
Posted yingcloud



  1. SystemOverview

Thisguide is intended to provide a high-level understanding of whatSiteWhere does and how it is implemented.

  1. 系统预览


    1. Whatis SiteWhere?

SiteWhereis an open source IoT platform. It provides a system that facilitatesthe ingestion, storage, processing, and integration of device data.SiteWhere provides the following functionality:

  1. SiteWhere是什么?


      1. IoTServer Platform IoT服务器平台

  • Suppliesa server based on proven technologies that acts as a controller forthe processing of device data. The server can be installed on alocal machine or run in the cloud and is built on technologies thatare designed to scale to billions of processed device events perday.

  • 提供一个基于成熟技术的服务器作为设备数据处理的控制器,服务器可以在本地主机上安装,或在云端运行,系统构建的技术可以设计、扩展到每天支持数亿计的设备事件处理规模。

  • Provideslong-term persistence of data sent from devices. Historical deviceevent data is valuable and SiteWhere offers a platform where data isnever deleted, no matter the volume of events.

  • 为设备数据提供长期的持久化保存,对于非常有价值的历史设备事件数据,SiteWhere提供了一个数据不会被删除的平台,无论数据事件的大小和规模。

  • Offersservice provider interfaces (SPIs) that provide a core object modelfor the platform and allow third parties to extend and customize thesystem to work with new technologies.

  • 提供了服务提供者接口(SPIs),为平台提供了一个核心的对象模型,允许第三方采用新的扩展、定制系统。

  • Deliversan advanced device communication system that allows control of thefull lifecycle of registering devices, sending commands based onhardware type, receiving data responses and aggregating them. Thesystem is based on a core set of interfaces that allow newcommunication protocols and encoding schemes to be added andconfigured easily.

  • 交付了一个先进的设备通信系统,允许对注册设备的完整生命周期进行控制,基于硬件类型发送指令,接收数据响应,汇聚数据。系统基于一套核心的接口,允许增加新的通信协议和编码方式,配置容易。

  • Providesan html5 administrative application that allows all of the systemdata to be viewed and manipulated in a way that makes it easy tounderstand the data. The admin app uses REST services provided bythe core platform to interact with the data. Third partyapplications can use the same REST services to interact withSiteWhere data without having to use the admin application.

  • 提供一个基于HTML5的系统管理应用,允许查看、操作所有的系统数据,理解数据变得容易。系统管理应用使用核心平台提供REST服务与数据交互,第三方应用可以不使用系统管理应用而是通过REST服务与SiteWhere进行数据交互。


  • Providesa complete device management model. Device specifications allowclasses of devices to be declared along with metadata that providesextended context for devices. Devices are created based onspecifications along with unique information such as a hardware idand device-specific metdata. Device assignments allow devices to beassociated with physical assets. Device groups allow many devices tobe targeted based on group relationships and metadata.

  • 提供一个完整的设备管理模型。设备规格允许申明设备类、元数据,为设备提供扩展的环境。设备基于设备规格创建,具有独一无二的信息,如硬件id,设备描述的元数据。设备关联允许设备与物理资产关联,设备组允许多个设备根据组关系和元数据组成一组。

  • Providesa model for standard types of data generated by devices. Events suchas value measurements, alert conditions, and location updates arestored in massively scalable time series datastores. Device commandinvocations and responses are tracked and correlated along withstate events such as device registrations and presence detection.All events are linked to based on the currently assigned asset forfine-grained tracking.

  • 为设备生成的数据提供一个标准类型模型。像测量值、位置更新存储在大规模可扩展时间序列数据存储中。设备命令的调用和响应与状态事件一起被跟踪和关联,如设备注册、状态探测。所有事件为了细颗粒度的跟踪与关联的资产连接。

  • Associatesdevices with external assets such as people or physical items. Forinstance, a badge may be associated with the person wearing it. Atracking device can be associated with the piece of heavy equipmentit is attached to. The asset information is offered via an assetmanagement framework that allows external systems to drive theinformation. For instance, the list of people that badges can beassigned to can come from an existing LDAP data store. SiteWheretracks the assignment of devices to assets over time and ties eventsto the assignment so at a later date you can query whatwere the locations of the badge when it was assigned to this person.

  • 把设备与外部资产联系,诸如与人或者物理项目联系。例如,徽章与佩戴的人联系。一个位置跟踪设备可能与安装它的重型设备联系。资产信息通过资产管理框架提供,允许外部系统驱动信息。例如,徽章可以关联的人名列表来自于已有的LDAP数据存储。SiteWhere一直跟踪设备与资产的关联,把事件与关联连接,因此在截止日期前你可以查询到徽章在哪里,关联到人。


  • Integrateswith third party integration frameworks such as MuleAnyPoint,allowing event data to trigger complex interactions such as addingdata to Salesforce or notifying alert conditions using text messagesgenerated by Twilio.

  • 集成了第三方的集成框架,如MuleAnyPoint,允许事件数据触发复杂的交互,如添加数据到Saleforce或者通知有Twilio产生的文本消息格式的告警条件。

  • Offersa Java client that can interact with most of the provided RESTservices. For external systems with existing Java code, interfacingwith SiteWhere is as simple as a few lines of code.

  • 提供Java客户端与大多数REST服务交互。对于外部已经存在的Java代码,与SiteWhere交互非常简单之需要几行代码。

  • Protectsinformation by limiting access to data based on a proven usermanagement system. The system can be configured to use externalsources of identity data such as LDAP data stores.

  • 基于成熟的用户管理系统对数据限制访问来保护信息,系统可以配置使用外部的认证数据如LDAP数据存储。

CorePlatform Technologies核心平台技术

Ratherthan reinventing the wheel, SiteWhere depends on many supporting opensource technologies to accomplish its goals. Most of the technologiesused have been tested for years in production environments and havebeen continuously upgraded thanks to many iterations of improvements.The following open source components are used by SiteWhere:


      1. ApacheTomcat 7

Tomcat providesthe core server in which SiteWhere runs. SiteWhere is deployed as aweb archive (WAR file) that runs when the Tomcat server is started.


      1. SpringFramework Sping框架

Spring deliversthe core configuration framework that bootstraps SiteWhere and allowsit to be configured and extended. Rather than using a hard-coded setof components, SiteWhere has a core set of service providerinterfaces and default implementations of the interfaces. By usingthe same interfaces in custom classes and plugging them in viaSpring, a third parties can extend SiteWhere without touching thecore code.


      1. SpringSecurity Spring安全机制

SpringSecurity providesthe core security infrastructure for SiteWhere. SiteWhere has its ownuser management interfaces, but also implements interfaces fromSpring Security, allowing it to use existing security components forauthenticating access to system resources. For instance, SpringSecurity annotations are used to control who can access the RESTservices.


      1. Hazelcast

Hazelcast isan in-memory data grid that allows for high performance dataprocessing across a cluster of servers. SiteWhere uses Hazelcast toprovide subscription-based access to events being processed. Anexternal entity can use the Hazelcast client to connect to a runningSiteWhere instance and listen to a feed of events including locationdata, measurements, alerts, and command invocations.


    1. DataStorage Technologies数据存储技术

SiteWheresupports storing data in many of the most scalable persistence storesavailable. The storage implementations are plugged in via serviceprovider interfaces so SiteWhere interacts with them in a consistentfashion. This allows new storage technologies to be added easily.


      1. MongoDB

MongoDB isa NoSQL database that can be used to store SiteWhere data. It is veryquick and easy to install, has great performance, and does notrequire the computing resources of Hbase.


      1. ApacheHBase

HBase isa distributed, non-relational data store that allows relativelyunlimited data storage with near linear scalability as new hardwareis added to the cluster. SiteWhere uses a customized HBase schema tostore device events as timeseries data thatis optimally distributed across a cluster, allowing fast access toevents based on the time they were gathered.


      1. InfluxDB

InfluxDB isa highly-scalable time series database that supports advancedclustering. SiteWhere can use a hybrid approach where devicemanagement data is stored in MongoDB while event data is stored inInfluxDB. With this approach, tools such as Grafana canbe used to visualize SiteWhere data.


    1. IntegrationTechnologies集成技术

Inaddition to the technologies used to implement core SiteWherefeatures, there are a number of complementary technologies thatenhance SiteWhere. These include:






