飞行机器人--- ZED2& YOLO &ROS第一视角目标检测

Posted Techblog of HaoWANG


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了飞行机器人--- ZED2& YOLO &ROS第一视角目标检测相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1. 编译安装ZED2 SDK

2. YOLO V3 for ROS

3. 配置系统参数





4. 测试及使用

1. 启动主节点YOLO ROS

2. 启动ZED2 Stereo Vision 节点

3. Topic list

4. 查看识别结果

1. 编译安装ZED2 SDK

  • ZED2 双目相机介绍

双目立体视觉(1)- ZED2双目相机介绍_Techblog of HaoWANG-CSDN博客_zed2相机ZED2 SDK 官方网站:https://www.stereolabs.com/developers/release/3.1/参考教程:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44401286/article/details/1092038901、ZED2功能介绍:2、 性能参数3、 ZED2 SDKhttps://haowang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/115395024

  • ZED2 SDK for Ubuntu Melodic 编译安装 

双目立体视觉(2)- ZED2 SDK配置 Ubuntu18.04 + ROS melodic_Techblog of HaoWANG-CSDN博客_ros zed2ZED2 SDK 官方网站:https://www.stereolabs.com/developers/release/3.1/1. 安装Ubuntu18.04+ROSmelodic请参考本人此文章安装ROS:一站式环境配置:Ubuntu18.04LTS +ROS+OpenCVhttps://haowang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/1104674492. 安装CUDA下载链接:https://developer.nvidia.com/cud...https://haowang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/115401380

process[zed2/zed2_state_publisher-1]: started with pid [21566]
process[zed2/zed_node-2]: started with pid [21567]
[ INFO] [1642149213.368943200]: Initializing nodelet with 6 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1642149213.384512349]: ********** Starting nodelet '/zed2/zed_node' **********
[ INFO] [1642149213.384560547]: SDK version : 3.6.1
[ INFO] [1642149213.384614151]: *** GENERAL PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.385310354]:  * Camera Name			-> zed2
[ INFO] [1642149213.386005520]:  * Camera Resolution		-> HD720
[ INFO] [1642149213.386716376]:  * Camera Grab Framerate	-> 60
[ INFO] [1642149213.387424880]:  * Gpu ID			-> -1
[ INFO] [1642149213.388100827]:  * Camera ID			-> -1
[ INFO] [1642149213.388856820]:  * Verbose			-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.390323213]:  * Camera Flip			-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.391695868]:  * Self calibration		-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.393167485]:  * Camera Model by param	-> zed2
[ INFO] [1642149213.393184894]: *** VIDEO PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.393914023]:  * Image resample factor	-> 1
[ INFO] [1642149213.394604162]:  * Extrinsic param. frame	-> X RIGHT - Y DOWN - Z FWD
[ INFO] [1642149213.394621286]: *** DEPTH PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.395363921]:  * Depth quality		-> QUALITY
[ INFO] [1642149213.396108953]:  * Depth Sensing mode		-> STANDARD
[ INFO] [1642149213.396767171]:  * OpenNI mode			-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.397515603]:  * Depth Stabilization		-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.398202246]:  * Minimum depth		-> 0.2 m
[ INFO] [1642149213.398970680]:  * Maximum depth		-> 20 m
[ INFO] [1642149213.399716636]:  * Depth resample factor	-> 1
[ INFO] [1642149213.399735849]: *** POSITIONAL TRACKING PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.400429563]:  * Path rate			-> 2 Hz
[ INFO] [1642149213.401184025]:  * Path history size		-> 1
[ INFO] [1642149213.402676496]:  * Odometry DB path		-> 
[ INFO] [1642149213.404083331]:  * Spatial Memory		-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.405562174]:  * IMU Fusion			-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.406940813]:  * Floor alignment		-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.408271614]:  * Init Odometry with first valid pose data -> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.409462084]:  * Two D mode			-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.410675923]: *** MAPPING PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.412013372]:  * Mapping			-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.412036511]: *** OBJECT DETECTION PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.413362603]:  * Object Detection		-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.413385257]: *** SENSORS PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.414104327]:  * Sensors timestamp sync	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.414127017]: *** SVO PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.415530879]:  * SVO input file: 		-> 
[ INFO] [1642149213.416286067]:  * SVO REC compression		-> H265 (HEVC)
[ INFO] [1642149213.417716127]: *** COORDINATE FRAMES ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.421844230]:  * map_frame			-> map
[ INFO] [1642149213.421869284]:  * odometry_frame		-> odom
[ INFO] [1642149213.421881695]:  * base_frame			-> base_link
[ INFO] [1642149213.421891977]:  * camera_frame			-> zed2_camera_center
[ INFO] [1642149213.421901554]:  * imu_link			-> zed2_imu_link
[ INFO] [1642149213.421917151]:  * left_camera_frame		-> zed2_left_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.421932146]:  * left_camera_optical_frame	-> zed2_left_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.421945406]:  * right_camera_frame		-> zed2_right_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.421955431]:  * right_camera_optical_frame	-> zed2_right_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.421980148]:  * depth_frame			-> zed2_left_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.421997938]:  * depth_optical_frame		-> zed2_left_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.422015521]:  * disparity_frame		-> zed2_left_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.422027133]:  * disparity_optical_frame	-> zed2_left_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.422037187]:  * confidence_frame		-> zed2_left_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.422049343]:  * confidence_optical_frame	-> zed2_left_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642149213.423609543]:  * Broadcast odometry TF	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.425332991]:  * Broadcast map pose TF	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.427023236]:  * Broadcast IMU pose TF	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.427104834]: *** DYNAMIC PARAMETERS (Init. values) ***
[ INFO] [1642149213.427964034]:  * [DYN] Depth confidence	-> 50
[ INFO] [1642149213.428883378]:  * [DYN] Depth texture conf.	-> 100
[ INFO] [1642149213.429845526]:  * [DYN] pub_frame_rate		-> 15 Hz
[ INFO] [1642149213.430821472]:  * [DYN] point_cloud_freq	-> 15 Hz
[ INFO] [1642149213.431756101]:  * [DYN] brightness		-> 4
[ INFO] [1642149213.432671814]:  * [DYN] contrast		-> 4
[ INFO] [1642149213.433581611]:  * [DYN] hue			-> 0
[ INFO] [1642149213.434449067]:  * [DYN] saturation		-> 4
[ INFO] [1642149213.435290984]:  * [DYN] sharpness		-> 4
[ INFO] [1642149213.436176381]:  * [DYN] gamma			-> 8
[ INFO] [1642149213.437045933]:  * [DYN] auto_exposure_gain	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.439522653]:  * [DYN] auto_whitebalance	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642149213.452096972]:  * Camera coordinate system	-> Right HANDED Z UP and X FORWARD
[ INFO] [1642149213.452319093]:  *** Opening ZED 2...
[ZED][Init] Depth mode: QUALITY
[ZED][Init][Info] Camera successfully opened.
[ZED][Init][Info] Camera FW version: 1523
[ZED][Init] Video mode: HD720@60
[ INFO] [1642149214.486814533]: ZED connection -> SUCCESS
[ INFO] [1642149216.487113907]:  ...  ZED ready
[ INFO] [1642149216.487182653]: ZED SDK running on GPU #0
[ INFO] [1642149216.497321863]: Camera-IMU Transform: 
0.999999 0.001390 -0.000203 -0.002000
-0.001390 0.999999 -0.000138 -0.023000
0.000203 0.000138 1.000000 0.000220
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

[ INFO] [1642149216.497401123]:  * CAMERA MODEL	 -> ZED 2
[ INFO] [1642149216.497458430]:  * Serial Number -> 27871166
[ INFO] [1642149216.497517485]:  * Camera FW Version -> 1523
[ INFO] [1642149216.497566906]:  * Sensors FW Version -> 776
[ INFO] [1642149216.664035161]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb/image_rect_color
[ INFO] [1642149216.664160171]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.689862856]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/image_raw_color
[ INFO] [1642149216.690750078]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.712094698]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left/image_rect_color
[ INFO] [1642149216.712123250]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.735768592]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_raw/image_raw_color
[ INFO] [1642149216.735815945]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.758797605]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right/image_rect_color
[ INFO] [1642149216.758827654]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.775849899]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right_raw/image_raw_color
[ INFO] [1642149216.775887200]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.792746670]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb/image_rect_gray
[ INFO] [1642149216.792777650]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.812400990]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/image_raw_gray
[ INFO] [1642149216.812438134]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.830344011]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left/image_rect_gray
[ INFO] [1642149216.830402822]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.849373769]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_raw/image_raw_gray
[ INFO] [1642149216.849458039]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.871854075]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right/image_rect_gray
[ INFO] [1642149216.871970921]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.899936842]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right_raw/image_raw_gray
[ INFO] [1642149216.900060430]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.925388957]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/depth/depth_registered
[ INFO] [1642149216.925447338]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/depth/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642149216.949420569]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/stereo/image_rect_color
[ INFO] [1642149216.973054880]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/stereo_raw/image_raw_color
[ INFO] [1642149216.974020526]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/confidence/confidence_map
[ INFO] [1642149216.974726124]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/disparity/disparity_image
[ INFO] [1642149216.975438999]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/point_cloud/cloud_registered
[ INFO] [1642149216.976218455]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/pose
[ INFO] [1642149216.976965776]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/pose_with_covariance
[ INFO] [1642149216.977849947]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/odom
[ INFO] [1642149216.978511182]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/path_odom
[ INFO] [1642149216.979253776]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/path_map
[ INFO] [1642149216.980180350]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/imu/data
[ INFO] [1642149216.980878202]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/imu/data_raw
[ INFO] [1642149216.981620620]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/imu/mag
[ INFO] [1642149216.982222664]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/temperature/imu
[ INFO] [1642149216.982927092]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/atm_press
[ INFO] [1642149216.983521720]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/temperature/left
[ INFO] [1642149216.984222182]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/temperature/right
[ INFO] [1642149216.984930142]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_cam_imu_transform [LATCHED]
[ZED][Grab] Detected Connection Failure. Trying to recover the camera with sn 27871166 ...
...[INFO] Camera module reset
.MCU reset sent.......
[ZED][Grab] Automatically recover from image capture failure -> SUCCESS
[ZED][Grab] Detected Connection Failure. Trying to recover the camera with sn 27871166 ...
...[INFO] Camera module reset
.MCU reset sent.......
[ZED][Grab] Automatically recover from image capture failure -> SUCCESS
[ZED][Grab] Detected Connection Failure. Trying to recover the camera with sn 27871166 ...
...[INFO] Camera module reset
.MCU reset sent.......
[ZED][Grab] Automatically recover from image capture failure -> SUCCESS
[ZED][Grab] Detected Connection Failure. Trying to recover the camera with sn 27871166 ...
...[INFO] Camera module reset
.MCU reset sent.......
[ZED][Grab] Automatically recover from image capture failure -> SUCCESS
[ZED][Grab] Detected Connection Failure. Trying to recover the camera with sn 27871166 ...
...[INFO] Camera module reset

2. YOLO V3 for ROS



或者ubuntu melodic分支 https://github.com/leggedrobotics/darknet_ros/tree/melodic

 1. git clone源码

In order to install darknet_ros, clone the latest version using SSH (see how to set up an SSH key) from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using ROS.

cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone --recursive git@github.com:leggedrobotics/darknet_ros.git
cd ../

2. 编译安装

  To maximize performance, make sure to build in Release mode. You can specify the build type by setting

catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

or using the Catkin Command Line Tools

catkin build darknet_ros -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Darknet on the CPU is fast (approximately 1.5 seconds on an Intel Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz × 8) but it's like 500 times faster on GPU! You'll have to have an Nvidia GPU and you'll have to install CUDA. The CMakeLists.txt file automatically detects if you have CUDA installed or not. CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by Nvidia. If you do not have CUDA on your System the build process will switch to the CPU version of YOLO. If you are compiling with CUDA, you might receive the following build error:

nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_61'.

This means that you need to check the compute capability (version) of your GPU. You can find a list of supported GPUs in CUDA here: CUDA - WIKIPEDIA. Simply find the compute capability of your GPU and add it into darknet_ros/CMakeLists.txt. Simply add a similar line like

-O3 -gencode arch=compute_62,code=sm_62


  • Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_30'


CMakeLists.txt文件注释掉  compute_30所在行即可

  • 编译出错darknetXXX,需要执行

git clone --recursive git@github.com:leggedrobotics/darknet_ros.git 

需要 --recursive 完整克隆该项目和darknet 项目,重新编译即可。

3. 下载weights模型文件

he yolo-voc.weights and tiny-yolo-voc.weights are downloaded automatically in the CMakeLists.txt file. If you need to download them again, go into the weights folder and download the two pre-trained weights from the COCO data set:

cd catkin_workspace/src/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/yolo_network_config/weights/
wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2.weights
wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-tiny.weights

And weights from the VOC data set can be found here:

wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-voc.weights
wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-tiny-voc.weights

And the pre-trained weight from YOLO v3 can be found here:

wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3-tiny.weights
wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights

3. 配置系统参数

  • 配置config


    is_debug:   false
    image_fps:  60


    topic: /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/image_raw_color
    queue_size: 1


    name: /darknet_ros/check_for_objects


    topic: /darknet_ros/found_object
    queue_size: 1
    latch: false

    topic: /darknet_ros/bounding_boxes
    queue_size: 5
    latch: false

    topic: /darknet_ros/detection_image
    queue_size: 1
    latch: false


  enable_opencv: false
  wait_key_delay: 1
  enable_console_output: false



    name: yolov3.cfg
    name: yolov3.weights
    value: 0.3
      - person
      - bicycle
      - car
      - motorbike
      - aeroplane
      - bus
      - truck
      - boat
      - traffic light
      - bird
      - cat
      - dog
      - horse
  • 下载weights

cd catkin_workspace/src/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/yolo_network_config/weights/

COCO data set (Yolo v2):
  wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2.weights
  wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-tiny.weights

VOC data set (Yolo v2):
  wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-voc.weights
  wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-tiny-voc.weights

Yolo v3:
  wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
  wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3-voc.weights 

v3-voc 下载出错无法使用

  • 配置launch


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <!-- Console launch prefix -->
  <arg name="launch_prefix" default=""/>
  <arg name="image" default="/zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/image_raw_color" />

  <!-- Config and weights folder. -->
  <arg name="yolo_weights_path"          default="$(find darknet_ros)/yolo_network_config/weights"/>
  <arg name="yolo_config_path"           default="$(find darknet_ros)/yolo_network_config/cfg"/>

  <!-- ROS and network parameter files -->
  <arg name="ros_param_file"             default="$(find darknet_ros)/config/ros.yaml"/>
  <!-- Load YOLO network mode parameter files -->
  <arg name="network_param_file"         default="$(find darknet_ros)/config/yolov3_test.yaml"/>
  <!--arg name="network_param_file"         default="$(find darknet_ros)/config/yolov3.yaml"-->

  <!-- Load parameters -->
  <rosparam command="load" ns="darknet_ros" file="$(arg ros_param_file)"/>
  <rosparam command="load" ns="darknet_ros" file="$(arg network_param_file)"/>

  <!-- Start darknet and ros wrapper -->
  <node pkg="darknet_ros" type="darknet_ros" name="darknet_ros" output="screen" launch-prefix="$(arg launch_prefix)">
    <param name="weights_path"          value="$(arg yolo_weights_path)" />
    <param name="config_path"           value="$(arg yolo_config_path)" />
    <remap from="camera/rgb/image_raw"  to="$(arg image)" />

 <!--<node name="republish" type="republish" pkg="image_transport" output="screen" 	args="compressed in:=/front_camera/image_raw raw out:=/camera/image_raw" /> -->
  • 配置主从节点

# CUDA toolkits lib.bin.home path
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.2/lib64
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.2/bin
export CUDA_HOME=$CUDA_HOME:/usr/local/cuda-11.2/

export ROS_HOSTNAME=client.local
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://client.local:11311

具体配置过程请参考ROS系列文章ROS从入门到精通系列(十五)-- 异构多版本ROS之间的多机通信问题_Techblog of HaoWANG-CSDN博客https://haowang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/115564181

4. 测试及使用

1. 启动主节点YOLO ROS

roslaunch darknet_ros darknet_ros.launch 
... logging to /home/haowang/.ros/log/04d19790-776f-11ec-9b47-1831bf95775e/roslaunch-client-31665.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://client.local:38575/


 * /darknet_ros/actions/camera_reading/name: /darknet_ros/chec...
 * /darknet_ros/config_path: /home/haowang/ros...
 * /darknet_ros/general/image_fps: 60
 * /darknet_ros/general/is_debug: False
 * /darknet_ros/image_view/enable_console_output: False
 * /darknet_ros/image_view/enable_opencv: False
 * /darknet_ros/image_view/wait_key_delay: 1
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/bounding_boxes/latch: False
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/bounding_boxes/queue_size: 5
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/bounding_boxes/topic: /darknet_ros/boun...
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/detection_image/latch: False
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/detection_image/queue_size: 1
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/detection_image/topic: /darknet_ros/dete...
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/object_detector/latch: False
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/object_detector/queue_size: 1
 * /darknet_ros/publishers/object_detector/topic: /darknet_ros/foun...
 * /darknet_ros/subscribers/camera_reading/queue_size: 1
 * /darknet_ros/subscribers/camera_reading/topic: /zed2/zed_node/rg...
 * /darknet_ros/weights_path: /home/haowang/ros...
 * /darknet_ros/yolo_model/config_file/name: yolov3.cfg
 * /darknet_ros/yolo_model/detection_classes/names: ['person', 'bicyc...
 * /darknet_ros/yolo_model/threshold/value: 0.3
 * /darknet_ros/yolo_model/weight_file/name: yolov3.weights
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.12

    darknet_ros (darknet_ros/darknet_ros)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [31675]

setting /run_id to 04d19790-776f-11ec-9b47-1831bf95775e
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [31686]
started core service [/rosout]
process[darknet_ros-2]: started with pid [31693]
[ INFO] [1642407925.708656046]: [YoloObjectDetector] Node started.
[ INFO] [1642407925.711519020]: [YoloObjectDetector] Xserver is running.
[ INFO] [1642407925.711921001]: [YoloObjectDetector] init().
[ INFO] [1642407925.745535802]: YOLO Paramters Loading:

layer     filters    size              input                output
    0 conv     32  3 x 3 / 1   416 x 416 x   3   ->   416 x 416 x  32  0.299 BFLOPs
    1 conv     64  3 x 3 / 2   416 x 416 x  32   ->   208 x 208 x  64  1.595 BFLOPs
    2 conv     32  1 x 1 / 1   208 x 208 x  64   ->   208 x 208 x  32  0.177 BFLOPs
    3 conv     64  3 x 3 / 1   208 x 208 x  32   ->   208 x 208 x  64  1.595 BFLOPs
    4 res    1                 208 x 208 x  64   ->   208 x 208 x  64
    5 conv    128  3 x 3 / 2   208 x 208 x  64   ->   104 x 104 x 128  1.595 BFLOPs
    6 conv     64  1 x 1 / 1   104 x 104 x 128   ->   104 x 104 x  64  0.177 BFLOPs
    7 conv    128  3 x 3 / 1   104 x 104 x  64   ->   104 x 104 x 128  1.595 BFLOPs
    8 res    5                 104 x 104 x 128   ->   104 x 104 x 128
    9 conv     64  1 x 1 / 1   104 x 104 x 128   ->   104 x 104 x  64  0.177 BFLOPs
   10 conv    128  3 x 3 / 1   104 x 104 x  64   ->   104 x 104 x 128  1.595 BFLOPs
   11 res    8                 104 x 104 x 128   ->   104 x 104 x 128
   12 conv    256  3 x 3 / 2   104 x 104 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   13 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
   14 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   15 res   12                  52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 256
   16 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
   17 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   18 res   15                  52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 256
   19 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
   20 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   21 res   18                  52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 256
   22 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
   23 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   24 res   21                  52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 256
   25 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
   26 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   27 res   24                  52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 256
   28 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
   29 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   30 res   27                  52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 256
   31 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
   32 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   33 res   30                  52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 256
   34 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
   35 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
   36 res   33                  52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 256
   37 conv    512  3 x 3 / 2    52 x  52 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   38 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   39 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   40 res   37                  26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 512
   41 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   42 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   43 res   40                  26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 512
   44 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   45 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   46 res   43                  26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 512
   47 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   48 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   49 res   46                  26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 512
   50 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   51 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   52 res   49                  26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 512
   53 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   54 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   55 res   52                  26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 512
   56 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   57 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   58 res   55                  26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 512
   59 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   60 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   61 res   58                  26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 512
   62 conv   1024  3 x 3 / 2    26 x  26 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x1024  1.595 BFLOPs
   63 conv    512  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x 512  0.177 BFLOPs
   64 conv   1024  3 x 3 / 1    13 x  13 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x1024  1.595 BFLOPs
   65 res   62                  13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x1024
   66 conv    512  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x 512  0.177 BFLOPs
   67 conv   1024  3 x 3 / 1    13 x  13 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x1024  1.595 BFLOPs
   68 res   65                  13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x1024
   69 conv    512  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x 512  0.177 BFLOPs
   70 conv   1024  3 x 3 / 1    13 x  13 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x1024  1.595 BFLOPs
   71 res   68                  13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x1024
   72 conv    512  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x 512  0.177 BFLOPs
   73 conv   1024  3 x 3 / 1    13 x  13 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x1024  1.595 BFLOPs
   74 res   71                  13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x1024
   75 conv    512  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x 512  0.177 BFLOPs
   76 conv   1024  3 x 3 / 1    13 x  13 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x1024  1.595 BFLOPs
   77 conv    512  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x 512  0.177 BFLOPs
   78 conv   1024  3 x 3 / 1    13 x  13 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x1024  1.595 BFLOPs
   79 conv    512  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x 512  0.177 BFLOPs
   80 conv   1024  3 x 3 / 1    13 x  13 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x1024  1.595 BFLOPs
   81 conv    255  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x1024   ->    13 x  13 x 255  0.088 BFLOPs
   82 yolo
   83 route  79
   84 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    13 x  13 x 512   ->    13 x  13 x 256  0.044 BFLOPs
   85 upsample            2x    13 x  13 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 256
   86 route  85 61
   87 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 768   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.266 BFLOPs
   88 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   89 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   90 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   91 conv    256  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 256  0.177 BFLOPs
   92 conv    512  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 512  1.595 BFLOPs
   93 conv    255  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 512   ->    26 x  26 x 255  0.177 BFLOPs
   94 yolo
   95 route  91
   96 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 128  0.044 BFLOPs
   97 upsample            2x    26 x  26 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 128
   98 route  97 36
   99 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 384   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.266 BFLOPs
  100 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
  101 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
  102 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
  103 conv    128  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 128  0.177 BFLOPs
  104 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    52 x  52 x 128   ->    52 x  52 x 256  1.595 BFLOPs
  105 conv    255  1 x 1 / 1    52 x  52 x 256   ->    52 x  52 x 255  0.353 BFLOPs
  106 yolo
Loading weights from /home/haowang/ros_yolo/src/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/yolo_network_config/weights/yolov3.weights...Done!
[ INFO] [1642407928.956632992]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407930.956843390]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407932.957070264]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407934.957334925]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407936.957608367]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407938.957889356]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407940.958177570]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407942.958453255]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407944.958727382]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

[ INFO] [1642407946.959001860]: -------Waiting for image from ZED2 Stereo Camera!!!.-------

2. 启动ZED2 Stereo Vision 节点

roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch 
... logging to /home/haowang/.ros/log/04d19790-776f-11ec-9b47-1831bf95775e/roslaunch-haowang-codingspace-28103.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://haowang-codingspace.local:42127/


 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.10
 * /zed2/zed2_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /zed2/zed_node/auto_exposure_gain: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/auto_whitebalance: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/brightness: 4
 * /zed2/zed_node/contrast: 4
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth/depth_downsample_factor: 1.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth/depth_stabilization: 1
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth/max_depth: 20.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth/min_depth: 0.2
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth/openni_depth_mode: False
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth/quality: 2
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth/sensing_mode: 0
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth_confidence: 50
 * /zed2/zed_node/depth_texture_conf: 100
 * /zed2/zed_node/exposure: 100
 * /zed2/zed_node/gain: 100
 * /zed2/zed_node/gamma: 8
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/base_frame: base_link
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/camera_flip: False
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/camera_model: zed2
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/camera_name: zed2
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/gpu_id: -1
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/grab_frame_rate: 60
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/resolution: 1
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/self_calib: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/serial_number: 0
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/svo_compression: 2
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/verbose: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/general/zed_id: 0
 * /zed2/zed_node/hue: 0
 * /zed2/zed_node/mapping/fused_pointcloud_freq: 1.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/mapping/mapping_enabled: False
 * /zed2/zed_node/mapping/max_mapping_range: -1
 * /zed2/zed_node/mapping/resolution: 0.05
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/body_fitting: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/confidence_threshold: 50
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/max_range: 10.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/mc_animal: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/mc_bag: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/mc_electronics: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/mc_fruit_vegetable: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/mc_people: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/mc_vehicle: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/model: 1
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/object_tracking_enabled: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/object_detection/od_enabled: False
 * /zed2/zed_node/point_cloud_freq: 15.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/area_memory: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/area_memory_db_path: 
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/fixed_z_value: 0.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/floor_alignment: False
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/imu_fusion: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/init_odom_with_first_valid_pose: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/initial_base_pose: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0...
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/map_frame: map
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/odometry_frame: odom
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/path_max_count: -1
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/path_pub_rate: 2.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/publish_map_tf: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/publish_tf: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/pos_tracking/two_d_mode: False
 * /zed2/zed_node/pub_frame_rate: 15.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/saturation: 4
 * /zed2/zed_node/sensors/publish_imu_tf: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/sensors/sensors_timestamp_sync: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/sharpness: 4
 * /zed2/zed_node/stream: 
 * /zed2/zed_node/svo_file: 
 * /zed2/zed_node/video/extrinsic_in_camera_frame: True
 * /zed2/zed_node/video/img_downsample_factor: 1.0
 * /zed2/zed_node/whitebalance_temperature: 42

    zed2_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
    zed_node (zed_wrapper/zed_wrapper_node)


process[zed2/zed2_state_publisher-1]: started with pid [28115]
process[zed2/zed_node-2]: started with pid [28116]
[ INFO] [1642408025.399845440]: Initializing nodelet with 6 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1642408025.422267286]: ********** Starting nodelet '/zed2/zed_node' **********
[ INFO] [1642408025.422327448]: SDK version : 3.6.1
[ INFO] [1642408025.422363595]: *** GENERAL PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.423288932]:  * Camera Name			-> zed2
[ INFO] [1642408025.424275704]:  * Camera Resolution		-> HD1080
[ WARN] [1642408025.425278402]: Wrong FrameRate (60) for the resolution HD1080. Set to 30 FPS.
[ INFO] [1642408025.425303556]:  * Camera Grab Framerate	-> 30
[ INFO] [1642408025.426177953]:  * Gpu ID			-> -1
[ INFO] [1642408025.427005879]:  * Camera ID			-> -1
[ INFO] [1642408025.427843469]:  * Verbose			-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.429736615]:  * Camera Flip			-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.431730059]:  * Self calibration		-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.433672255]:  * Camera Model by param	-> zed2
[ INFO] [1642408025.433759671]: *** VIDEO PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.434838987]:  * Image resample factor	-> 1
[ INFO] [1642408025.436057454]:  * Extrinsic param. frame	-> X RIGHT - Y DOWN - Z FWD
[ INFO] [1642408025.436141213]: *** DEPTH PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.437383594]:  * Depth quality		-> QUALITY
[ INFO] [1642408025.438547080]:  * Depth Sensing mode		-> STANDARD
[ INFO] [1642408025.439731887]:  * OpenNI mode			-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.440940007]:  * Depth Stabilization		-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.442152698]:  * Minimum depth		-> 0.2 m
[ INFO] [1642408025.443379562]:  * Maximum depth		-> 20 m
[ INFO] [1642408025.444616969]:  * Depth resample factor	-> 1
[ INFO] [1642408025.444700718]: *** POSITIONAL TRACKING PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.445916370]:  * Path rate			-> 2 Hz
[ INFO] [1642408025.447151181]:  * Path history size		-> 1
[ INFO] [1642408025.449568291]:  * Odometry DB path		-> 
[ INFO] [1642408025.451885226]:  * Spatial Memory		-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.454200994]:  * IMU Fusion			-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.456781711]:  * Floor alignment		-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.459145578]:  * Init Odometry with first valid pose data -> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.461469916]:  * Two D mode			-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.463830145]: *** MAPPING PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.466178072]:  * Mapping			-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.466268145]: *** OBJECT DETECTION PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.468446041]:  * Object Detection		-> DISABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.468531911]: *** SENSORS PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.469734198]:  * Sensors timestamp sync	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.469876845]: *** SVO PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.472118177]:  * SVO input file: 		-> 
[ INFO] [1642408025.473269878]:  * SVO REC compression		-> H265 (HEVC)
[ INFO] [1642408025.475582927]: *** COORDINATE FRAMES ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.483561896]:  * map_frame			-> map
[ INFO] [1642408025.483638792]:  * odometry_frame		-> odom
[ INFO] [1642408025.483682849]:  * base_frame			-> base_link
[ INFO] [1642408025.483722161]:  * camera_frame			-> zed2_camera_center
[ INFO] [1642408025.483776249]:  * imu_link			-> zed2_imu_link
[ INFO] [1642408025.483840027]:  * left_camera_frame		-> zed2_left_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.483878055]:  * left_camera_optical_frame	-> zed2_left_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.483913053]:  * right_camera_frame		-> zed2_right_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.483963049]:  * right_camera_optical_frame	-> zed2_right_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.484005989]:  * depth_frame			-> zed2_left_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.484043279]:  * depth_optical_frame		-> zed2_left_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.484079685]:  * disparity_frame		-> zed2_left_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.484124033]:  * disparity_optical_frame	-> zed2_left_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.484166834]:  * confidence_frame		-> zed2_left_camera_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.484201334]:  * confidence_optical_frame	-> zed2_left_camera_optical_frame
[ INFO] [1642408025.486398158]:  * Broadcast odometry TF	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.488692236]:  * Broadcast map pose TF	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.490610845]:  * Broadcast IMU pose TF	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.490694880]: *** DYNAMIC PARAMETERS (Init. values) ***
[ INFO] [1642408025.491635163]:  * [DYN] Depth confidence	-> 50
[ INFO] [1642408025.492665706]:  * [DYN] Depth texture conf.	-> 100
[ INFO] [1642408025.493635127]:  * [DYN] pub_frame_rate		-> 15 Hz
[ INFO] [1642408025.494585331]:  * [DYN] point_cloud_freq	-> 15 Hz
[ INFO] [1642408025.495369518]:  * [DYN] brightness		-> 4
[ INFO] [1642408025.496205936]:  * [DYN] contrast		-> 4
[ INFO] [1642408025.497047785]:  * [DYN] hue			-> 0
[ INFO] [1642408025.497878577]:  * [DYN] saturation		-> 4
[ INFO] [1642408025.498689662]:  * [DYN] sharpness		-> 4
[ INFO] [1642408025.499498820]:  * [DYN] gamma			-> 8
[ INFO] [1642408025.500326833]:  * [DYN] auto_exposure_gain	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.502477835]:  * [DYN] auto_whitebalance	-> ENABLED
[ INFO] [1642408025.518537331]:  * Camera coordinate system	-> Right HANDED Z UP and X FORWARD
[ INFO] [1642408025.518588252]:  *** Opening ZED 2...
[ZED][Init] Depth mode: QUALITY
[ZED][Init][Info] Camera successfully opened.
[ZED][Init][Info] Camera FW version: 1523
[ZED][Init] Video mode: HD1080@30
[ INFO] [1642408026.645913987]: ZED connection -> SUCCESS
[ INFO] [1642408028.646148497]:  ...  ZED ready
[ INFO] [1642408028.646213438]: ZED SDK running on GPU #0
[ INFO] [1642408028.656629645]: Camera-IMU Transform: 
0.999999 0.001390 -0.000203 -0.002000
-0.001390 0.999999 -0.000138 -0.023000
0.000203 0.000138 1.000000 0.000220
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

[ INFO] [1642408028.656666430]:  * CAMERA MODEL	 -> ZED 2
[ INFO] [1642408028.656694025]:  * Serial Number -> 27871166
[ INFO] [1642408028.656716786]:  * Camera FW Version -> 1523
[ INFO] [1642408028.656741142]:  * Sensors FW Version -> 776
[ INFO] [1642408028.846837999]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb/image_rect_color
[ INFO] [1642408028.846882228]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408028.870273275]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/image_raw_color
[ INFO] [1642408028.870303949]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408028.888646818]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left/image_rect_color
[ INFO] [1642408028.888672364]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408028.908416892]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_raw/image_raw_color
[ INFO] [1642408028.908447889]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408028.926166239]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right/image_rect_color
[ INFO] [1642408028.926195337]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408028.946693004]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right_raw/image_raw_color
[ INFO] [1642408028.946728038]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408028.963212944]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb/image_rect_gray
[ INFO] [1642408028.963241909]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408028.978297491]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/image_raw_gray
[ INFO] [1642408028.978336841]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408029.002711006]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left/image_rect_gray
[ INFO] [1642408029.002775663]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408029.035291443]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_raw/image_raw_gray
[ INFO] [1642408029.035448071]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408029.063976283]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right/image_rect_gray
[ INFO] [1642408029.064030387]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408029.093318985]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right_raw/image_raw_gray
[ INFO] [1642408029.093363890]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/right_raw/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408029.121704529]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/depth/depth_registered
[ INFO] [1642408029.121762887]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/depth/camera_info
[ INFO] [1642408029.149151538]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/stereo/image_rect_color
[ INFO] [1642408029.180354179]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/stereo_raw/image_raw_color
[ INFO] [1642408029.181378660]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/confidence/confidence_map
[ INFO] [1642408029.182372924]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/disparity/disparity_image
[ INFO] [1642408029.183270146]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/point_cloud/cloud_registered
[ INFO] [1642408029.184234924]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/pose
[ INFO] [1642408029.185424002]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/pose_with_covariance
[ INFO] [1642408029.186659760]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/odom
[ INFO] [1642408029.187682368]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/path_odom
[ INFO] [1642408029.188663773]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/path_map
[ INFO] [1642408029.189737113]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/imu/data
[ INFO] [1642408029.191144283]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/imu/data_raw
[ INFO] [1642408029.192096805]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/imu/mag
[ INFO] [1642408029.193292445]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/temperature/imu
[ INFO] [1642408029.194552760]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/atm_press
[ INFO] [1642408029.195651895]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/temperature/left
[ INFO] [1642408029.196559825]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/temperature/right
[ INFO] [1642408029.197519504]: Advertised on topic /zed2/zed_node/left_cam_imu_transform [LATCHED]

3. Topic list


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以上是关于飞行机器人--- ZED2& YOLO &ROS第一视角目标检测的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章





双目立体视觉- ZED2 ROS 双目视觉开发理论与实践 2

双目立体视觉- ZED2 ROS 双目视觉开发理论与实践 2