




1. 乙方付给甲方每月租金_______________元人民币,( 2楼租金为人民币280元/㎡; 3楼租金为人民币
2. 乙方于每三个月的15日前向甲方缴纳下三个月的租金,乙方应于此期间内缴清所规定的所有费用,逾期缴
3. 乙方初次进场后,免租期为 。
4. 乙方交至商场的货款、定金,如需办理退款,须在每个月的5日—10日,凭结算单据至财务办理结算上
5: 其它费用收取规定
单价 正,如遇国家收费规定变动,以书面形式通知。结算形式为月结。
(2)、乙方如需电话,由乙方自行申请后甲方负责店内安装,乙方须承担初装费 元。

1. 乙方每月租金及综合管理费按营业额 2楼为40%;3楼为35% 付给甲方。
2. 乙方需承担费用:1.货物成本 2.海关进口关税、增值税 3.货物进口代理费、报关业务费用 4.集装箱装卸货费用 5.送往客户处的运输费用 6. 场地装修费用
3. 乙方进场时先付甲方_______________元人民币保证金。如遇场地扩大面积,需在当月调整或补足保证金金额。
4. 甲方有义务在每月5日提交上月销售报表及库存状况给乙方,并在乙方确认营销状况后,于每月10日前将乙方盈利(余)汇款至乙方指定帐户。
1.. 刷卡手续费依照与甲方签约的银行规定执行,由乙方承担,在返回货款时扣除。
2. 如遇客户退货并要求退款,从乙方已交至商场的货款中扣除。若乙方无货款可扣,甲方有权从保证金中先扣除,乙方需在当月补足保证金。



1. 乙方付给甲方每月租金_______________元人民币,( 2楼租金为人民币280元/㎡; 3楼租金为人民币
2. 乙方于每三个月的15日前向甲方缴纳下三个月的租金,乙方应于此期间内缴清所规定的所有费用,逾期缴
3. 乙方初次进场后,免租期为 。
4. 乙方交至商场的货款、定金,如需办理退款,须在每个月的5日—10日,凭结算单据至财务办理结算上
5: 其它费用收取规定
单价 正,如遇国家收费规定变动,以书面形式通知。结算形式为月结。
(2)、乙方如需电话,由乙方自行申请后甲方负责店内安装,乙方须承担初装费 元。

1. 乙方每月租金及综合管理费按营业额 2楼为40%;3楼为35% 付给甲方。
2. 乙方需承担费用:1.货物成本 2.海关进口关税、增值税 3.货物进口代理费、报关业务费用 4.集装箱装卸货费用 5.送往客户处的运输费用 6. 场地装修费用
3. 乙方进场时先付甲方_______________元人民币保证金。如遇场地扩大面积,需在当月调整或补足保证金金额。
4. 甲方有义务在每月5日提交上月销售报表及库存状况给乙方,并在乙方确认营销状况后,于每月10日前将乙方盈利(余)汇款至乙方指定帐户。
1.. 刷卡手续费依照与甲方签约的银行规定执行,由乙方承担,在返回货款时扣除。
2. 如遇客户退货并要求退款,从乙方已交至商场的货款中扣除。若乙方无货款可扣,甲方有权从保证金中先扣除,乙方需在当月补足保证金。

参考技术A Based on mutual benefit and common development, through consultation between the two sides reached the agreement are as follows:
The first: the location and size of lease
Party A will be the city of XX District XX Road XX square XX __________ _____ floor space, business, with an area of the booth _____ ㎡
B lease to use.
The second: use the operating
Party B in accordance with the agreement of the site in the operating company __________ __________ brand furniture (jewelry), and agreed period of time to enjoy the use of the space business.
Third: the lease period
Rental period: from the year _____ _____ _____ months from the date of the year _____ _____ _____ on date.
Article IV: leasing and clearing the way

1. Party A Party B to pay a monthly rent _______________ yuan, ( 2 House for rent 280 yuan / ㎡;  3 floor, rent for the yuan
220 yuan / ㎡) after paying rent, once every three months to pay. Party A Party B should be the first to pay the rent for four months (one month's rent for
2. B in every three months on the 15th of Party A to pay the rent next three months, B should be paid to this period as provided for in the cost of all the overdue payment
Satisfied by 5 ‰ / day to collect fines.
3. B of the initial approach, as a rent-free period.
4. Party B to pay the purchase price of the mall, deposit, a refund for more information, to be on the 5th of every month at -10, with the financial settlement documents to apply for settlement on
From 1 to the end of the accounts (to be deducted from receivables, such as: fees, taxes and utilities, etc.)
5: other provides that the cost of collection
(1), B should pay its own booth with lighting facilities, electricity and telephone charges accordingly, air-conditioning costs. B lighting booth according to the independent electricity billing meters,
Price is, the case of changes in the country to charge a fee to make a written offer. Clearing the form of monthly statements.
(2), B For telephone, by the application on its own Party A Party B is responsible for the installation of in-store, B will assume the yuan as an initial installation fee.

1. B monthly rental fee and integrated management turnover  2 for the floor, 40%;  3 F 35% paid to the Party.
2. B should bear the cost of: 1. Cost of goods 2. Customs import duties, value-added tax 3. Imports of goods agent fees, the cost of customs operations 4. Containerized cargo handling costs 5. Sent to customers the cost of shipping 6. Venue decoration costs
3. Party A Party B first approach _______________ yuan deposit. In case of the expansion of the venue size, to be adjusted in the month or supplement the amount of margin.
4. Party on the 5th of each month under an obligation to submit statements of sales last month and the inventory situation to the B and B to confirm the situation of marketing, on the 10th of each month will be profitable B (more than) remittance to the account designated B .
Article V: the factory sales price charged
1 .. card fees in accordance with the Party and the signing of the implementation of the provisions of the bank from B to bear in return when the money deducted.
2. In case of customer returns and demanded a refund from B has to pay the money deducted from shopping malls. If no payment can be deducted B, Party A has the right to be deducted from the margin in the first, and B need to make up for margin of the month.

A and B of this agreement by the two sides signed after the entry into force of the
参考技术B Principle of mutual benefit and common development, through consultations the agreed:
1 leasing position and area
Party a will XX market XX district XX road XX __________ square, business, building area advantages of square meters.the advantages
Lease to party b.
Article 2: business purposes
Party b in accordance with the agreement on this site operation __________ __________ company brand furniture (jewelry), and within the time limit prescribed in the business field use rights enjoyed.
Article 3: the lease term
Advantages: the lease term, on the date of the advantages and advantages in advantages on the date of advantages advantages.
Article 4: the rental and settlement

1 party b monthly rent. Pay _______________ yuan (RMB  floor 2 for $280 rent ; 3 floor sq.m/rent for the renminbi
220 yuan per square meters.the first pay rent), every three months after the first payment. Party a shall pay to party a for the first time in four months rent (one month
2 party. In every three months to party a the 15th pay three months rent under, party b shall contribute to this period specified, all expenses paid overdue
According to the 5 per day, charge payment. /
B: first comes after three, rent-free period.
4 party b to the mall. Pay deposit, and shall, in handling refund of every month 5-10, in settlement of financial documents to the settlement
At the end of January to the accounts receivable as: (to deduct taxes and utilities charges, etc.)
5: other charges
(1), party b shall pay the booth by lighting installations within KongDiaoFei telephone calls, and corresponding electricity. Party b booths lighting electric meter billing, according to an independent
Price is in charge, such as stipulated by state changes, the notice in writing. For months and settlement forms.
(2), party b, party a should call for party a is responsible for store by after installation, party b shall undertake ChuZhuangFei yuan.

1 party b monthly rental and comprehensive, according to the sales management  second floor is 40%, 3 floor  35% pay to party a.
2 party a should bear expenses. 2:1. The goods import tariffs. The cost of goods import value-added 3, 4, customs clearance fee for business expenses. Container loading and unloading goods to customer. 5 cost of transportation cost and venue decoration fees....
3 party b will pay a buzz when _______________ yuan deposit. In case of need, expanding field in current adjust or complement the deposit amount.
4 party has the obligation to every month. In the last five days sales report and submit to party b, and inventories in that condition, party b monthly sales in 10 days prior to party b (over) the remittance to party b designated account.
Article 5: the sales amount for manufacturers
1 in accordance with the card charges. The bank with a contract provisions, shall be borne by party b in return, when the payment.
2. In case of customer returns and ask for a refund from party b has to deduct the amount of shopping. If party b, party a is entitled to payment can be deducted from the deposit, party b should be in the first month in complement the deposit.

The agreement signed by both parties本回答被提问者采纳

跪求高手指点!!!SQL plus登不上,出现协议适配器错误。PLSQL Developer可以登录

下载了PLSQL Developer可以登录,我登陆SQL plus为什么登不上啊?出现协议适配器错误,用scott@tiger登不上,sys,system都登不上?可能是什么原因啊 ??跪求高手指点

1.一般协议适配器错误都是由于oracle服务未启动导致,首要任务是确定你的数据库服务启动了。可输入命令oradim -SID ORACLE_SID(数据库sid) startup;
2.请确定你的plsql developer不是nolog登录(假登录)。
启动sqlplus :sqlplus /NOLOG
操作系统登录 SQL>conn / AS SYSDBA
用系统用户登录,执行 alter user scott identified by tiger account unlock;
5.还不行?那你自己检查检查tnsnames.ora和sqlnet.ora的配置是否正确(主要是看service name的解析手段是否符合当前环境),这个网上肯定成片的参考文档,就不累述了。追问

网上回答是这个sqlplus / as sysdba

alter user system identified by manager;

alter user sys identified by change_on_install;


修改SYS和SYSDBA用户的密码需要当前的账户为DBA权限或者是sys和sysdba本身。当你用conn /AS SYSDBA用户登录进去后,用户默认就是sys,已经是最高权限了。然后修改密码就可以即时生效,然后直接用conn system/manager(或者激活scott用户后用conn scott/tiger(password))就可以切换用户使用数据库了

参考技术A 看看是不是网络断了 参考技术B 协议适配器错误,你查看监听器打开没。我也遇见过类似的问题。






求C语言大师级别高手,本人外行,需要逐句弄懂其意思,求大师逐句翻译每行 翻译啊~~~~~~万分感谢 ~~~~
