你不会还搞不清楚Spring Data JPA的关联关系注解如何使用吧?

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了你不会还搞不清楚Spring Data JPA的关联关系注解如何使用吧?相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


你不会还搞不清楚Spring Data JPA的关联关系注解如何使用吧?

应该不止我一个人搞不清楚Spring Data JPA的关联关系注解吧?就是平时我们是用的@OneToOne,@OneToMany还有@ManyToOne还有相关的@JoinColumn注解。参考:Multiplicity in Entity Relationships

可能平时只是会用,但是具体怎么设置以及注解上每个属性的作用可能还不是了解的特别清楚,以及关联关系怎么去维护等等。所以这篇文章就是带你深入了解Spring Data JPA的关联关系注解的使用。文章主要关注在@OneToOne,@OneToMany还有@ManyToOne还有相关的@JoinColumn注解的使用。@ManyToMany平时工作基本用的比较少(反正在我工作中目前还没有怎么使用过),所以本篇博文就不会关注@ManyToMany的使用。


@JoinColumn 注解的作用:用来指定与所操作实体或实体集合相关联的数据库表中的列字段@JoinColumn主要配合@OneToOne@ManyToOne@OneToMany一起使用,单独使用没有意义。

由于 @OneToOne(一对一)、@OneToMany(一对多)、@ManyToOne(多对一)、@ManyToMany(多对多) 等注解只能确定实体之间几对几的关联关系,它们并不能指定与实体相对应的数据库表中的关联字段,因此,需要与@JoinColumn 注解来配合使用。

我们先来介绍一下@JoinColumn 注解,之后我们再来介绍一下@JoinColumn 注解配合其他@OneToOne(一对一)、@OneToMany(一对多)、@ManyToOne(多对一)的使用


package javax.persistence;

import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
import static javax.persistence.ConstraintMode.PROVIDER_DEFAULT;

 * Specifies a column for joining an entity association or element
 * collection.  If the <code>JoinColumn</code> annotation itself is
 * defaulted, a single join column is assumed and the default values
 * apply.
 * <pre>
 *   Example:
 *   &#064;ManyToOne
 *   &#064;JoinColumn(name="ADDR_ID")
 *   public Address getAddress()  return address; 
 *   Example: unidirectional one-to-many association using a foreign key mapping
 *   // In Customer class
 *   &#064;OneToMany
 *   &#064;JoinColumn(name="CUST_ID") // join column is in table for Order
 *   public Set&#060;Order&#062; getOrders() return orders;
 * </pre>
 * @see ManyToOne
 * @see OneToMany
 * @see OneToOne
 * @see JoinTable
 * @see CollectionTable
 * @see ForeignKey
 * @since 1.0
public @interface JoinColumn 

     * (Optional) The name of the foreign key column.
     * The table in which it is found depends upon the
     * context. 
     * <ul>
     * <li>If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne
     *  mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, 
     * the foreign key column is in the table of the
     * source entity or embeddable. 
     * <li> If the join is for a unidirectional OneToMany mapping
     * using a foreign key mapping strategy, the foreign key is in the
     * table of the target entity.  
     * <li> If the join is for a ManyToMany mapping or for a OneToOne
     * or bidirectional ManyToOne/OneToMany mapping using a join
     * table, the foreign key is in a join table.  
     * <li> If the join is for an element collection, the foreign 
     * key is in a collection table.
     * <p> Default (only applies if a single join column is used):
     * The concatenation of the following: the name of the 
     * referencing relationship property or field of the referencing 
     * entity or embeddable class; "_"; the name of the referenced 
     * primary key column. 
     * If there is no such referencing relationship property or 
     * field in the entity, or if the join is for an element collection,
     * the join column name is formed as the 
     * concatenation of the following: the name of the entity; "_"; 
     * the name of the referenced primary key column.
    String name() default "";

     * (Optional) The name of the column referenced by this foreign
     * key column. 
     * <ul>
     * <li> When used with entity relationship mappings other
     * than the cases described here, the referenced column is in the
     * table of the target entity. 
     * <li> When used with a unidirectional OneToMany foreign key
     * mapping, the referenced column is in the table of the source
     * entity.  
     * <li> When used inside a <code>JoinTable</code> annotation,
     * the referenced key column is in the entity table of the owning
     * entity, or inverse entity if the join is part of the inverse
     * join definition.  
     * <li> When used in a <code>CollectionTable</code> mapping, the
     * referenced column is in the table of the entity containing the
     * collection.
     * </ul>
     * <p> Default (only applies if single join column is being 
     * used): The same name as the primary key column of the 
     * referenced table.
    String referencedColumnName() default "";

     * (Optional) Whether the property is a unique key.  This is a
     * shortcut for the <code>UniqueConstraint</code> annotation at
     * the table level and is useful for when the unique key
     * constraint is only a single field. It is not necessary to
     * explicitly specify this for a join column that corresponds to a
     * primary key that is part of a foreign key.
    boolean unique() default false;

    /** (Optional) Whether the foreign key column is nullable. */
    boolean nullable() default true;

     * (Optional) Whether the column is included in
     * SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence
     * provider.
    boolean insertable() default true;

     * (Optional) Whether the column is included in
     * SQL UPDATE statements generated by the persistence
     * provider.
    boolean updatable() default true;

     * (Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when
     * generating the DDL for the column.
     * <p> Defaults to the generated SQL for the column.
    String columnDefinition() default "";

     * (Optional) The name of the table that contains
     * the column. If a table is not specified, the column
     * is assumed to be in the primary table of the
     * applicable entity.
     * <p> Default: 
     * <ul>
     * <li> If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne mapping
     * using a foreign key mapping strategy, the name of the table of
     * the source entity or embeddable. 
     * <li> If the join is for a unidirectional OneToMany mapping 
     * using a foreign key mapping strategy, the name of the table of
     * the target entity. 
     * <li> If the join is for a ManyToMany mapping or
     * for a OneToOne or bidirectional ManyToOne/OneToMany mapping
     * using a join table, the name of the join table. 
     * <li> If the join is for an element collection, the name of the collection table.
     * </ul>
    String table() default "";

     *  (Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a
     *  foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect.  If
     *  this element is not specified, the persistence provider's
     *  default foreign key strategy will apply.
     *  @since 2.1
    ForeignKey foreignKey() default @ForeignKey(PROVIDER_DEFAULT);


  • name: 外键列的名称(数据库中的列名称)。外键在哪个表取决于使用@OneToOne或者@ManyToOne还是@OneToMany,具体的我们在后面跟其他注解一起配合讲解。

    • If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the foreign key column is in the table of the source entity or embeddable.
    • If the join is for a unidirectional OneToMany mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the foreign key is in the table of the target entity.
    • If the join is for a ManyToMany mapping or for a OneToOne or bidirectional ManyToOne/OneToMany mapping using a join table, the foreign key is in a join table.
    • If the join is for an element collection, the foreign key is in a collection table.


    Default (only applies if a single join column is used): The concatenation of the following: the name of the referencing relationship property or field of the referencing entity or embeddable class; "_"; the name of the referenced primary key column. If there is no such referencing relationship property or field in the entity, or if the join is for an element collection, the join column name is formed as the concatenation of the following: the name of the entity; "_"; the name of the referenced primary key column.

  • referencedColumnName: 此外键列引用的列的名称(就是这个外键是关联到哪个表的列,也是数据库中的列名),那如果不设置这个属性(默认为空字符串),则会使用被关联表的主键列名

    Default (only applies if single join column is being used): The same name as the primary key column of the referenced table.

  • unique: 外键列是否为唯一键,默认值为false

    (Optional) Whether the property is a unique key. This is a shortcut for the UniqueConstraint annotation at the table level and is useful for when the unique key constraint is only a single field. It is not necessary to explicitly specify this for a join column that corresponds to a primary key that is part of a foreign key

  • nullable: 外键列是否可以为空值。默认值为true

    (Optional) Whether the foreign key column is nullable.

  • insertable:是否跟随一起新增

    (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence provider.

  • updatable:是否跟随一起新增

    (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE statements generated by the persistence provider.

  • columnDefinition:指定SQL片段来创建外键列

    (Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.

  • table

    (Optional) The name of the table that contains the column. If a table is not specified, the column is assumed to be in the primary table of the applicable entity.

    • If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the name of the table of the source entity or embeddable.
    • If the join is for a unidirectional OneToMany mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the name of the table of the target entity.
    • If the join is for a ManyToMany mapping or for a OneToOne or bidirectional ManyToOne/OneToMany mapping using a join table, the name of the join table.
    • If the join is for an element collection, the name of the collection table.
  • foreignKey : 用于表生成时指定外键约束

    (Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect. If this element is not specified, the persistence provider’s default foreign key strategy will apply.


参考: https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/JoinColumn.html



 * Specifies a single-valued association to another entity that has
 * one-to-one multiplicity. It is not normally necessary to specify
 * the associated target entity explicitly since it can usually be
 * inferred from the type of the object being referenced.  If the relationship is
 * bidirectional, the non-owning side must use the <code>mappedBy</code> element of
 * the <code>OneToOne</code> annotation to specify the relationship field or
 * property of the owning side.
 * <p> The <code>OneToOne</code> annotation may be used within an
 * embeddable class to specify a relationship from the embeddable
 * class to an entity class. If the relationship is bidirectional and
 * the entity containing the embeddable class is on the owning side of
 * the relationship, the non-owning side must use the
 * <code>mappedBy</code> element of the <code>OneToOne</code>
 * annotation to specify the relationship field or property of the
 * embeddable class. The dot (".") notation syntax must be used in the
 * <code>mappedBy</code> element to indicate the relationship attribute within the
 * embedded attribute.  The value of each identifier used with the dot
 * notation is the name of the respective embedded field or property.
 * <pre>
 *    Example 1: One-to-one association that maps a foreign key column
 *    // On Customer class:
 *    &#064;OneToOne(optional=false)
 *    &#064;JoinColumn(
 *    	name="CUSTREC_ID", unique=true, nullable=false, updatable=false)
 *    public CustomerRecord getCustomerRecord()  return customerRecord; 
 *    // On CustomerRecord class:
 *    &#064;OneToOne(optional=false, mappedBy="customerRecord")
 *    public Customer getCustomer()  return customer; 
 *    Example 2: One-to-one association that assumes both the source and target share the same primary key values. 
 *    // On Employee class:
 *    &#064;Entity
 *    public class Employee 
 *    	&#064;Id Integer id;
 *    	&#064;OneToOne &#064;MapsId
 *    	EmployeeInfo info;
 *    	...
 *    // On EmployeeInfo class:
 *    &#064;Entity
 *    public class EmployeeInfo 
 *    	&#064;Id Integer id;
 *    	...
 *    Example 3: One-to-one association from an embeddable class to another entity.
 *    &#064;Entity
 *    public class Employee 
 *       &#064;Id int id;
 *       &#064;Embedded LocationDetails location;
 *       ...
 *    &#064;Embeddable
 *    public class LocationDetails 
 *       int officeNumber;
 *       &#064;OneToOne ParkingSpot parkingSpot;
 *       ...
 *    &#064;Entity
 *    public class ParkingSpot 
 *       &#064;Id int id;
 *       String garage;
 *       &#064;OneToOne(mappedBy="location.parkingSpot") Employee assignedTo;
 *        ... 
 * </pre>
 * @since 1.0

public @interface OneToOne 

     * (Optional) The entity class that is the target of 
     * the association. 
     * <p> Defaults to the type of the field or property 
     * that stores the association. 
    Class targetEntity() default void.class;

     * (Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to 
     * the target of the association.
     * <p> By default no operations are cascaded.
    CascadeType[] cascade() default ;

     * (Optional) Whether the association should be lazily 
     * loaded or must be eagerly fetched. The EAGER 
     * strategy is a requirement on the persistence provider runtime that 
     * the associated entity must be eagerly fetched. The LAZY 
     * strategy is a hint to the persistence provider runtime.
    FetchType fetch() default EAGER;

     * (Optional) Whether the association is optional. If set 
     * to false then a non-null relationship must always exist.
    boolean optional() default true;

    /** (Optional) The field that owns the relationship. This 
      * element is only specified on the inverse (non-owning) 
      * side of the association.
    String mappedBy() default "";

     * (Optional) Whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have
     * been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to
     * those entities.
     * @since 2.0
    boolean orphanRemoval() default false;


  • targetEntity:指定关联目标的实体类,一般不使用,因为JPA可以通过使用了@OneToOne的字段引用类型推断出来。

    (Optional) The entity class that is the target of the association.
    Defaults to the type of the field or property that stores the association.

  • cascade:与关联实体的级联方式,默认没有任何级联操作默认值为:

    (Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association.
    By default no operations are cascaded.

  • fetch:关联实体的加载方式。是立即加载还是使用懒加载,默认为FetchType.EAGER立即加载

    (Optional) Whether the association should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched. The EAGER strategy is a requirement on the persistence provider runtime that the associated entity must be eagerly fetched. The LAZY strategy is a hint to the persistence provider runtime.

  • optional:是否允许为空,默认为true

    (Optional) Whether the association is optional. If set to false then a non-null relationship must always exist.

  • mappedBy:关联关系被谁维护,默认为""

    (Optional) The field that owns the relationship. This element is only specified on the inverse (non-owning) side of the association.

  • orphanRemoval: 是否级联删除,默认值为false

    (Optional) Whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities.



现在我们来从代码来看看,创建了一个一对一的关系,employee和employee info是一对一的关系。

@Table(name = "employee")
public class Employee 

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String name;

  private EmployeeInfo employeeInfo;

@Table(name = "employee_info")
public class EmployeeInfo 
  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String departmentName;


    create table employee (
       id bigint not null auto_increment,
        name varchar(255),
        employee_info_id bigint,
        primary key (id)
    ) engine=InnoDB
    create table employee_info (
       id bigint not null auto_increment,
        department_name varchar(255),
        primary key (id)
    ) engine=InnoDB
    alter table employee 
       add constraint FKmn4awjrpongc0bglj2co4ji1x 
       foreign key (employee_info_id) 
       references employee_info (id)

可以看出来,当我们在employee实体中加入@OneToOne关联employee info的时候,就会在employee表中加入一个column employee_info_id来关联employee_info 表。并且会生成外键约束。

前面说到了@JoinColumn不能单独使用,要跟其他关联注解一起使用。这个时候我们就可以通过@JoinColumn注解和@OneToOne来设置这些。前面说到了@JoinColumn注解的name属性是来设置外键列的名称的。在employee表中会有一个指向employee_info表主键的字段employee_info_id,所以主控方或者叫做owning side.(指能够主动改变关联关系的一方)一定是employee,因为只要改变employee表的employee_info_id就改变了employeeemployee_info之间的关联关系,所以@JoinColumn要写在员工实体类Employee上,自然而然地,EmployeeInfo就是被控方或者叫做non-owning side

@Table(name = "employee")
public class Employee 

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String name;

  @JoinColumn(name = "info_id") //加上 @JoinColumn指定外键列的字段名
  private EmployeeInfo employeeInfo;


    create table employee (
       id bigint not null auto_increment,
        name varchar(255),
        info_id bigint,
        primary key (id)
    ) engine=InnoDB
    create table employee_info (
       id bigint not null auto_increment,
        department_name varchar(255),
        primary key (id)
    ) engine=InnoDB
    alter table employee 
       add constraint FK8yw6mmam5rw2fphbh1g985guh 
       foreign key (info_id) 
       references employee_info (id)


@Table(name = "employee")
public class Employee 

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String name;

  @JoinColumn(name = "info_id",referencedColumnName = "employee_info_id",foreignKey = @ForeignKey(NO_CONSTRAINT))
  private EmployeeInfo employeeInfo;

@Table(name = "employee_info")
public class EmployeeInfo 

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String departmentName;

  @Column(name = "employee_info_id")
  private Long employeeInfoId;


    create table employee (
       id bigint not null auto_increment,
        name varchar(255),
        info_id bigint,
        primary key (id)
    ) engine=InnoDB
    create table employee_info (
       id bigint not null auto_increment,
        department_name varchar(255),
        employee_info_id bigint,
        primary key (id)
    ) engine=InnoDB
    alter table employee_info 
       add constraint UK_f9aet7061wab7k5b1s3wr1t8n unique (employee_info_id)


alter table employee 
       add constraint FK8yw6mmam5rw2fphbh1g985guh 
       foreign key (info_id) 
       references employee_info (employee_info_id)



@Table(name = "employee")
public class Employee 

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String name;

  @JoinColumn(name = "info_id")
  private EmployeeInfo employeeInfo;

@Table(name = "employee_info")
public class EmployeeInfo 

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String departmentName;


EmployeeInfo department = EmployeeInfo.builder()
        .departmentName("test department").build();
Employee employee = Employee.builder()
    .name("test employee")


org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing : org.example.entity.Employee.employeeInfo -> org.example.entity.EmployeeInfo; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing : org.example.entity.Employee.employeeInfo -> org.example.entity.EmployeeInfo

这个原因是因为级联保存没有开启。我们只需要加上@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)

@Table(name = "employee")
public class Employee 

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String name;

  @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
  @JoinColumn(name = "info_id")
  private EmployeeInfo employeeInfo;



Employee employee = employeeService.saveEmployee(); // 跟上面保存一样插入了两个表的数据
employee.setName("test employee 2");
employee.getEmployeeInfo().setDepartmentName("test department 2");


  @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.MERGE)
  @JoinColumn(name = "info_id")
  private EmployeeInfo employeeInfo;



Employee employee = employeeService.saveEmployee();


以上是关于你不会还搞不清楚Spring Data JPA的关联关系注解如何使用吧?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章





