Magento 2:自定义属性不起作用



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Magento 2:自定义属性不起作用相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


php bin / magento setup:升级php bin / magento cache:clean



1 Create InstallData.php

namespace MatrixsoftwareMatrixSetup;

use MagentoEavSetupEavSetup; 
use MagentoEavSetupEavSetupFactory /* For Attribute create  */;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupInstallDataInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleContextInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleDataSetupInterface;

class InstallData implements InstallDataInterface

    private $eavSetupFactory;

    public function __construct(EavSetupFactory $eavSetupFactory)
        $this->eavSetupFactory = $eavSetupFactory; 


    public function install(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)

        /** @var EavSetup $eavSetup */
        $eavSetup = $this->eavSetupFactory->create(['setup' => $setup]);

            'thickness',/* Custom Attribute Code */
                'group' => 'Product Details',/* Group name in which you want 
                                              to display your custom attribute */
                'type' => 'int',/* Data type in which formate your value save in database*/
                'backend' => '',
                'frontend' => '',
                'label' => 'Choose Thickness', /* lablel of your attribute*/
                'input' => 'select',
                'class' => '',
                'source' => 'MatrixsoftwareMatrixModelConfigSourceOptions',
                                /* Source of your select type custom attribute options*/
                'global' => MagentoEavModelEntityAttributeScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
                                    /*Scope of your attribute */
                'visible' => true,
                'required' => true,
                'user_defined' => false,
                'default' => '',
                'searchable' => false,
                'filterable' => true,
                'comparable' => false,
                'visible_on_front' => true,
                'used_in_product_listing' => true,
                'unique' => false

2.Create Options.php

namespace MatrixsoftwareMatrixModelConfigSource;

use MagentoEavModelResourceModelEntityAttributeOptionFactory;
use MagentoFrameworkDBDdlTable;

class Options extends MagentoEavModelEntityAttributeSourceAbstractSource

    protected $optionFactory;

    /*public function __construct(OptionFactory $optionFactory)
        $this->optionFactory = $optionFactory;  
        //you can use this if you want to prepare options dynamically  

    public function getAllOptions()
        /* your Attribute options list*/
        $this->_options=[ ['label'=>'Select Options', 'value'=>''],
                          ['label'=>'Option1', 'value'=>'1']
                          ['label'=>'Option2', 'value'=>'2']
                          ['label'=>'Option3', 'value'=>'3']
        return $this->_options;

    public function getOptionText($value)
        foreach ($this->getAllOptions() as $option) {
            if ($option['value'] == $value) {
                return $option['label'];
        return false;

    public function getFlatColumns()
        $attributeCode = $this->getAttribute()->getAttributeCode();
        return [
            $attributeCode => [
                'unsigned' => false,
                'default' => null,
                'extra' => null,
                'type' => Table::TYPE_INTEGER,
                'nullable' => true,
                'comment' => 'Custom Attribute Options  ' . $attributeCode . ' column',


应用程序/代码/ [供应商] / [模块] /Setup/InstallData.php

namespace [Vendor][Module]Setup;
use MagentoEavSetupEavSetup;
use MagentoEavSetupEavSetupFactory;
use MagentoFrameworkDBDdlTable;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupInstallDataInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleContextInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleDataSetupInterface;
use MagentoSalesSetupSalesSetupFactory;
use MagentoQuoteSetupQuoteSetupFactory;

class InstallData implements InstallDataInterface

private $eavSetupFactory;
private $quoteSetupFactory;
private $salesSetupFactory;

 * InstallData constructor.
 * @param EavSetupFactory $eavSetupFactory
 * @param QuoteSetupFactory $quoteSetupFactory
public function __construct(
    EavSetupFactory $eavSetupFactory,
    QuoteSetupFactory $quoteSetupFactory,
    SalesSetupFactory $salesSetupFactory
    $this->eavSetupFactory = $eavSetupFactory;
    $this->quoteSetupFactory = $quoteSetupFactory;
    $this->salesSetupFactory = $salesSetupFactory;

public function install(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
    $eavSetup = $this->eavSetupFactory->create(['setup' => $setup]);
    $quoteSetup = $this->quoteSetupFactory->create(['setup' => $setup]);
    $salesSetup = $this->salesSetupFactory->create(['setup' => $setup]);

     * Add attributes to the eav/attribute
            'type'                    => 'int',
            'label'                   => 'Dropdown Attribute',
            'input'                   => 'select',
            'global'                  => MagentoEavModelEntityAttributeScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
            'visible'                 => true,
            'required'                => false,
            'user_defined'            => true,
            'default'                 => '',
            'searchable'              => false,
            'filterable'              => false,
            'comparable'              => false,
            'visible_on_front'        => false,
            'used_in_product_listing' => false,
            'unique'                  => false,
            'option'                  => [
                'values' => [
                    'Option 1',
                    'Option 2',
                    'Option 3'

    $attributeSetId = $eavSetup->getDefaultAttributeSetId('catalog_product');

    $attributeOptions = [
        'type'     => Table::TYPE_TEXT,
        'visible'  => true,
        'required' => false

以上是关于Magento 2:自定义属性不起作用的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

自定义模块中的 Magento Layout xml 不起作用

Visual Studio 自定义代码片段在方法定义的参数列表中不起作用


片段中 ListView 的自定义适配器不起作用

Onclicklistener 在片段列表视图中不起作用
