import random
def welcome():
level = 0
rounds = 0
print("Welcome to the math quiz. To get started you will need to select a level.")
level = int(input("Press 1 for Addition, 2 for Subtraction, 3 for Multiplacation, 4 for Division, and then press the 'Enter' key. "))
def random():
number_one = random.randrange(1,10)
number_two = random.randrange(1,10)
def levels():
if level == 1:
solution = number_one + number_two
print("What is", number_one, "plus", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 2:
solution = number_one - number_two
print("What is", number_one, "minus", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 3:
solution = number_one * number_two
print("What is", number_one, "times by", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 4:
solution = number_one / number_two
print("What is", number_one, "divided by", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
def checker():
if user_ans == solution:
number_one = random.randrange(1,10)
number_two = random.randrange(1,10)
rounds = rounds + 1
print("Try again")
while rounds < 10:
print("Thanks for playing")
import random
level = 0
rounds = 0
print("Welcome to the math quiz. To get started you will need to select a level.")
level = int(input("Press 1 for Addition, 2 for Subtraction, 3 for Multiplacation, 4 for Division, and then press the 'Enter' key. "))
number_one = random.randrange(1,10)
number_two = random.randrange(1,10)
while rounds < 10:
if level == 1:
solution = number_one + number_two
print("What is", number_one, "plus", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 2:
solution = number_one - number_two
print("What is", number_one, "minus", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 3:
solution = number_one * number_two
print("What is", number_one, "times by", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 4:
solution = number_one / number_two
print("What is", number_one, "divided by", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
if user_ans == solution:
number_one = random.randrange(1,10)
number_two = random.randrange(1,10)
rounds = rounds + 1
print("Try again")
print("Thanks for playing")
import random
def welcome():
print("Welcome to the math quiz. To get started you will need to select a level.")
level = int(input("Press 1 for Addition, 2 for Subtraction, 3 for Multiplacation, 4 for Division, and then press the 'Enter' key. "))
return level # Send level back to main function.
def random_numbers():
return (random.randrange(1,10), random.randrange(1,10)) # Return the two numbers in a tuple.
def next_round(number_one, number_two, rounds):
if level == 1:
solution = number_one + number_two
print("What is", number_one, "plus", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 2:
solution = number_one - number_two
print("What is", number_one, "minus", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 3:
solution = number_one * number_two
print("What is", number_one, "times by", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 4:
solution = number_one / number_two
print("What is", number_one, "divided by", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
if user_ans == solution:
number_one = random.randrange(1,10)
number_two = random.randrange(1,10)
rounds = rounds + 1
print("Try again")
return rounds
def goodbye():
print("Thanks for playing")
if __name__=="__main__": # Main function, runs only when program is run from terminal.
level = welcome()
rounds = 0
while rounds < 10:
rounds = next_round(*random_numbers(), rounds) # Unpack random numbers and send to next_round
import random
def choose_level():
print("Welcome to the math quiz. To get started you will need to select a level.")
return int(input("Press 1 for Addition, 2 for Subtraction, 3 for Multiplacation, 4 for Division, and then press the 'Enter' key. "))
def set_randoms():
number_one = random.randrange(1,10)
number_two = random.randrange(1,10)
return (number_one, number_two)
def solve(level, randoms):
rounds = 0
number_one, number_two = randoms
while rounds < 10:
if level == 1:
solution = number_one + number_two
print("What is", number_one, "plus", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 2:
solution = number_one - number_two
print("What is", number_one, "minus", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 3:
solution = number_one * number_two
print("What is", number_one, "times by", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
elif level == 4:
solution = number_one / number_two
print("What is", number_one, "divided by", number_two, "?")
user_ans = int(input())
if user_ans == solution:
number_one = random.randrange(1,10)
number_two = random.randrange(1,10)
rounds = rounds + 1
print("Try again")
print("Thanks for playing")
def main():
level = choose_level()
randoms = set_randoms()
solve(level, randoms)
if __name__ == "__main__":
如何将活动 UI 的点击传递到地图片段以将地图更改为 MAP_TYPE_HYBRID