



我在<g transform = "rotate(45, 10, 30)">中使用svg同时围绕一个点旋转som圆和文本,但是,我想保持每个单独字体的方向相同(例如,在文本移动/旋转时始终面向一个方向)。





而不是旋转<g>roup和反转其中的文本,尝试这种替代分组。以<g>origin(0,0)为负值在x=周围的y=中心,并在rotate(degree, 0, 0)上使用circle_group,然后在translate(x,y)上使用main_group


<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>javascript SVG Animation</title>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/> <!-- Remove this line in production. -->

<svg width="800px" height="800px" viewBox="0 0 800 800">
<g transform="translate(400, 400)"> <!-- Create a Cartesian coordinate system (with the y-axis flipped) for the animated square. That is, place the origin at the center of the 800 x 800 SVG viewport: -->

    <!-- A 200 x 200 square with the upper left-hand corner at (-100, -100). This places the center of the square 
    at the origin (0, 0): -->  
    <rect id="mySquare" x="-100" y="-100" width="200" height="200" rx="5" ry="5" 
        style=" fill: yellow; stroke: yellow; stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: 10, 5;" />

    <!-- Represents the x-axis: -->
    <line x1="-400" y1="0" x2="400" y2="0" style="stroke: blue;" /> 

    <!-- Represents the y-axis (although up is negative and down is positive): -->  
    <line x1="0" y1="-400" x2="0" y2="400" style="stroke: blue;" /> 
    <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="141" fill="none" stroke="yellow"/>           
    <g id="circle_a">
      <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="none" stroke="blue"/>
      <text x="-5" y="5" width="20" height="20">A</text>
    <g id="circle_b">
       <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="none" stroke="red"/>
        <text x="-5" y="5" width="20" height="20">B</text>

"use strict";

var initialTheta = 0; // The initial rotation angle, in degrees.
var thetaDelta = 0.3; // The amount to rotate the square about every 16.7 milliseconds, in degrees.
var angularLimit = 180; // The maximum number of degrees to rotate the square.
var theSquare = document.getElementById("mySquare");
var circleA = document.getElementById("circle_a");
var circleB = document.getElementById("circle_b");

theSquare.currentTheta = initialTheta; // The initial rotation angle to use when the animation starts, stored in a custom property.

var requestAnimationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(doAnim); // Start the loop.
function doAnim() {
  if (theSquare.currentTheta > angularLimit) {
    cancelAnimationFrame(requestAnimationFrameID); // The square has rotated enough, instruct the browser to stop calling the doAnim() function.
    return; // No point in continuing, bail now.

  theSquare.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + theSquare.currentTheta + ")"); // Rotate the square by a small amount.
  circleA.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" +Math.cos((theSquare.currentTheta-45)*Math.PI/180)*141 + "," + Math.sin((theSquare.currentTheta-45)*Math.PI/180)*141+")"); // Move the circle A
  circleB.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" +Math.cos((theSquare.currentTheta+45)*Math.PI/180)*141 + "," + Math.sin((theSquare.currentTheta+45)*Math.PI/180)*141+")"); // move the circle B
  theSquare.currentTheta += thetaDelta;  // Increase the angle that the square will be rotated to, by a small amount.
  requestAnimationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(doAnim); // Call the doAnim() function about 60 times per second (60 FPS), or about once every 16.7 milliseconds until cancelAnimationFrame() is called.


如何使 SVG 宽度响应但保持 SVG 高度不变?

在保持对齐的同时以相反的方向旋转 div 和文本?



为啥 UITableView contentOffset 在 tableview reloadData 期间变化很大,而不是保持不变? reloadData 后如何使其保持不变?
