Posted zero-27
public class Response<T>
/** Callback interface for delivering parsed responses. */
public interface Listener<T>
/** Called when a response is received. */
public void onResponse(T response);
/** Callback interface for delivering error responses. */
public interface ErrorListener
* Callback method that an error has been occurred with the
* provided error code and optional user-readable message.
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error);
* Returns a successful response containing the parsed result.
* 成功
public static <T> Response<T> success(T result, Cache.Entry cacheEntry)
return new Response<T>(result, cacheEntry);
* Returns a failed response containing the given error code and an optional
* localized message displayed to the user.
* 失败
public static <T> Response<T> error(VolleyError error)
return new Response<T>(error);
/** Parsed response, or null in the case of error. 返回数据,错误的情况下为空*/
public final T result;
/** Cache metadata for this response, or null in the case of error. 缓存数据,错误的情况下为空*/
public final Cache.Entry cacheEntry;
/** Detailed error information if <code>errorCode != OK</code>. 错误error*/
public final VolleyError error;
/** True if this response was a soft-expired one and a second one MAY be coming.命中过期缓存标志*/
public boolean intermediate = false;
* Returns whether this response is considered successful.
* 是否成功
public boolean isSuccess()
return error == null;
private Response(T result, Cache.Entry cacheEntry)
this.result = result;
this.cacheEntry = cacheEntry;
this.error = null;
private Response(VolleyError error)
this.result = null;
this.cacheEntry = null;
this.error = error;