bypass 空气旁路

Air car 气垫汽车

Air chamber type combustion chamber 空气室式燃烧室

Air check valve (空气)单向阀

Air choke 阻风门

Air cleaner 空气滤清器

Air cleaner bracket 空气滤清器支架

Air cleaner cartridge 空气滤清器滤芯

Air cleaner casing 空气滤清器外壳

Air compression ga(u)ge 空气压力表

Air compressor 空气压缩机

Air conditioner 空调装置

Air conditioning 空气调节

Air conditioning control 空调装置操纵件

Air cooler 空气冷却器

Air cooling engine 风冷式发动机

Aircraft shunt bus 机场联运客车

Aircraft tire 航空轮胎

Air damper 空气缓冲器

Air dam skirt 气堰裙板,前阻风板

Air deflector 导流板

Air dryer 空气干燥器

Air duct 通气道

Air exhaust filter 排气滤清器

Air feed pipe 送气管

Air filter 空气滤清器

Air filter tell-tale 空气滤清器警报灯

Air flow meter 空气流量计

Air fuel ratio 空气燃料比

Air ga(u)ge 气压表

Air gate 气流调节门

Air governor 空气调速器

Air gun 空气喷枪

Air hammer 空气锤

Air horn 气喇叭

Air hose 空气软管

Air injection 空气喷射

Air inlet 进气口

Air inlet port 进气孔

Air insulation 空气绝缘

Air intake 进气,吸气

Air intake filter 进气滤清器

Air leak 漏气

Airless injection 无气喷射

Air line lubricator 气压供油中央润滑系统

Air lock 气阻,气障

Air nozzle 喷气嘴

Air outlet 出气口

Air over hydraulic booster 气顶油助力器

Air pipe 通气管

Air pollution 大气污染

Air pressure 气压

Air pressure relay valve 气压继动阀

Air quench hardening glass 风冷钢化玻璃

Air regulating valve 空气调节阀

Air relief cock 放气旋塞,放气开关

Air required for combustion 燃烧必要空气量

Air resistance 空气阻力

Air speed governor 空气式调速器

Air spoiler 空气阻流板

Air sprayer 空气喷雾器

Air spring 空气弹簧

Air storage reservoir 储气罐

Air strangler 阻风门

Air strangler spindle 阻风门轴

Air suction pipe 进气管,吸气管

Air suspension 空气悬架[挂]

Air tank 储气罐

Air throttle valve 空气节气门

Air-tight 气密的

Air-tight chamber 气密室

Air-tightness 气密性

Air tube (轮胎)内胎

Air valve 气阀,气门

Air vent 通气孔

Air wiper 压缩空气式刮水器

Aisle 通道

Alarm device 报警装置

Alarm pressure 报警压力

Alcohol 酒精

Alcohol-blended fuel 掺酒精的燃料

Align 调整,校直,定中心

Aligner 定位器,校直器,调整器;前轮定位仪

Aligning(torque) stiffness 回正(力矩)刚度

Aligning (torque) stiffness coefficient 回正(力矩)刚度系数

Aligning torque 回正力矩

Aligning torque coefficient 回正力矩系数

Alignment 定位,对中心

Alignment check 定位检查

Alkali 碱性,强碱

Alkali degreater 碱脱油剂

Alkali detergent 碱去垢剂

Alkohol 乙醇,酒精

All dog clutch transmission 全齿套变速器

Allen wrench 内六角扳手

Alligator bonnet 鳄口形发动机罩

Alligator shears 鳄式剪床

Allowable cargo load 容许载货量

Allowable deflection 容许挠度[变位]

Allowable dimension variation 允许尺寸偏差

All-purpose adhesive 万能胶

All-sponge rubber upholstery 全海绵橡胶汽车内饰

All-steel body 全钢车身

All synchromesh transmission 全同步器式变速器

All-weather body 全天候车身

All wheel drive 全轮驱动

Alternating current 交流

Alternator 交流发电机

Altimeter 测高仪

Altitude compensating 海拔补偿

Altitude control device (化油器)适应高度控制油量的装置

Aluminium alloy 铝合金

Aluminium soap grease 铝基润滑脂

Amber light 琥珀色灯光

Ammeter 电流表,安培表

Ammonia gas 氨(气)

Ampere 安(培)

Amplitude 振幅,幅度

Anchor 支承销

Anchor plate 支承板,支承块

Angle bar 角铁

Angle ga(u)ge 量角器,角度计

Angle iron 角铁

Angle of advance 提前角

Angle of cone 锥角

Angle of delay 滞后角

Angle of friction 磨擦角

Angle of lead 超前角

Angle of lock 锁角

Angle of repose 静止角

Angle of retarded closing 延迟关闭角

Angle of roll 侧倾角

Angle of steering lock 最大转向角

Angle of twist 扭转角

Angular acceleration 角加速度

Angular clearance 拔模斜度

Angularity of connecting rod 连杆倾斜角

Angular moment 转矩

Angular momentum 角动量

Angular wheel 圆锥齿轮

Animal oil 动物油

Anneal 退火

Annealing 退火(作用)

Annual average daily traffic 年平均日交通量

Annual survey 年度检验

Annular seat 环形座

Annular spring 环形弹簧

Annulus (行星齿轮系的)内齿环

Ante-chamber 预燃室

Antenna 天线

Antibacklash spring 消隙弹簧

Anti-blocking brake 防抱死制动器

Anticorrosion 抗蚀性

Anticorrosive oil 防锈油

Antidazzle screen 遮阳板

Antidazzle switch 变光开关

Antidetonant 抗爆剂

Anti-freezer 防冻器;防冻液

Antifreezing solution 防冻液

Antifriction alloy 耐磨合金

Antifriction bearing 滚动轴承

Antiknock gasoline 抗爆汽油

Anti-knock nature 抗爆性

Antiknock value 抗爆值

Anti-lock brake sensor防抱死制动传感器

Anti-lock brake system 防抱死制动系统

Antioxidant 抗氧燃料

Anti-rattle spring 防震弹簧

Antiroll bar 防侧摆杆

Antirust grease 防锈脂

Antiscale agent 防垢剂

Antiskid tread 防滑轮胎纹

Antiskid tyre 防滑轮胎

Anti-spatter compound 防溅剂

Anti-squat 抗后坐

Antiwear hydraulic oil搞磨液压油

Aperture 孔,口,缝隙,孔径

Apex 反射点;顶点,顶部;填充胶条

Apex seal (转子)顶端密封垫片

Appearance 外观,外形

Appearance test 外观检验

Application force 作用力

Approach angle 接近角

Apron 挡板;拖板箱

Apron control 拖板控制

Aquaplaning 水层效应;漂滑现象

Aqueous ingredients 含水量

Arbo(u)r 轴,心轴;芯骨

Arbo(u)r press 手扳压床,矫正机

Arc 电弧

Arc welding 电弧焊

Areometer 液体比重计

Arm 臂

Armature 电枢

Armature changed type starter 电枢移动式起动机

Armature core 电枢铁芯

Armature reaction 电枢反应

Armature shaft 电枢轴

Armature spindle 电枢轴

Armature terminal 电枢输出端接线柱

Armature tester 电枢测试装置

Armature winding 电枢绕组

Arm of wheel 轮辐

Armored motor car 装甲车

Arm rest 肘*

Arm shaft 臂轴

Arm support 肘*

Arm winker 臂式方向指示器

Arrangement of camshaft 凸轮轴装置

Articulated bus 铰接客车

Articulated cross shaft 铰接式横轴

Articulated jack 铰接式千斤顶

Articulated joint 关节接合

Articulated sixwheeler 铰接式六轮汽车

Articulated utility carrier 铰接式通用载运车

Articulation piece 铰接件

Artificial gasoline 人造汽油

Asbest(os) 石棉

Asbestos-copper gasket 铜石棉衬垫

Ash content 灰分,灰分量

Ash tray 烟灰盘

Aspect concrete pavement 沥青混凝土路面

Asphalt distribution truck沥青洒布车

Assembly 装配,总成

Assembly belt 装配传送带

Assembly conveyor 装配传送线

Assembly drawing 装配图

Assembly jig 装配夹具

Assembly part 装配零件

Assembly shop 装配车间

Assist grip (副驾驶)扶手

Asymmetrical beam 非对称光

Asymmetric low beam headlamp 不对称近光束前照灯

Asymptotic stability 渐近稳定性

Atmospheric electricity 天电,大气电

Atmospheric moisture 大气温度

Atmospheric pressure compensating 气压补偿

Atomising installation 喷雾装置

Atomization 喷雾

Atomizer 喷雾器

Atomizer orifice 喷雾器喷嘴

Atomizing chamber 雾化室

Atomizing disc 雾化盘

Attachment face 安装面

Attendance 保养

Audible warning (horn)control 音响警告(喇叭)操纵件

Austenite 奥氏体

Austenite steel 奥氏体钢

Authorized maximum towed mass 允许最大拖挂质量

Autobahn(德) 高速公路

Autobicycle 摩托车,机器脚踏车

Auto-body 汽车车身

Autocorrelation 自相关

Autocorrelation coefficient 自相关系数

Autocorrelation function 自相关函数

Autodrive 自动定速驾驶器

Autolevelizer 自动水平调节器

Autolift 举车器

Automatic 自动的

Automatic advance of ignition 自动提前点火

Automatically advanced distributor 自动提前分电器

Automatically timed magneto 自动正时磁电机

Automatic antenna control 自动天线操纵杆

Automatic braking system 自动制动系

Automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器

Automatic circulation 自动循环

Automatic clutch 自动离合器

Automatic control 自动操纵

Automatic door closing device 自动关门装置

Automatic door tell-tale 显示门未闭好的警报灯

Automatic engine stop tell-tale 发动机自动停机警报灯

Automatic gear change 自动换档

Automatic gearbox indicator 变速器自动指示器

Bead wire core 胎缘钢丝芯

Beam 梁,光束

Beam adjusting disk plate 调光座盘

Beam center 光束中心,亮区

Beam of light (前照灯)光束

Bearing 轴承

Bearing bush 轴承套

Bearing cap 轴承盖

Bearing face 支承面

Bearing friction 轴承摩擦

Bearing lining machine 轴承浇铸机

Bearing metal 轴承合金,轴瓦

Bearing pressure 支承压力,轴承压力

Bearing puller 轴承拆卸器

Bearing retainer 轴承保持架

Bearing spacer 轴承隔圈

Bearing steel 轴承钢

Bell crank 曲柄

Bell frame 钟形架

Bell housing 钟形外壳

Bellows 风箱;波纹管

Bellows thermostat 波纹管式节温器

Bellows type pneumatic suspension 风箱式空气悬架

Bellow type container 波纹管式容器

Belt 皮带;(轮胎)带束层

Belt conveyor 传送带

Belt drive 皮带传动

Belt drive fan 皮带驱动风扇

Belt fastener 传动带接头

Belt pulley 皮带轮

Belt stretching device 传动带拉紧装置

Belt tension 传动带张力

Bench seat 长凳车座

Bench test 台架试验

Bending 弯曲

Bending moment 弯矩

Bending strength 抗弯强度

Bending tester 弯曲试验机

Bendix-type starter 惯性接合式起动机

Bend of road 道路弯度

Bend of spring 弹簧拱度

Bent socket wrench 弯形套简扳手

Bevel gear 锥齿轮

Bevel gear lapping machine 锥齿轮研磨机

Bevel gear wheel 大锥齿轮

Bias 斜交,斜角

Bias belted tire 带束斜交轮胎

Bias fabric 斜经帘布

Bias ratio 差速器锁止系数

Bicycle 自行车

Bicycle tire 自行车轮胎

Big end (连杆)大头

Big end bearing 大端轴承

Bimetal 双金属,复合钢材

Bimetal fuel ga(u)ge 双金属油量计

Bimetallic oil pressure indicator 双金属式油压指示器

Bimetallic oil pressure sensor 双金属式油压传感器

Bimetal strip 双金属带

Bimetal thermostat 双金属式节温器

Binary alloy 二元合金

Binary fuel 二元燃料

Binding (车身)压条

Binding end cap 压条封盖


参考技术A 汽车变速器、转向器、和制动系统




Automotive Brake Performance testing is the technical inspection of motor vehicles safety one of the important contents. Vehicle braking performance will have a direct bearing on people's lives and safety. With China's automobile industry, the rapid growth of vehicle safety performance are attracting increasing attention. Automotive Brake Performance testing technology is rapidly developing. Therefore, it is necessary to find out quickly and accurately detect vehicle braking performance of methods and tools. As a vehicle braking performance test of a typical test, anti-edge drum-brake test tube structure alone, testing convenience, the power consumption of small, the use of low-cost, in both domestic and foreign are widely used. This paper is the content of the anti-edge drum-brake test bed for research and mechanical drive design. First of all, at home and abroad gathered on the anti-edge drum-brake test information, comparison of the characteristics of the detection method, Analysis of the Automotive Performance Evaluation indicators and national standards, vehicle braking performance detection methods. Secondly, the test vehicle braking force on the stage of the analysis, detection vehicle braking performance of principle, Analysis of the impact of braking performance testing and the factors calculated anti-edge drum-brake test of the main parameters. Again, the automobile brake test the overall structure of the analysis, the overall program. Drive through mechanical design, choice test motor, reducer, and other major components, the selection of test materials to the drum surface, and calculate the size of drum. Finally, the design is completed, the analysis of force and the bending torque, axis of the drum check, on the chain drive chain plate ansys conducted by the finite element analysis. In this paper the design process and the results of the calculation for the future on how to improve the structure, more reasonable mechanical parameters for reference, to improve anti-edge drum-brake test the transmission efficiency and strength components, to extend its useful life. 参考技术A The test of performance is one of the important contents that the safe practice of motor vehicle examines that the car applies the brake. The car applies the brake the quality of performance concerns people's life security directly. With the fast growth of the auto industry of our country, the security performance of the car is paid close attention to more and more by people, the test technology of performance is in the fast development too that the car applies the brake. So, it is very necessary to work out and measure the car and apply the brake method and tool of performance swiftly, accurately. Apply the brake model experimental platform that performance examine as car, cylinder apply the brake experimental platform structural tube form against strength type, it is convenient to test, with low power consumption, it is with low costs to use, is adopted both at home and abroad extensively. The content of this thesis is to design research and mechanical drive in the experimental platform to applying the brake against the strength type cylinder.
First of all, after collecting and having materials which tests the platform about applying the brake against the strength type cylinder both at home and abroad, characteristics of different detection more methods, analyze and appraise the index of the car performance and national standard, method to put forward performance of measuring the car and applying the brake. Secondly, to analyzing by the strength situation in applying the brake to test the platform of car, put forward, measure car principle to apply the brake performance, analyze, influence, apply the brake factor that performance measure and calculate cylinder apply the brake main parameter to test platform against strength type. Moreover, have applied the brake and tested a ensemble architecture and analyzed to the car, confirm the overall scheme. Design calculating through mechanical drive, choose to test main spare parts such as an electrical machinery, decelerator,etc., put forward and choose to test a cylinder surface material method, calculate the size of the cylinder. Finally, in design finish, through analyze strength and curved calculation of torsion, having checked the roller spindle, the chain plate while transmitting to the chain, through the analysis that ansys has carried on the finite element.
How can for being relevant design process of this thesis and result of calculation improve the structure, adopt more rational mechanics parameter to offer reference, in order to improve and apply the brake against the strength type cylinder transmission efficiency and intensity of the spare part which tests one, lengthen its service life.
参考技术B The automobile braking quality examination is one of vehicle safety work examination important contents.The automobile braking quality quality relates people's safety directly.Along with our country automobile industry fast growth, the automobile safety performance more and more receives people's attention, the automobile braking quality examination technology also in the fast development.Therefore, has the necessity to study very much examines the automobile braking quality quickly, accurately the method and the tool.

First, in collected domestic and foreign had after the reaction type drum brake test platform material, compared with each kind of examination method characteristic, has analyzed the appraisal automobile performance target and the national standards, proposed the examination automobile braking quality method.Next, has carried on the analysis to the automobile in brake test platform stress situation, proposed the examination automobile braking quality principle, has analyzed the influence braking quality examination factor and calculates the reaction type drum brake test platform the main parameter.
参考技术C 哇~你们的英语真棒啊.赞美一下






