




两美分(U.S. Two Cents)
五美分(U.S. Five Cents):nickel。如nickelodeon指门票(admission)五美分的影院。如Don’t nickel and dime me.【别零碎地给我,一次性付完】
一角:(U.S. One Dime):short bit。如Buddy can you spare a dime?
二十五美分(U.S. Quarter Dollar):quarter、two bits、two bit【但two-bit指廉价、低俗。如I don’t want any two-bit actors in this play. 但two cents指意见。如I’d like to throw in my two cents.】。如:
Hey Princeton! Give me a quarter!
Shave and a haircut, two bits.

五十美分(U.S. Half-dollar):four bits。如When I was a lad, it was a four-bit (fifty cents) word.

一美元(U.S. one-dollar bill):George、single、buck、clam、simoleon。如:
Dude, lend me a George, I\'m jonesin\' for a Hershey bar.
Can I get a five and five singles?
It cost five clams for a sandwich at the restaurant.
The guy\'s got more simoleons than all of us put together.

两美元(U.S. two-dollar bill):deuce、Tom、Jefferson、T.J.。如:A deuce for the hat-check girl.

五美元(U.S. five-dollar bill):five、Abe、Lincoln、fiver、fin(过时)、finif(过时)、finski(过时)、five-spot、faux Euro、nickel、fever。如:
Can I get a five and five singles?
Guy 2: how much? Guy 1: an Abe.
Could you lend me a few fivers?
I mowed the guy\'s lawn, and all he gave me was a fin.
That movie ticket only cost me a finif.
Can I get a five spot from you?
hey i got a fever man you right?

十美元(U.S. ten-dollar bill):ten、sawbuck【罗马数字十(X)看着像锯木头用的支撑物sawbuck】、Hamilton、ten-spot、dime、tension。如:
Slap me a sawbuck and I\'ll get us some beers, fella.
I need a Twomp sack but i only got Tension!
Anybody Got a Ten-Spot?
Yo im broke hook me up a little dime and I pay you back soon.

二十美元(U.S. twenty-dollar bill):twenty、double sawbuck【double sawbucks则指两张十美元钞票】、dub、Jackson、snap、twenty-banger、twomp。如:
I need a Twomp sack but i only got Tension!
You got that double sawbuck you owed me?
That CD player is like two dubs.
A jackson is a twenty dollar bill, not a cock. That\'s a Johnson you dumb shit.

五十美元(U.S. fifty-dollar bill):fifty、fitty、half a yard、worker bee、half C、half century。如:
Hey yo how much you paid for those jeans? Ahhh, about fittydollas.
I took him for everthing he had, Mac, which was half a yard.
The 50 dollar bag, we call that half century.

一百美元(U.S. one-hundred-dollar bill):a hundred、Benjamin、C-note【罗马数字一百(C)】、C、Benji、Franklin、Frank、century note、bill、yard、honey bee。
What is in this bag?--it\'s full of benjamins!
You owe me one C-Note from that loan I gave you.
Travelin\' Matt had a benji stitched under a patch on his pants for emergencies.
Mia is definitely worth multiple franklins, how else would I get a milf muffstache?
Yo Rob, i heard that stuff cost you 2 yards!
I went to the casino last night and dropped a honey bee.
I got a couple of century notes for driving these guys home from the bank.
Them Nikes cost over a bill.

一千美元(没有对应的钞票):large【银行业】、K【源自kilo】、grand、stack、G【源自grand】、big one、bundle、rack。如:
That\'ll cost you ten big ones!
I paid 5K.
That mope owes Joey 50 large.
I paid 20 grand for that truck and now it\'s ruined.
Let me borrow a G.
Yo, I only gotta stack to play wit for the weekend.
It costs at least a rack to get slugged out with plattinum, ya dig.
一万美元(没有对应的钞票):rack、dime。如Those cops pinched a dime off me when I was in.
参考技术A 现行钞票  【$1】   ◎正面:美国第1任总统乔治·华盛顿   ◎背面:左侧的金字塔黑暗的一面朝向西方,表示当时蛮荒未被探索过的北美西部。金字塔上方是一个全视之眼图案,这象征了虽然美国的建设还没有完成,但在上帝的帮助下,目标一定会达到。右侧是美国国徽。   【$2】   ◎正面:美国第3任总统托马斯·杰弗逊   ◎背面:油画《独立宣言》   【$5】   ◎正面:美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯   ◎背面:林肯纪念堂   【$10】   ◎正面:美国第一任财政部长亚历山大·汉密尔顿   ◎背面:美国财务省   【$20】   ◎正面:美国第7任总统安德鲁·杰克逊   ◎背面:白宫   【$50】   ◎正面:美国第18任总统尤利西斯·辛普森·格兰特   ◎背面:美国国会   【$100】   ◎正面:美国政治家、外交官、作家、科学家本杰明·富兰克林   ◎背面:费城独立纪念堂







   人民币的相关 短语

  人民币支票 RMB Cheque

  人民币市值 Market Value RMB ; Currency market ; Market value of the yuan

  人民币多少 How many RMB ; RMB number

  人民币账户 RMB ACCOUNT ; RMB Account Number

  人民币现钞 CNY-C ; CNY


  1. I'd like to change these U.S. dollars into Renminbi.


  2. Would you like to change your foreign currency into Chinese money?

  你想把你的外币换成人民币 吗 ?

  3. The trade contract stipulates for the settlement of balances in RMB.

   贸易合同 规定余额以人民币结算.

  4. Damages were assessed at 1000 RMB.


  5. The yuan recovered a little; it now hovers around 8.2 to the dollar.


  6. I'd like to convert some RMB to US dollar, please.


  7. I'd like to convert some RMB yuan to US dollar, please.


  8. How much does this sum of foreign money amount to in Renminbi?

  这笔外币折成人民币是 多少 ?

  9. What's your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today?


  10. A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan.


  11. We promise. Can we pay for our imports in RMB?

  我们答应. 请问,我们能否用人民币付款?

  12. I change ten dollars into Renminbi.


  13. His total debts tot up to RMB 500.


  14. He needed to exchange foreign money for Renminbi.


  15. In the Pudong New Area of Shanghai, some foreign banks have begun handling Renminbi business.



  Global use of the renminbi is on the wane just one year after the International Monetary Fund formally recognised it as an international reserve currency, in a setback for Beijing’s ambition to promote its currency as a rival to the US dollar.


  According to central bank data, the amount of China’s foreign trade settled in renminbi surged from zero in 2010 to 26 per cent in 2015, but has since fallen to 16 per cent.


  Cross-border renminbi payments over the first nine months of this year fell 16 per cent compared with the same period last year, reflecting the fall in renminbi usage for trade and cross-border investment.


  The renminbi’s rising popularity on foreign exchange markets has also proved fleeting.


  In 2013 it was the ninth most-traded currency, up seven places from 2010, according to the Bank for International Settlements.

  据国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements),2013年人民币为第九大交易货币,比2010年上升七位。

  It has barely budged since, ranking eighth this year.


  Waning demand for the renminbi has been largely driven by expectations of continued depreciation against the dollar and concerns about the outlook for the Chinese economy, which is growing at its slowest annual rate in a quarter of a century.


  After a decade of steady appreciation against the dollar that peaked in early 2014, the renminbi has since lost 13 per cent of its value against the greenback.


  Its recent decline against the dollar would have been even steeper without central bank backing.


  The People’s Bank of China has been selling dollars to support the renminbi — a strategy that has contributed to the 25 per cent fall in China’s foreign reserves to $3tn.


  Reform setbacks dating back to Beijing’s decision to intervene in the country’s plunging stock markets in July 2015 have also taken their toll.


  The authorities have since made it easier for foreign capital to enter financial markets, while tightening outflows.


  Eswar Prasad, a Chinese finance expert at Cornell University, said: The approach of trying to manage the renminbi’s exchange rate while allowing for the

  康奈尔大学(Cornell University)中国金融专家埃斯瓦尔.普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示:这种试图管理人民币汇率,同时允许更自由的跨境资本流动的做法显然已达到极限。


1. 10元人民币歌词

2. 如何收藏人民币

3. 人民币的收藏前景

4. 人民币的英文缩写是什么

5. 人民币会破7吗







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