




它似乎与JHIPSTER配置相关,而不是RABBITMQ。也许是因为spring cloud messaging和spring amqp api之间存在差异?


public class CloudMessagingConfiguration extends AbstractCloudConfig {

private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CloudMessagingConfiguration.class); 

public ConnectionFactory rabbitFactory() {
    return connectionFactory().rabbitConnectionFactory();

   * Added thanks to the comment of Gary Russell
   * Required for executing adminstration functions against an AMQP Broker 
   public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin() {
     return new RabbitAdmin(rabbitFactory()); 

 * This queue will be declared. This means it will be created if it does not exist. Once declared, you can do something
 * like the following:
 * @RabbitListener(queues = "#{@myDurableQueue}")
 * @Transactional
 * public void handleMyDurableQueueMessage(CustomDurableDto myMessage) {
 *    // Anything you wanenter code heret! This can also return a non-void which will queue it back in to the queue attached to @RabbitListener
 * }
public Queue myDurableQueue() {
    // This queue has the following properties:
    // name: my_durable
    // durable: true
    // exclusive: false
    // auto_delete: false
    return new Queue("my_durable", true, false, false);

 * The following is a complete declaration of an exchange, a queue and a exchange-queue binding
public TopicExchange emailExchange() {
    return new TopicExchange("email", true, false);

public Queue inboundEmailQueue() {
    return new Queue("email_inbound", true, false, false);

public Binding inboundEmailExchangeBinding() {
    // Important part is the routing key -- this is just an example
    return BindingBuilder.bind(inboundEmailQueue()).to(emailExchange()).with("from.*");



您需要在配置中添加RabbitAdmin @Bean,它将自动检测并声明交换/队列/绑定。

Spring AMQP documentation


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