



参考技术A 问题一:水獭的英文名是什N? Otter――可以百度在线翻译的

问题二:用“英语”介绍下水獭 Otter streamlined body, about 60 to 80 cm, weight up to 5 kilograms. Head wide and slightly flat, short kisses, a few root central chin otters to be short and hard. Eyes slightly prominent, short, round ears, nostrils, ear c *** with water poured into the valve. Tail slender, the base tapering to the end. Short limbs, with webbed toes. Body h鸡ir long and dense, brownish-black or brown, with silky luster; the end of soft, rich velvet. Dorsal gray brown, the color gray brown chest, throat, neck gray coat also showed seasonal variation, summer, slightly reddish brown.
Nocturnal to fish, rodents, frogs, crabs, waterfowl and other staple food. They are good at swimming and diving, one can stay under water for 2 minutes. Otters from fish to catch as fast as a cat and mouse, the former often prey on the V, as the waters of the stones, once found in game, which quickly caught bashing. Otter fishing hobby, even after a full belly, they will be endless killing fish.

问题三:药物堕胎对身体的伤害及如何保养? 15分 息隐只是一种对流产有副作用的药物,最好是不要用,因为这是对身体最不好的堕胎药物。

问题四:初中英语作文:水獭简介 Otter streamlined body, about 60 to 80 cm, weight up to 5 kilograms. Head wide and slightly flat, short kisses, a few root central chin otters to be short and hard. Eyes slightly prominent, short, round ears, nostrils, ear c *** with water poured into the valve. Tail slender, the base tapering to the end. Short limbs, with webbed toes. Body hair long and dense, brownish-black or brown, with silky luster; the end of soft, rich velvet. Dorsal gray brown, the color gray brown chest, throat, neck gray coat also showed seasonal variation, summer, slightly reddish brown.
Nocturnal to fish, rodents, frogs, crabs, waterfowl and other staple food. They are good at swimming and diving, one can stay under water for 2 minutes. Otters from fish to catch as fast as a cat and mouse, the former often prey on the V, as the waters of the stones, once found in game, which quickly caught bashing. Otter fishing hobby, even after a full belly, they will be endless killing fish.

问题五:各种动物用英语怎么说写常见的 动物的英语如下:
bird 鸟  fish 鱼  panda 大熊猫
snake 蛇  cat 猫  lion 狮子  dog 狗
parrot 鹦鹉  dragon 龙  tiger 老虎
monkey 猴子 elephant大象  chicken 鸡
chick小鸡  owl 猫头鹰  duck 鸭子
pet 宠物  pig 猪  cow 牛 sheep 羊
horse 马  frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子  mouse 老鼠

问题六:动物英语名称大全及读音 动物 Animals
horse 马 mare母马 colt, foal 马驹,小马 mustang 野马 mule 骡 ass, donkey 驴 ox 牛 buffalo水牛 bull 公牛 cow 母牛 calf 小牛 pig 猪
piglet 猪崽 sheep羊 ewe 母羊 goat 山羊
antilope 羚羊
reindeer 驯鹿
elephant 象
cat 猫
lion 狮
leopard 豹
yak 牦牛
squirrel 松鼠
ferret 雪貂
hare 野兔
mouse 家鼠
gibbon 长臂猿
kangaroo 袋鼠
porcupine 箭猪 lamb 羊羔 gazelle 小羚羊 giraffe长颈鹿 rhinoceros 犀牛 tomcat 公猫 lynx 猞猁 tiger 虎 dog 狗 otter 水獭 marmot 土拨鼠 bear 熊 rat 鼠 vole 田鼠 gorilla 大猩猩 anteater 食蚁兽koala 考拉 bat 蝙蝠 zebra 斑马 deer鹿 camel 骆驼 hippo 河马 kitty, pussy 小猫 puma 美洲豹 wildcat 野猫 badger 獾 fox 狐 wolf 狼 rabbit 兔子 mole 鼹鼠 monkey 猴子 orangutan猩猩 duckbill鸭嘴兽 hedgehog 刺猬 whale 鲸 kitten

断开的英语翻译 断开用英语怎么说

disconnect 英[ˌdɪskəˈnekt] 美[ˌdɪskəˈnɛkt]
vt. 断开; 切断; 拆开; 使(电话线路)中断;
[例句]The device automatically disconnects the ignition when the engine is switched off
[其他] 第三人称单数:disconnects 现在分词:disconnecting 过去式:disconnected过去分词:disconnected
参考技术A discon,break,disconnect




断开的英语翻译 断开用英语怎么说


