ch5-使用表达式 语句和运算符

Posted splitfire


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了ch5-使用表达式 语句和运算符相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

#if 0
    cout << "Hello             World!" << endl;

    cout << "Hello "
            "World!" << endl;

    uint daysInYear = 365;

    cout << 20 / 3 << endl;
    cout << 20.0 / 3 << endl;
    cout << 20 % 3 << endl;
    //invalid operands of type ‘double‘ and ‘int‘ to binary ‘operator%‘
// cout << 20.0 % 3 << endl;

    int startValue(100);

    int postfixIncrement = startValue++;
    cout << "postfixIncrement:" << postfixIncrement << ",startValue:" << startValue << endl;
    startValue = 100;
    int prefixIncrement = ++startValue;
    cout << "postfixIncrement:" << postfixIncrement << ",startValue:" << startValue << endl;

    //您经常会听到前缀运算符的性能更高还是后缀运算符性能更高的争论。换句话说,++startValue 优于 startValue++。
    //就整型变量而言,这对性能的影响几乎可以忽略不计,但对某 些类来说,这种争论也许有意义。
    startValue++; //is the same as ...

    int n1(10), n2(20);
    bool isLessEquals = n1 <= n2;
    cout << "isLessEquals:" << isLessEquals << endl;

    cout << "enter true(1) or false(0) for two operands:" << endl;
    bool op1 = false, op2 = false;
    cin >> op1 >> op2;

    cout << op1 << " AND " << op2 << " = " << (op1 && op2) << endl;
    cout << op1 << " AND " << op2 << " = " << (op1 || op2) << endl;

#if 0
    cout << "input a number(0,255):" << endl;
    quint8 inputNum = 0;
    cin >> inputNum;

    bitset<8> inputBits = inputNum;
    cout << inputNum << " in binary is " << inputBits << endl;

    bitset<8> bitwiseNOT = ~inputBits;
    cout << "~ " << inputBits << " = " << bitwiseNOT << endl;

    bitset<8> bitwiseOther = 0x0F;
    bitset<8> bitwiseAND = inputNum & bitwiseOther.to_ulong();
    cout << inputBits << " AND " << bitwiseOther << " = " << bitwiseAND << endl;

    bitset<8> bitwiseOR = inputNum | bitwiseOther.to_ulong();
    cout << inputBits << " | " << bitwiseOther << " = " << bitwiseOR << endl;

    bitset<8> bitwiseXOR = inputNum ^ bitwiseOther.to_ulong();
    cout << inputBits << " | " << bitwiseOther << " = " << bitwiseXOR << endl;

    cout << "before inputnum:" << inputBits << endl;
    inputNum |= bitwiseOther.to_ulong();
    inputBits = inputNum;
    cout << "after inputnum:" << inputBits << endl;

#if 0
    int number = 0;
    cout << "input a number:" << endl;
    cin >> number;

    int halfNum = number >> 1;
    cout << "half num:" << halfNum << endl;

    int quarterNum = number >> 2;
    cout << "quarter num:" << quarterNum << endl;

    int doubleNum = number << 1;
    cout << "double num:" << doubleNum << endl;

    int quadrupleNum = number << 2;
    cout << "quadruple number:" << quadrupleNum << endl;

// bool ba(false), bb(false);
// ba &&= bb;

    int intArr[100] = {0};
    cout << sizeof(intArr) << endl;
    cout << sizeof(int) << endl;
    cout << sizeof(intArr[0]) << endl;


    return a.exec();

以上是关于ch5-使用表达式 语句和运算符的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

20个简洁的 JS 代码片段

20个简洁的 JS 代码片段



