







typedef struct state *stateptr;
struct state {
char **table;
stateptr prev;

extern stateptr last=NULL;


void tmpSave(char **table,int dim)
//dim is the dimension of the dim x dim board and i have a main 
//function that calls tmpSave after each move with the above parameters
int i,j;
stateptr newstate;
newstate=malloc(sizeof(struct state));

for(i=0; i<dim; i++)

for(i=0; i<dim; i++)
    for(j=0; j<dim; j++)


char **undo(short int *START)
stateptr prev=last->prev;
Can't further undo

if(last->prev==NULL) *START=1;

return last->table;

例如:1。首先是董事会是空白的2.Move: 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.另一招: 0 0 w 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.undo直到初始(空白状态) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 此时'last'指针等于初始状态所以last-> prev = NULL并且* START变为1,这个用于定义由bot玩家完成的移动(不要认真考虑)

5.另一招: 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.Undo状态(这里描述的问题出现): 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 虽然它应该是: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (初始空白状态)..



由于这个例子并不完整,我认为tablelast是全局的,而DIM是一个常数。 在开始时调用tmpSave存储空白板的副本。 在结构中,将table作为char (*table)[DIM]类型可以为每个调用分配和释放内存。它还可以更轻松地将内容复制到table和存储的副本。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#define DIM 4

struct state {
    char (*table)[DIM];
    struct state *prev;

struct state *last = NULL;
char table[DIM][DIM];

void tmpSave ( )
    struct state *newstate = NULL;

    newstate = malloc ( sizeof ( *newstate));//allocate structure

    newstate->table = malloc ( sizeof table);//allocate table

    memmove (newstate->table, table, sizeof table);//copy table

    if ( last != NULL)
        newstate->prev = last;
        last = newstate;
        printf ( "
        last = newstate;
        last->prev = NULL;

void undo ( void)
    struct state *prev = last->prev;

    if ( last->prev == NULL)
        printf ( "
Can't further undo
        free ( last->table);//free table
        free ( last);//free structure
        last = prev;
        memmove ( table, last->table, sizeof table);//copy saved table back to table

void showboard ( void)
    int i = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < DIM; ++i)
        printf ( "%.*s
", DIM, table[i]);//no zero terminator so print only DIM number of characters

struct state *freestate ( struct state *all)
    //make sure all structures are free
    while ( all) {
        struct state *tmp = all;
        free ( all->table);//free table
        free ( all);//free structure
        all = tmp->prev;
    return NULL;

int main( void) {

    srand ( time ( NULL));//seed random number generator

    memset ( table, '0', sizeof table);//set table to all 0
    showboard ( );
    tmpSave ( last);//make sure empty table is saved

    for ( int each = 0; each < DIM; ++each) {//DIM moves
        int row = rand ( ) % DIM;
        int col = rand ( ) % DIM;

        table[col][row] = each + '1';
        tmpSave ( last);//save table

        printf ( "	Move %d
", each + 1);
        showboard ( );
    for ( int each = 0; each < DIM + 1; ++each) {//undo DIM + 1
        printf ( "	undo %d
", each + 1);
        undo ( );
        showboard ( );

    last = freestate ( last);

    return 0;

要在运行时输入dim,请使用char **table并根据需要进行分配。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

typedef struct State state;
struct State {
    char **table;
    state *prev;

state *tmpSave ( state *last, int dim, char **table) {
    state *newstate = NULL;

    if ( NULL == ( newstate = malloc ( sizeof ( *newstate)))) {//allocate structure
        fprintf ( stderr, "malloc newstate problem
        return last;

    if ( NULL == ( newstate->table = malloc ( sizeof *newstate->table * dim))) {//allocate table pointers
        fprintf ( stderr, "malloc newstate->table problem
        free ( newstate);
        return last;

    for ( int each = 0; each < dim; ++each) {
        if ( NULL == ( newstate->table[each] = malloc ( sizeof **newstate->table * dim))) {//chars to pointers
            fprintf ( stderr, "malloc newstate->table[each] problem
            while ( each--) {
                free ( newstate->table[each]);
            free ( newstate->table);
            free ( newstate);
            return last;
        memmove ( newstate->table[each], table[each], dim);//copy table

    if ( last != NULL) {
        newstate->prev = last;
        last = newstate;
    else {
        printf ( "
        last = newstate;
        last->prev = NULL;

    return last;

state *undo ( state *last, int dim, char **table) {
    state *prev = last->prev;

    if ( last->prev == NULL) {
        printf ( "Can't further undo
    else {
        for ( int each = 0; each < dim; ++each) {
            free ( last->table[each]);//free chars
        free ( last->table);//free table pointers
        free ( last);//free structure
        last = prev;
        for ( int each = 0; each < dim; ++each) {
            memmove ( table[each], last->table[each], dim);//copy saved table back to table

    return last;

void showboard ( int dim, char **table) {
    int show = 0;
    for ( show = 0; show < dim; ++show) {
        printf ( "%.*s
", dim, table[show]);//no zero terminator so print only dim number of characters

state *freeall ( state *all, int dim) {
    //make sure all structures are free
    while ( all) {
        state *tmp = all;
        for ( int each = 0; each < dim; ++each) {
            free ( all->table[each]);//free chars
        free ( all->table);//free pointers
        free ( all);//free structure
        all = tmp->prev;
    return NULL;

int main( void) {
    char input[100] = "";
    int dim = 0;
    int scanned = 0;
    char extra = 0;
    char **table = NULL;
    state *last = NULL;

    srand ( time ( NULL));//seed random number generator

    do {
        if ( 1 != scanned) {
            printf ( "enter a number only. try again
        printf ( "enter a number
        if ( fgets ( input, sizeof input, stdin)) {
            scanned = sscanf ( input, "%d %c", &dim, &extra);
        else {
            fprintf ( stderr, "fgets problem
            return 0;
    } while ( 1 != scanned);

    if ( NULL == ( table = malloc ( sizeof *table * dim))) {//allocate pointers
        fprintf ( stderr, "problem malloc table
        return 0;
    for ( int each = 0; each < dim; ++each) {
        if ( NULL == ( table[each] = malloc ( sizeof **table * dim))) {//allocate chars to pointers
            fprintf ( stderr, "problem malloc table[each]
            while ( each--) {
                free ( table[each]);
            free ( table);
            return 0;
        memset ( table[each], '-', dim);//set chars to all -

    showboard ( dim, table);
    last = tmpSave ( last, dim, table);//make sure empty table is saved

    for ( int move = 0; move < dim; ++move) {//dim number of random moves
        int row = rand ( ) % dim;
        int col = rand ( ) % dim;

        table[col][row] = move + 'A';
        last = tmpSave ( last, dim, table);//save table

        printf ( "	Move %d of %d
", move + 1, dim);
        showboard ( dim, table);
        printf ( "press enter
        if ( ! fgets ( input, sizeof input, stdin)) {
            fprintf ( stderr, "fgets problem
            last = freeall ( last, dim);
            return 0;
    for ( int move = 0; move < dim + 1; ++move) {//try to undo dim + 1 moves
        printf ( "	undo %d of %d
", move + 1, dim + 1);
        last = undo ( last, dim, table);
        showboard ( dim, table);
        printf ( "press enter
        if ( ! fgets ( input, sizeof input, stdin)) {
            fprintf ( stderr, "fgets problem
            last = freeall ( last, dim);
            return 0;

    last = freeall ( last, dim);

    return 0;


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