
Posted 胜天半月子




一、First Day

  • 例句
  1. It has been -a crazy year for you .Like,you’re travelling all the time.(这一年对你来说是疯狂的一年,比如说,你一直在旅行)
  2. So "“50 Shades -of Grey” comes-out,are people weird-around you because -of that role? Sometimes .Yeah(50度灰出现以后,你周围的人会因为这个角色变得奇怪吗? 有时候会,是的)
  3. Like,do people think that you’re that girl? Well,sometimes people just say things taht-are a little bit awkward for me.(比如,人们会认为你就是那个女孩吗?呃,有时候人们只是会说一些对自己来说尴尬的事情)

  • 单词解读

    weird out :使感到纳闷、不安

    awkward:adj. 令人尴尬的;使人难堪的;难对付的;难处理的;拘谨的、不自然的

二、Second Day

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  1. You know what makes me so happy is that I would watch-it-on channel 33 at 10:30 every night - on channel 33 at 10:30 every night -on Thursday with my mom.
  2. And I cried when the whole season was-over.But what made me so happy is like,now like ,people my-age-and-everyone-else -is just -obsessed.(当整季结束的时候我哭了,但是令我开心的是,现在向我这样年龄的人和其他所有人都很痴迷)
  3. And- it just makes me so happy like for you and for the show.Because it’s -iconic .(这让我为你和这个节目感到高兴,因为这是标志性的)

  • 单词解读

    seasoning: n. 调味品;作料

    iconic:adj. 符号的;图标的;图符的;偶像的

三、 Third Day

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  1. What does lucy haley do? Well, I ask myself that-every day.
  2. Lucy Haley is an actor,a singer,fellow human,I’ve been acting,oh gosh, supporting myself since-I was 15,but kinda my whole life.It‘s kind-of-all -I know.(…哦,天啊,从我15岁开始供养自己,有点像自己的全部生活)
  3. All right,when -is Lucy Haley’s birthday? Lucy Haley’s birthday is June 14,1989,ripe-old-age-of 30.(… Lucy Haley的生日是1989年6月14日,30岁的高龄了)

  • 单词解读
    ask around :到处打听;四处打听;四处询问

    Mom than I am anxious, ask around the enemy to collect data.
    fellow human:同类
    kinda :na. 〈口〉同“kind of”
    网络 有一点;有点;有点儿

ripe old age :高龄;一大把年岁了;年久的

At the ripe old age of 13, I was very clear that love, like life, is all about making choices, and fate has nothing to do with it.

四、 Fourth Day

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  1. How were your 20s? Did you love your 20s?(你20岁的时候是什么样子的?你喜欢你20岁的时候吗?)
  2. Um…Yeah.No,I mean,I liked -a lot.Obviously-it was,like,very special. Some great things happend.
  3. But it’s such a weird decade,internally.Like, I found-it really challenging,emotionally.(我发现这是一个很奇怪的十年,本质上来讲,比如,我发现在情感上有很大的挑战)

  • 单词解读
    on special: 特价

    internally:adv. 内部的;体内的,本质上

五、 Fifth Day

  • 例句
  1. I was going to say,every two seconds of the video ,something totally different ,visually awesome,amazing ,well-directed.(我本来想说这段视频每隔两秒会有不同的东西,视觉上很棒、很赞、导演很棒)
  2. But then,uh,you…I hear Modonna …is the voice of God.And I go,“How did ~you get Madonna to do that?” Um, I …um, I texted her.(但是,后来,麦当娜饰演了上帝的声音,我想你是怎么让麦当娜这么做的?嗯,我给她发了短信)
  3. She’s been on the show,and she would never even remotely offer any communications at all to me.(她也上过节目,她根本不会和我有任何交流)
  4. She tells me to stay away but you can just text and go,“Hey,I’m doing this video.”(她让我离我远一点,但是你可以发信息说:嘿,我正在做这个视频)

  • 单词解读
    awesome:adj. 令人惊叹的;使人惊惧的;很困难的;难得吓人的
    find your voice:倾听自己的声音;找到自己的声音;表达你的想法

    text: n. 文本;教科书;文档;剧本v. (用手机给某人)发短信
    I’m afraid we’re not remotely interested in your proposal.




每日英语--Week 1


