0.24628 1.49185
0.26724 1.49886
0.26145 1.49709
1.09528 1.21106
0.24628 1.49185
0.26724 1.49886
0.26854 1.49843
0.26145 1.49709
0.27626 1.50001
0.28379 1.50117
0.28052 1.49995
0.29360 1.50299
0.30082 1.50435
0.31017 1.50628
0.31869 1.50840
0.31892 1.50806
0.31310 1.50721
0.32771 1.50982
0.32776 1.50974
0.32273 1.50908
0.33226 1.51077
0.33587 1.51100
0.33716 1.51156
0.35389 1.51406
0.34641 1.51295
0.35603 1.51355
0.36336 1.51487
0.35952 1.51450
0.37433 1.51553
0.37424 1.51531
0.36849 1.51516
0.37762 1.51612
0.39076 1.51885
0.38323 1.51721
0.39896 1.52063
0.39360 1.51947
0.40832 1.52167
0.39940 1.52079
0.40585 1.52160
0.41145 1.52172
0.41705 1.52184
0.44010 1.51656
0.43655 1.51850
0.43308 1.52038
0.42088 1.52166
0.42924 1.52165
0.45349 1.51545
0.44314 1.52105
0.44609 1.51949
0.44128 1.52194
0.44346 1.51851
0.43612 1.52077
0.43352 1.52161
0.45740 1.51952
0.45362 1.52152
0.45902 1.51864
0.45718 1.51776
0.44799 1.52223
0.45641 1.52190
0.45276 1.52210
0.46447 1.52093
0.46262 1.52249
0.45878 1.52173
0.47343 1.52308
0.46783 1.52254
0.48399 1.52349
0.51303 1.50714
0.51572 1.50538
0.52216 1.50146
0.47684 1.52328
0.51830 1.50370
0.56776 1.48180
0.49813 1.52070
0.50241 1.51843
0.50621 1.51529
0.50965 1.51151
0.49087 1.52312
0.49571 1.52185
0.51155 1.51048
0.51743 1.50665
0.51595 1.50950
0.52167 1.50431
0.52152 1.50752
0.60742 1.46625
0.60089 1.46988
0.59427 1.47344
0.58765 1.47702
0.52324 1.50821
0.53034 1.50552
0.53514 1.50419
0.54106 1.49936
0.54553 1.49744
0.55001 1.49553
0.55442 1.49351
0.57071 1.48188
0.57622 1.48183
0.58207 1.47688
0.55988 1.48783
0.56496 1.48702
0.55865 1.49114
0.56980 1.48577
0.65251 1.44821
0.64822 1.45052
0.63995 1.45493
0.62263 1.46408
0.63582 1.45711
0.63266 1.45877
0.62757 1.46143
0.66556 1.44139
0.65897 1.44477
0.64444 1.44978
0.65149 1.44698
0.61362 1.46728
0.62044 1.46407
0.60674 1.47039
0.67856 1.44030
0.67426 1.44258
1.08037 1.21854
1.08367 1.21654
1.08742 1.21428
1.09026 1.21255
0.64367 1.45327
0.67167 1.44238
0.80349 1.37805
0.83693 1.35981
0.70140 1.43402
0.69392 1.43810
0.69163 1.43933
1.07434 1.22838
0.83009 1.36350
0.68492 1.44079
1.07049 1.22964
1.07401 1.22600
1.07766 1.22044
1.08714 1.21527
1.09326 1.21187
1.09528 1.21106
0.75771 1.40927
0.75171 1.41250
0.82535 1.37218
0.81628 1.37709
0.82059 1.37477
0.78098 1.39647
0.79159 1.39056
0.78660 1.39332
0.76986 1.40262
0.76715 1.40411
0.76388 1.40590
0.75928 1.40841
0.75789 1.40840
0.74587 1.41221
0.73972 1.41662
0.84214 1.35978
0.83556 1.36343
0.84109 1.36350
0.82945 1.36790
0.82338 1.37248
0.81674 1.37601
0.80968 1.37878
0.78124 1.39398
0.77590 1.39922
0.78676 1.38842
0.79204 1.38798
0.79777 1.38182
0.80297 1.38219
0.70403 1.43426
0.70939 1.43395
0.69775 1.43844
0.70302 1.43797
0.72189 1.42546
0.72809 1.42115
0.73366 1.42121
0.71565 1.42973
1.02362 1.26324
1.02790 1.25927
1.03297 1.25290
1.03732 1.25075
1.03167 1.25609
1.03570 1.25336
1.07091 1.23630
1.07433 1.23212
1.04194 1.24911
1.04686 1.24801
1.05225 1.24701
0.89862 1.33866
0.88048 1.34835
0.87569 1.35094
0.88905 1.34370
0.88686 1.34488
0.88223 1.34740
0.87377 1.35197
0.99367 1.28666
1.00647 1.27936
0.74504 1.41621
0.88074 1.34740
0.87411 1.35094
0.88826 1.33991
0.88732 1.34374
0.84792 1.36006
0.85374 1.36074
0.86725 1.35408
0.86039 1.35723
1.01659 1.26882
1.02050 1.26590
1.01152 1.27520
1.01537 1.27215
1.05677 1.24591
1.06151 1.24448
1.06584 1.24230
1.06970 1.23928
0.92078 1.33298
0.91777 1.33456
0.91618 1.33539
0.91196 1.33758
0.90920 1.33893
0.97498 1.30304
0.91081 1.33406
0.90963 1.33746
0.90193 1.33908
0.89438 1.34089
0.89976 1.34070
0.99758 1.28554
1.00174 1.28305
0.97934 1.29917
0.99152 1.29012
0.98521 1.29424
0.99577 1.28780
0.93860 1.32947
0.95180 1.32233
0.94649 1.32523
0.95703 1.31941
0.95579 1.32010
0.96171 1.31675
0.94571 1.32566
0.94042 1.32850
0.93912 1.32861
0.93204 1.33136
0.92474 1.33369
0.91717 1.33555
0.92264 1.33544
0.91508 1.33731
0.96647 1.31145
0.97034 1.30845
0.97396 1.30499
0.95091 1.32440
0.95694 1.31976
0.96123 1.31751
0.95508 1.32193
% Generate Noisy coordinates of a circle
h = viscircles([0,0],100);
x_noisy = h.Children(1).XData + randn(1,182);
y_noisy = h.Children(1).YData + randn(1,182);
% Smooth the coordinates
x_smooth = smoothdata(x_noisy,'gaussian',20);
y_smooth = smoothdata(y_noisy,'gaussian',20);
% Display the results
plot(x_noisy, y_noisy)
hold on
plot(x_smooth, y_smooth)
hold off
axis image
legend('Noisy', 'Smoothed')
% Transform in polar coordinates
[theta , rho] = cart2pol(x,y);
% Sort data by angle
data = sortrows([theta , rho]);
theta = data(:,1);
rho = data(:,2);
% Smooth coordinates
theta = smooth(theta);
rho = smooth(rho , 10); % More aggressive smoothing for rho. You might
% have to adapt the type of smoothing to the
% actual data of course.
% Transform back in cartesian coordinates
[X , Y] = pol2cart(theta , rho);
% Plot original and smooth result
hold on;
plot(X,Y , 'r-')