Posted dongyaotou
1 <%-- 保全-附件管理--%> 2 <%@page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" %> 3 <%@include file="../common/jsp/UsrCheck.jsp" %> 4 5 <html> 6 <% 7 GlobalInput tG = new GlobalInput(); 8 tG = (GlobalInput) session.getAttribute("GI"); 9 String tEdorAcceptNo = request.getParameter("EdorAcceptNo"); 10 String tEdorNo = request.getParameter("EdorNo"); 11 String tPolicyNo = request.getParameter("PolicyNo"); 12 String tOutPolicyNo = request.getParameter("OutPolicyNo"); 13 String tSubMissionID = request.getParameter("SubMissionID"); 14 String tActivityID = request.getParameter("ActivityID"); 15 16 %> 17 <head> 18 <SCRIPT src="../common/javascript/Common.js"></SCRIPT> 19 <SCRIPT src="../common/cvar/CCodeOperate.js"></SCRIPT> 20 <SCRIPT src="../common/javascript/MulLine.js"></SCRIPT> 21 <SCRIPT src="../common/easyQueryVer3/EasyQueryVer3.js?version=<%=System.currentTimeMillis()%>"></SCRIPT> 22 <script type="text/javascript" src="../common/javascript/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> 23 <SCRIPT src="../common/javascript/VerifyInput.js"></SCRIPT> 24 <SCRIPT src="../common/Calendar/Calendar.js"></SCRIPT> 25 <LINK href="../common/css/Project.css" rel=stylesheet type=text/css> 26 <LINK href="../common/css/Project3.css" rel=stylesheet type=text/css> 27 <LINK href="../common/css/mulLine.css" rel=stylesheet type=text/css> 28 <SCRIPT src="BQAppendix.js?version=<%=System.currentTimeMillis()%>"></SCRIPT> 29 <%@include file="BQAppendixInit.jsp" %> 30 <script Language="javascript"> 31 function fileclick(){ 32 $("#file1").click(); 33 } 34 function ImportPathchange(){ 35 fm.ImportPath.value=fm.filename.value; 36 } 37 </script> 38 </head> 39 <body onload="initForm();initElementtype();"> 40 <%--表单上传的时候必须添加的属性:multipart/form-data--%> 41 <form action="./BQAppendixSave.jsp" method=post name=fm target="fraSubmit" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> 42 <table> 43 <td class="common"><IMG src="../common/images/butExpand.gif" style="cursor:hand;" 44 OnClick="showPage(this,divApply);"></td> 45 <td class=titleImg>附件信息</td> 46 </table> 47 <div id="divApply" class=maxbox1> 48 49 <table class="common"> 50 <tr class="common"> 51 <td class="title">附件类型</td> 52 <td class="input"><input class="codeno" name="RiderType" verify="附件类型|NOTNULL" 53 ondblclick="return ShowCodeAction(‘filetype‘,[this,RiderTypeDes],[0,1],null,[‘%‘+fm.RiderType.value+‘%‘],‘name‘);" 54 onkeyup="return ShowCodeAction(‘filetype‘,[this,RiderTypeDes],[0,1],null,[‘%‘+fm.RiderType.value+‘%‘],‘name‘);" 55 verify="附件类型|NOTNULL"><input class="codename" name="RiderTypeDes" 56 style="width:200px"></td> 57 <font size=1 color=‘#ff0000‘><b>*</b></font> 58 </td> 59 <td class="title"></td> 60 <td class="input"><input class="common" type="hidden" readonly></td> 61 <td class="title"></td> 62 <td class="input"><input class="common" type="hidden" readonly></td> 63 </tr> 64 </table> 65 </div> 66 67 <%-- <%@include file="BQAppendixUpload.jsp" %>--%> 68 <table class=common> 69 <tr class="common"> 70 <td class="title">文件名</td> 71 <td class="input" style="white-space: nowrap"> 72 <input class="common" readonly name="ImportPath" verify="文件名|NOTNULL"> 73 <input value="浏览本地文件" onclick="fileclick()" class="cssButton" type="button" > 74 <input class="cssButton" type="button" id="btnOpenUpload" value="上传文件" onclick="onUpload1();"> 75 </td> 76 <td class="title"></td><td class="input"></td> 77 <td class="title"></td><td class="input"></td> 78 </tr> 79 <input class=common type=file id="file1" name=file1 style="width:400px;display: none" onchange="handleFile(this.value);ImportPathchange();"> 80 81 </table> 82 83 84 <table class=common> 85 <tr class=common> 86 <td class=title colspan=6> 备注</td> 87 </tr> 88 <tr class=common> 89 <td colspan="6" style="padding-left:16px"><textarea name="Remarks" cols="100%" rows="4" 90 witdh=100% class="common"></textarea></td> 91 </tr> 92 </table> 93 <input class=cssButton type=button value="保存备注" onclick="saveRemarks();"><br/> 94 95 96 <table> 97 <td class="common"><IMG src="../common/images/butExpand.gif" style="cursor:hand;" 98 OnClick="showPage(this,divApply);"></td> 99 <td class=titleImg>附件信息列表</td> 100 </table> 101 <%--引用mulline--%> 102 <div id="divAppendix"> 103 <table class=common> 104 <tr class=common> 105 <td style=" text-align: left" colSpan=1> 106 107 <span id="spanAppendixGrid"></span> 108 </td> 109 </tr> 110 </table> 111 <input class=cssButton type=button value="下载文件" onclick="downLoadFile();"> 112 <input class=cssButton type=button value="作废" onclick="deleteFile();"> 113 <input class=cssButton type=button value="关闭" onclick="goback();"> 114 115 116 </div> 117 <%--公共信息--%> 118 <input id="EdorAcceptNo" name="EdorAcceptNo" type="hidden" value="<%=tEdorAcceptNo %>"><%--√--%> 119 <input id="EdorNo" name="EdorNo" type="hidden" value="<%=tEdorNo %>"><%--√--%> 120 <input id="PolicyNo" name="PolicyNo" type="hidden" value="<%=tPolicyNo %>"><%--√--%> 121 <input id="OutPolicyNo" name="OutPolicyNo" type="hidden" value="<%=tOutPolicyNo %>"><%--√--%> 122 <input id="InsuredID" name="InsuredID" type="hidden"> 123 <input id="FamilyContNo" name="FamilyContNo" type="hidden"><%--家庭单号--%> 124 <input id="SubMissionID" name="SubMissionID" type="hidden" value="<%=tSubMissionID %>"><%--√--%> 125 <input id="ActivityID" name="ActivityID" type="hidden" value="<%=tActivityID %>"><%--√--%> 126 <input type=hidden id="fmtransact" name="fmtransact"> 127 128 <%--附件管理信息--%> 129 <input type=hidden id="FilePath" name="FilePath"> 130 <input type=hidden id="AnnexNo" name="AnnexNo"> 131 <input type=hidden id="AnnexName" name="AnnexName"> 132 <input type=hidden id="AnnexType" name="AnnexType"> 133 <input type=hidden id="AnnexState" name="AnnexState"> 134 <input type=hidden id="Remark" name="Remark"> 135 136 <br> 137 <br> 138 </form> 139 <span id="spanCode" style="display: none; position:absolute; slategray"></span> 140 </body> 141 </html>
1 var showInfo; 2 window.onfocus = myonfocus; 3 var turnPage = new turnPageClass();//翻页工具 4 var mysql = new SqlClass(); 5 6 7 //初始化查询mulline列表信息 8 function queryAppendixGrid() { 9 mySql = new SqlClass(); 10 mySql.setResourceName("mgubq.BQAppendixSql"); 11 mySql.setSqlId("BQAppendixSql1"); 12 mySql.addSubPara(fm.EdorAcceptNo.value); 13 var sqlStr = mySql.getString(); 14 turnPage.queryModal(sqlStr, AppendixGrid, 1);//翻页 15 } 16 17 //【浏览本地】 18 function browseLocal() { 19 $("#ImportPath").click(); 20 21 22 } 23 24 25 //上传文件按钮 26 function onUpload1() { 27 var myArray = [‘RiderType‘, ‘ImportPath‘]; 28 if (!verifyInputgbgElem(myArray)) { 29 alert("信息录入不完整,请补全信息!") 30 } else { 31 if (fm.AnnexNo.value != null && fm.AnnexNo.value != ‘‘) { 32 // alert("不允许重复上传"); 33 } else { 34 fm.fmtransact.value = "uploadFile"; 35 } 36 var showStr = "正在保存数据,请您稍候并且不要修改屏幕上的值或链接其他页面"; 37 var urlStr = "../common/jsp/MessagePage.jsp?picture=C&content=" + showStr; 38 showInfo = showInfoWindowsDefault(urlStr, ‘‘); 39 fm.submit(); 40 } 41 } 42 43 //【保存备注】 44 function saveRemarks() { 45 var i = AppendixGrid.getSelNo() - 1; 46 if (i < 0) { 47 alert("请选中附件信息列表中的一条记录"); 48 return; 49 } 50 51 if (fm.RiderType.value == null || fm.RiderType.value == "") { 52 alert("附件类型不能为空"); 53 return; 54 } 55 if (fm.RiderTypeDes.value == null || fm.RiderTypeDes.value == "") { 56 alert("附件类型不能为空"); 57 return; 58 } 59 if (fm.Remarks.value == null || fm.Remarks.value == "") { 60 alert("请填写备注信息"); 61 return; 62 } 63 fm.EdorAcceptNo.value = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(i, 10);//保全受理号 64 fm.AnnexNo.value = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(i, 9);//附件编码 65 66 fm.fmtransact.value = "saveRemark"; 67 submitData(); 68 } 69 70 //下载 71 function downLoadFile(){ 72 var tSel = ""; 73 tSel= AppendixGrid.getSelNo(); 74 if(tSel<0||tSel==0){ 75 alert("请选择一条附件信息"); 76 return false; 77 }else{ 78 var tFileName = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(tSel-1,2); 79 var tFilePath = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(tSel-1,8); 80 window.location = "../common/jsp/download.jsp?FilePath="+tFilePath+"&FileName="+tFileName+"&FilePathFlag=02"; 81 } 82 fm.reset(); 83 } 84 85 //【作废】 86 function deleteFile() { 87 var i = AppendixGrid.getSelNo() - 1; 88 if (i < 0) { 89 alert("请选择需要操作的信息!"); 90 return; 91 } 92 fm.fmtransact.value = "delete"; 93 fm.AnnexNo.value = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(i, 9); 94 95 submitData(); 96 97 98 } 99 //【关闭】 100 function goback() { 101 window.top.close(); 102 } 103 104 105 function submitData() { 106 var showStr = "正在保存数据,请您稍候并且不要修改屏幕上的值或链接其他页面"; 107 var urlStr = "../common/jsp/MessagePage.jsp?picture=C&content=" + showStr; 108 var name = ‘提示‘; 109 var iWidth = 550; 110 var iHeight = 250; 111 var iTop = (window.screen.availHeight - iHeight) / 2; 112 var iLeft = (window.screen.availWidth - iWidth) / 2; 113 showInfo = showInfoWindows(urlStr, name, "status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=0,titlebar=no,height=" + iHeight + ",width=" + iWidth + ",innerHeight=" + iHeight + ",innerWidth=" + iWidth + ",left=" + iLeft + ",top=" + iTop, false); 114 showInfo.focus(); 115 document.all(‘fm‘).action = "BQAppendixSave.jsp"; 116 document.all(‘fm‘).submit(); 117 } 118 //选中mulline中的一条记录 119 function selectOneRecord() { 120 var i = AppendixGrid.getSelNo() - 1; 121 fm.RiderType.value = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(i, 1);//附件类型 122 fm.RiderTypeDes.value = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(i, 11);//附件类型名称 123 fm.ImportPath.value = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(i, 2);//文件名 124 fm.Remarks.value = AppendixGrid.getRowColData(i, 3);//备注 125 126 } 127 128 //判断上载文件格式 129 function handleFile(filename) { 130 var fileName = filename; 131 var fname = fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf(‘\\‘) + 1); 132 fm.ImportPath.value = fname; 133 var indexFirst = fileName.lastIndexOf("\\"); 134 var indexLast = fileName.lastIndexOf("."); 135 136 if (indexFirst < 0 || indexLast < 0 || indexLast <= indexFirst) { 137 alert("文件路径不合法或选择的文件格式不正确,请重新选择!"); 138 return false; 139 } 140 var index1 = fileName.lastIndexOf("."); 141 var index2 = fileName.length; 142 var filetype = fileName.substring(index1, index2); 143 if (!/.(pdf|PDF|gif|GIF|PNG|png|jpg|JPG|bmp|BMP|docx|DOCX|dotx|DOTX|doc|DOC|dot|DOT|docm|DOCM|dotm|DOTM|xls|XLS|xlsx|XLSX|xlsb|XLSB|xlsm|XLSM|xlst|XLST)$/.test(filetype)) { 144 alert("文件类型必须是pdf,gif,word,jpg,excel中的一种"); 145 fm.ImportPath.value = ""; 146 return false; 147 } 148 } 149 150 function ImportPathchange() { 151 $("#FileName")[0].value = fm.ImportPath.value; 152 // fm.AnnexName.value=fm.ImportPath.value;使用这种方式不知怎么搞的就是赋不上值,所以采用jquery的方式 153 154 } 155 //模仿:信息维护-->承保单位管理-->合同维护 不加的话双击下拉出不来 156 function ShowCodeAction(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6) { 157 return showCodeList(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6); 158 } 159 // 提交完成后所作操作 160 function afterSubmit(FlagStr, content) { 161 showInfo.close(); 162 if (FlagStr == "Fail") { 163 var urlStr = "../common/jsp/MessagePage.jsp?picture=C&content=" + content; 164 var name = ‘提示‘; 165 var iWidth = 550; 166 var iHeight = 350; 167 var iTop = (window.screen.availHeight - iHeight) / 2; 168 var iLeft = (window.screen.availWidth - iWidth) / 2; 169 showInfo = window.open(urlStr, name, "status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=0,titlebar=no,height=" + iHeight + ",width=" + iWidth + ",innerHeight=" + iHeight + ",innerWidth=" + iWidth + ",left=" + iLeft + ",top=" + iTop, false); 170 showInfo.focus(); 171 } else { 172 var urlStr = "../common/jsp/MessagePage.jsp?picture=S&content=" + content; 173 var name = ‘提示‘; 174 var iWidth = 550; 175 var iHeight = 350; 176 var iTop = (window.screen.availHeight - iHeight) / 2; 177 var iLeft = (window.screen.availWidth - iWidth) / 2; 178 showInfo = window.open(urlStr, name, "status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=0,titlebar=no,height=" + iHeight + ",width=" + iWidth + ",innerHeight=" + iHeight + ",innerWidth=" + iWidth + ",left=" + iLeft + ",top=" + iTop, false); 179 showInfo.focus(); 180 //点击完按钮,刷新页面 181 initAppendixGrid(); 182 queryAppendixGrid(); 183 fm.reset(); 184 } 185 }
1 <script language="JavaScript"> 2 function initForm() { 3 try { 4 5 initAppendixGrid(); 6 //初始化查询mulline列表信息 7 queryAppendixGrid(); 8 } catch (re) { 9 alert("BQAppendixInit.jsp-->InitForm函数中发生异常:初始化界面错误!"); 10 } 11 } 12 13 14 //把null的字符串转为空 15 function nullToEmpty(string) { 16 if ((string == "null") || (string == "undefined")) { 17 string = ""; 18 } 19 return string; 20 } 21 22 function initAppendixGrid() { 23 var iArray = new Array(); 24 try { 25 iArray[0] = new Array(); 26 iArray[0][0] = "序号"; 27 iArray[0][1] = "20px"; 28 iArray[0][2] = 100; 29 iArray[0][3] = 0; 30 31 iArray[1] = new Array(); 32 iArray[1][0] = "附件类型"; 33 iArray[1][1] = "50px"; 34 iArray[1][2] = 100; 35 iArray[1][3] = 0; 36 37 iArray[2] = new Array(); 38 iArray[2][0] = "文件名"; 39 iArray[2][1] = "50px"; 40 iArray[2][2] = 100; 41 iArray[2][3] = 0; 42 43 iArray[3] = new Array(); 44 iArray[3][0] = "备注"; 45 iArray[3][1] = "50px"; 46 iArray[3][2] = 100; 47 iArray[3][3] = 0; 48 49 iArray[4] = new Array(); 50 iArray[4][0] = "操作人"; 51 iArray[4][1] = "80px"; 52 iArray[4][2] = 100; 53 iArray[4][3] = 0; 54 55 iArray[5] = new Array(); 56 iArray[5][0] = "操作日期"; 57 iArray[5][1] = "40px"; 58 iArray[5][2] = 100; 59 iArray[5][3] = 0; 60 61 iArray[6] = new Array(); 62 iArray[6][0] = "操作时间"; 63 iArray[6][1] = "40px"; 64 iArray[6][2] = 100; 65 iArray[6][3] = 0; 66 67 iArray[7] = new Array(); 68 iArray[7][0] = "附件状态"; 69 iArray[7][1] = "40px"; 70 iArray[7][2] = 100; 71 iArray[7][3] = 0; 72 73 iArray[8] = new Array(); 74 iArray[8][0] = "文件路径"; 75 iArray[8][1] = "0px"; 76 iArray[8][2] = 100; 77 iArray[8][3] = 0; 78 79 iArray[9] = new Array(); 80 iArray[9][0] = "附件编码"; 81 iArray[9][1] = "0px"; 82 iArray[9][2] = 100; 83 iArray[9][3] = 0; 84 85 iArray[10] = new Array(); 86 iArray[10][0] = "保全受理号"; 87 iArray[10][1] = "0px"; 88 iArray[10][2] = 100; 89 iArray[10][3] = 0; 90 91 iArray[11] = new Array(); 92 iArray[11][0] = "附件类型名称"; 93 iArray[11][1] = "0px"; 94 iArray[11][2] = 100; 95 iArray[11][3] = 0; 96 97 AppendixGrid = new MulLineEnter("fm", "AppendixGrid"); 98 AppendixGrid.mulLineCount = 1; 99 AppendixGrid.displayTitle = 1; 100 AppendixGrid.canSel = 1; 101 AppendixGrid.canChk = 0; 102 AppendixGrid.hiddenPlus = 1; 103 AppendixGrid.hiddenSubtraction = 1; 104 AppendixGrid.selBoxEventFuncName = "selectOneRecord"; 105 AppendixGrid.loadMulLine(iArray); 106 } catch (ex) { 107 alert(ex); 108 } 109 } 110 </script>
1 <!--用户校验类--> 2 <%@include file="../common/jsp/UsrCheck.jsp" %> 3 4 <%@page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" %> 5 6 <% 7 8 //程序名称:BQAppendixSave.jsp 9 //程序功能:附件管理 10 //创建日期:2014/11/11 11 //创建人 : 12 //更新记录: 更新人 更新日期 更新原因/内容 13 %> 14 15 <%--<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"%>--%> 16 <%@include file="../common/jsp/UsrCheck.jsp" %> 17 <%@page import="com.sinosoft.utility.*" %> 18 <%@page import="com.sinosoft.lis.pubfun.PubFun" %> 19 <%@page import="java.util.*" %> 20 <%@page import="java.io.File" %> 21 <%@page import="org.apache.commons.fileupload.*" %> 22 <%@ page import="org.apache.log4j.Logger" %> 23 <%@ page import="com.sinosoft.lis.mgubq.BQAppendixUI" %> 24 25 26 <% 27 //输出参数 28 29 String FlagStr = ""; 30 String Content = ""; 31 boolean flag = true; 32 33 GlobalInput tG = new GlobalInput(); 34 tG = (GlobalInput) session.getValue("GI"); 35 if (tG == null) { 36 FlagStr = "Fail"; 37 Content = "页面失效,请重新登陆"; 38 Logger.getLogger("BQAppendixSave").info("页面失效,请重新登陆"); 39 return; 40 } 41 42 43 //合同文件 44 String tFileName = ""; 45 String UploadPath = ""; 46 String UploadPath1 = ""; 47 String tSysUploadPath = ""; 48 String tExtenName = ""; 49 50 51 String mOperator = request.getParameter("fmtransact");//操作符 52 String mEdorAcceptNo = "";//保全受理号 53 String mAnnexNo = "";//附件编号 54 String mAnnexName = "";//附件名称 55 String mAnnexType = "";//附件类型 56 String mAnnexState = "";//附件状态 57 String mRemark = "";//备注 58 String mFilePath = "";//文件路径 59 TransferData mTransferData = new TransferData(); 60 //准备传输数据 VData 61 62 63 String tCurrentDate = PubFun.getCurrentDate(); 64 String tCurrentTime = PubFun.getCurrentTime(); 65 tCurrentDate = tCurrentDate.replace("-", ""); 66 tCurrentTime = tCurrentTime.replace(":", ""); 67 68 69 ExeSQL tExeSQL = new ExeSQL(); 70 String tSql = "select sysvarvalue from ldsysvar where sysvar=‘UploadPath‘"; 71 String tSql1 = "select sysvarvalue from ldsysvar where sysvar=‘uploadPathLI‘"; 72 UploadPath = tExeSQL.getOneValue(tSql); 73 UploadPath1 = tExeSQL.getOneValue(tSql1); 74 tSysUploadPath = UploadPath + UploadPath1; 75 76 if (tSysUploadPath == null || "".equals(tSysUploadPath)) { 77 Content = "未配置附件上传路径!"; 78 FlagStr = "Fail"; 79 } else { 80 81 if (!tSysUploadPath.endsWith("/")) { 82 tSysUploadPath += "/"; 83 } 84 85 File tFile = new File(tSysUploadPath); 86 if (!tFile.exists()) { 87 tFile.mkdirs(); 88 } 89 File tTempFile = new File(tSysUploadPath + "/LIAttachmentFileList/"); 90 if (!tTempFile.exists()) { 91 tTempFile.mkdirs(); 92 } 93 94 DiskFileUpload tDiskFileUpload = new DiskFileUpload(); 95 //设置允许用户上传文件大小,单位:字节 96 tDiskFileUpload.setSizeMax(102400000); 97 //设置最多只允许在内存中存储的数据,单位:字节 98 tDiskFileUpload.setSizeThreshold(4096); 99 //设置一旦文件大小超过getSizeThreshold()的值时数据存放在硬盘的目录 100 tDiskFileUpload.setRepositoryPath(tSysUploadPath + "/LIAttachmentFileList/"); 101 tDiskFileUpload.setHeaderEncoding("utf-8"); 102 103 //开始读取上传信息 104 List tList = tDiskFileUpload.parseRequest(request); 105 Iterator tIterator = tList.iterator(); 106 107 while (tIterator.hasNext()) { 108 109 FileItem tFileItem = (FileItem) tIterator.next(); 110 //忽略其他不是文件域的所有表单信息 111 if (tFileItem.isFormField()) { 112 String mFieldName = tFileItem.getFieldName(); 113 if ("EdorAcceptNo".equals(mFieldName)) { 114 mEdorAcceptNo = tFileItem.getString("utf-8"); 115 } else if ("AnnexNo".equals(mFieldName)) { 116 mAnnexNo = tFileItem.getString("utf-8"); 117 } else if ("FileName".equals(mFieldName)) { 118 mAnnexName = tFileItem.getString("utf-8"); 119 } else if ("RiderType".equals(mFieldName)) {//附件类型 120 mAnnexType = tFileItem.getString("utf-8"); 121 } else if ("AnnexState".equals(mFieldName)) { 122 mAnnexState = tFileItem.getString("utf-8"); 123 } else if ("Remarks".equals(mFieldName)) { 124 mRemark = tFileItem.getString("utf-8"); 125 } else if ("FilePath".equals(mFieldName)) { 126 mFilePath = tFileItem.getString("utf-8"); 127 } else if ("fmtransact".equals(mFieldName)) { 128 mOperator = tFileItem.getString("utf-8");//操作符 129 } 130 131 } else { 132 String tItemName = tFileItem.getName(); 133 long tItemSize = tFileItem.getSize(); 134 if ((tItemName == null || "".equals(tItemName)) && tItemSize == 0) { 135 continue; 136 } 137 tFileName = tItemName.replace(‘\\‘, ‘/‘); 138 tFileName = tFileName.substring(tFileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); 139 tExtenName = tFileName.substring(tFileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); 140 141 try { 142 tFileItem.write(new File(tSysUploadPath + tCurrentDate + tCurrentTime + "." + tExtenName)); 143 FlagStr = "Succ"; 144 Content = "上传文件成功"; 145 } catch (Exception e) { 146 FlagStr = "Fail"; 147 Content = "上传文件失败"; 148 } 149 } 150 } 151 } 152 153 mTransferData.setNameAndValue("EdorAcceptNo", mEdorAcceptNo);//保全受理号 154 mTransferData.setNameAndValue("AnnexType", mAnnexType);//附件类型 155 mTransferData.setNameAndValue("AnnexName", mAnnexName);//文件名 156 mTransferData.setNameAndValue("Remarks", mRemark);//备注 157 mTransferData.setNameAndValue("AnnexNo", mAnnexNo); 158 mTransferData.setNameAndValue("FileName",tFileName); 159 mTransferData.setNameAndValue("FilePath",tSysUploadPath+tCurrentDate+tCurrentTime+"."+tExtenName); 160 try { 161 VData tVData = new VData(); 162 tVData.add(tG); 163 tVData.add(mTransferData); 164 Logger.getLogger("BQAppendixSave").info("-------------------开始提交数据---------------------"); 165 BQAppendixUI tBQAppendixUI = new BQAppendixUI(); 166 if (!tBQAppendixUI.submitData(tVData, mOperator)) { 167 if (tBQAppendixUI.getErrors() != null && tBQAppendixUI.getErrors().getErrorCount() > 0) { 168 Content = "数据保存失败,原因是:" + tBQAppendixUI.getErrors().getError(0).errorMessage; 169 FlagStr = "Fail"; 170 } else { 171 Content = "数据保存失败"; 172 FlagStr = "Fail"; 173 } 174 } else { 175 Content = " 数据提交成功!"; 176 FlagStr = "Succ"; 177 } 178 Logger.getLogger("BQAppendixSave").info("-------------------数据提交完毕---------------------"); 179 } catch (Exception ex) { 180 Content = "数据提交失败,原因是:" + ex.toString(); 181 FlagStr = "Fail"; 182 } 183 184 185 %> 186 <%=Content%> 187 <html> 188 <script language="javascript"> 189 parent.fraInterface.afterSubmit("<%=FlagStr%>", "<%=Content%>"); 190 </script> 191 </html>
1 package com.sinosoft.lis.mgubq; 2 3 import com.sinosoft.service.BusinessService; 4 import com.sinosoft.utility.CError; 5 import com.sinosoft.utility.CErrors; 6 import com.sinosoft.utility.VData; 7 8 /** 9 * 保全-附件管理 10 */ 11 public class BQAppendixUI implements BusinessService { 12 13 /** 14 * 错误处理类,每个需要错误处理的类中都放置该类 15 */ 16 public CErrors mErrors = new CErrors(); 17 18 private VData mResult = new VData(); 19 20 /** 21 * 数据操作字符串 22 */ 23 private String mOperate; 24 25 // 业务处理相关变量 26 27 public BQAppendixUI() { 28 } 29 30 /** 31 * 传输数据的公共方法 32 */ 33 public boolean submitData(VData cInputData, String cOperate) { 34 // 将操作数据拷贝到本类中 35 this.mOperate = cOperate; 36 this.mResult.clear(); 37 BQAppendixBL tBQAppendixBL = new BQAppendixBL(); 38 // 如果有需要处理的错误,则返回 39 if (!tBQAppendixBL.submitData(cInputData, mOperate)) { 40 // @@错误处理 41 this.mErrors.copyAllErrors(tBQAppendixBL.mErrors); 42 CError tError = new CError(); 43 tError.moduleName = "BQAppendixUI"; 44 tError.functionName = "submitData"; 45 tError.errorMessage = "数据提交失败!"; 46 this.mErrors.addOneError(tError); 47 return false; 48 } 49 this.mResult.clear(); 50 this.mResult = tBQAppendixBL.getResult(); 51 return true; 52 } 53 @Override 54 public VData getResult() { 55 return this.mResult; 56 } 57 58 @Override 59 public CErrors getErrors() { 60 return mErrors; 61 } 62 63 public static void main(String[] args) { 64 65 } 66 67 }
1 package com.sinosoft.lis.mgubq; 2 3 import com.sinosoft.lis.db.LPEdorAnnexDB; 4 import com.sinosoft.lis.pubfun.*; 5 import com.sinosoft.lis.schema.LPEdorAnnexSchema; 6 import com.sinosoft.utility.CError; 7 import com.sinosoft.utility.CErrors; 8 import com.sinosoft.utility.TransferData; 9 import com.sinosoft.utility.VData; 10 import org.apache.log4j.Logger; 11 12 13 /** 14 * 保全-附件管理 15 */ 16 public class BQAppendixBL { 17 //日志组件 18 private Logger mlogger = Logger.getLogger(BQAppendixBL.class); 19 /** 20 * 错误处理类,每个需要错误处理的类中都放置该类 21 */ 22 public CErrors mErrors = new CErrors(); 23 /** 24 * 往后面传输数据的容器 25 */ 26 private VData mInputData = new VData(); 27 28 /** 29 * 业务处理相关变量 30 */ 31 private final MMap mMap = new MMap(); 32 /** 33 * 业务处理相关变量 34 */ 35 private final VData mResult = new VData(); 36 37 private String mCurrentDate = PubFun.getCurrentDate(); 38 private String mCurrentTime = PubFun.getCurrentTime(); 39 40 private GlobalInput mG = new GlobalInput(); 41 42 private TransferData mTransferData = new TransferData(); 43 44 // 保单信息表 45 private LPEdorAnnexSchema tLPEdorAnnexSchema = null; 46 47 // 内部保单号 48 private String mContNo = ""; 49 // 保全编码 50 private String mEdorCode = ""; 51 private String tEdorAcceptNo = ""; 52 private String tOperator = ""; 53 private String tAnnexNo = ""; 54 private String tAnnexType = ""; 55 private String tAnnexName = ""; 56 private String tRemark = ""; 57 private String tFileName=""; 58 private String tFilePath=""; 59 60 61 public BQAppendixBL() { 62 } 63 64 /** 65 * @param cInputData 输入的数据 66 * @param cOperate 数据操作 67 * @return 结果 68 */ 69 public boolean submitData(VData cInputData, String cOperate) { 70 this.mInputData = cInputData; 71 this.tOperator = cOperate; 72 73 if (!getInputData()) { 74 return false; 75 } 76 77 if (!checkData()) { 78 return false; 79 } 80 81 // 进行业务处理 82 if (!dealData()) { 83 return false; 84 } 85 86 if (!prepareOutputData()) { 87 return false; 88 } 89 90 PubSubmit tPubSubmit = new PubSubmit(); 91 92 if (!tPubSubmit.submitData(mResult, "")) { 93 // @@错误处理 94 this.mErrors.copyAllErrors(tPubSubmit.mErrors); 95 CError tError = new CError(); 96 tError.moduleName = "BQAcceptApplyPoolBL"; 97 tError.functionName = "submitData"; 98 tError.errorMessage = "数据提交失败!"; 99 this.mErrors.addOneError(tError); 100 return false; 101 } 102 mInputData = null; 103 return true; 104 } 105 106 /** 107 * @return 从输入数据中得到所有对象 输出:如果没有得到足够的业务数据对象,则返回false,否则返回true 108 */ 109 private boolean getInputData() { 110 mG = (GlobalInput) mInputData.getObjectByObjectName("GlobalInput", 0); // 按类取值 111 tLPEdorAnnexSchema = (LPEdorAnnexSchema) mInputData.getObjectByObjectName("LPEdorAnnexSchema", 0); // 按类取值 112 mTransferData = (TransferData) mInputData.getObjectByObjectName("TransferData", 0); 113 tEdorAcceptNo = (String) mTransferData.getValueByName("EdorAcceptNo"); 114 tAnnexNo = (String) mTransferData.getValueByName("AnnexNo"); 115 tAnnexType = (String) mTransferData.getValueByName("AnnexType"); 116 tAnnexName = (String) mTransferData.getValueByName("AnnexName"); 117 tRemark = (String) mTransferData.getValueByName("Remarks"); 118 tFileName=(String)mTransferData.getValueByName("FileName"); 119 tFilePath=(String) mTransferData.getValueByName("FilePath"); 120 121 122 return true; 123 } 124 125 /** 126 * @return 从输入数据中得到所有对象 输出:如果没有得到足够的业务数据对象,则返回false,否则返回true 127 */ 128 private boolean checkData() { 129 if ("uploadFile".equals(tOperator)) { 130 131 } else { 132 if ("".equals(tEdorAcceptNo) || tEdorAcceptNo == null) { 133 CError tError = new CError(); 134 tError.moduleName = "BQAppendixBL"; 135 tError.functionName = "checkData"; 136 tError.errorMessage = "没有对应的保全受理号"; 137 this.mErrors.addOneError(tError); 138 return false; 139 } 140 } 141 142 //如果是操作符是-保存备注-那就不需要校验了,因为下面会自动生成 143 if ("saveRemark".equals(tOperator) || "uploadFile".equals(tOperator)) { 144 145 } else { 146 if ("".equals(tAnnexNo) || tAnnexNo == null) { 147 CError tError = new CError(); 148 tError.moduleName = "BQAppendixBL"; 149 tError.functionName = "checkData"; 150 tError.errorMessage = "没有对应的附件编码"; 151 this.mErrors.addOneError(tError); 152 return false; 153 } 154 155 } 156 157 158 return true; 159 } 160 161 /** 162 * @return 从输入数据中得到所有对象 输出:如果没有得到足够的业务数据对象,则返回false,否则返回true 163 */ 164 private boolean dealData() { 165 // 作废-功能 166 if ("delete".equals(tOperator)) { 167 168 LPEdorAnnexDB tLPEdorAnnexDB = new LPEdorAnnexDB(); 169 tLPEdorAnnexDB.setEdorAcceptNo(tEdorAcceptNo); 170 tLPEdorAnnexDB.setAnnexNo(tAnnexNo); 171 if (!tLPEdorAnnexDB.getInfo()) { 172 CError tError = new CError(); 173 tError.moduleName = "BQAppendixBL"; 174 tError.functionName = "dealData"; 175 tError.errorMessage = "没有查询到该附件信息"; 176 this.mErrors.addOneError(tError); 177 return false; 178 } 179 //因为是通过这张表的两个主键进行查询的,所以只能够查询到一条记录 180 tLPEdorAnnexSchema = tLPEdorAnnexDB.getSchema(); 181 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setAnnexState("02"); 182 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setModifyDate(mCurrentDate); 183 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setModifyTime(mCurrentTime); 184 mMap.put(tLPEdorAnnexSchema, "UPDATE"); 185 } 186 //保存备注-功能 187 if ("saveRemark".equals(tOperator)) { 188 LPEdorAnnexDB tLPEdorAnnexDB=new LPEdorAnnexDB(); 189 tLPEdorAnnexDB.setEdorAcceptNo(tEdorAcceptNo); 190 tLPEdorAnnexDB.setAnnexNo(tAnnexNo); 191 if(!tLPEdorAnnexDB.getInfo()){ 192 CError tError = new CError(); 193 tError.moduleName = "BQAppendixBL"; 194 tError.functionName = "checkData"; 195 tError.errorMessage = "没有对应的附件信息"; 196 this.mErrors.addOneError(tError); 197 return false; 198 } 199 tLPEdorAnnexSchema=tLPEdorAnnexDB.getSchema(); 200 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setRemark(tRemark);//备注信息 201 mMap.put(tLPEdorAnnexSchema,"UPDATE"); 202 203 } 204 //文件上传 205 if("uploadFile".equals(tOperator)){ 206 tLPEdorAnnexSchema = new LPEdorAnnexSchema(); 207 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setEdorAcceptNo(tEdorAcceptNo); 208 //TODO 先暂定附件编码的生成规则是这样,后期需要改动再进行改动 209 String tQuestionID = PubFun1.CreateMaxNo("QuestionID", 10); 210 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setAnnexNo(tQuestionID); 211 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setAnnexType(tAnnexType); 212 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setAnnexParth(tFilePath);//文件名 213 214 215 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setAnnexName(tFileName); 216 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setRemark(tRemark); 217 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setAnnexState("01");//有效 218 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setCreator(mG.Operator); 219 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setOperator(mG.Operator); 220 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setMakeDate(mCurrentDate); 221 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setMakeTime(mCurrentTime); 222 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setModifyDate(mCurrentDate); 223 tLPEdorAnnexSchema.setModifyTime(mCurrentTime); 224 mMap.put(tLPEdorAnnexSchema, "DELETE&INSERT"); 225 226 } 227 228 return true; 229 } 230 231 /** 232 * @return 从输入数据中得到所有对象 输出:如果没有得到足够的业务数据对象,则返回false,否则返回true 233 */ 234 private boolean prepareOutputData() { 235 try { 236 this.mInputData = new VData(); 237 this.mInputData.add(this.mMap); 238 mResult.clear(); 239 mResult.add(this.mMap); 240 } catch (Exception ex) { 241 // @@错误处理 242 CError tError = new CError(); 243 tError.moduleName = "BQAppendixBL"; 244 tError.functionName = "prepareOutputData"; 245 tError.errorMessage = "在准备往后层处理所需要的数据时出错。"; 246 this.mErrors.addOneError(tError); 247 return false; 248 } 249 return true; 250 } 251 252 /** 253 * @return 结果 254 */ 255 public VData getResult() { 256 return this.mResult; 257 } 258 259 /** 260 * @param args 参数 261 */ 262 263 public static void main(String[] args) { 264 String tt = PubFun1.CreateMaxNo("EDORACCEPTNO", PubFun.getCurrentDate()); 265 System.out.println("------------- " + tt); 266 } 267 268 269 }
1 #保全附件管理 2 BQAppendixSql1=SELECT l.annextype 附件类型,l.annexname 附件,l.remark 备注说明,l.operator 操作人,l.makedate 入机日期,l.maketime 修改时间,(select codename from ldcode where codetype=‘filestate‘ and code=l.annexstate) 附件状态,l.annexParth 文件路径,l.annexNo 附件编码,l.edoracceptNo 保全受理号,(SELECT a.codename FROM LDCODE a WHERE a.CODETYPE=‘‘filetype‘‘ and a.code=l.annextype) 附件类型名称 FROM lpedorannex l where 1=1 AND l.ANNEXSTATE!=‘‘02‘‘ {0} 3 #保全受理号 4 BQAppendixSql1_0= and l.edoracceptno=‘‘{0}‘‘
1 <% 2 /*************************************************************** 3 * <p>ProName:download.jsp</p> 4 * <p>Title:下载文件页面</p> 5 * <p>Description:下载文件页面</p> 6 * <p>Copyright:Copyright (c) 2012</p> 7 * <p>Company:Sinosoft</p> 8 * @author : sinosoft 9 * @version : 8.0 10 * @date : 2012-01-01 11 ****************************************************************/ 12 %> 13 <%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"%> 14 <%@page import="java.io.*"%> 15 <%@page import="java.util.*"%> 16 <%@page import="com.sinosoft.utility.*"%> 17 <%@ page import="java.net.URLEncoder" %> 18 19 <% 20 try { 21 22 //String fileName = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(request.getParameter("FileName"), "UTF-8"); 23 //fileName = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8"); 24 //String filePath = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(request.getParameter("FilePath"), "UTF-8"); 25 26 String fileName = request.getParameter("FileName"); 27 String filePath = request.getParameter("FilePath"); 28 String filePathflag = request.getParameter("FilePathFlag"); 29 30 //获取文件名字符集,response.setHeader()文件名字符集必须是ISO8859-1 31 32 // fileName = new String(fileName.getBytes(), "ISO8859-1"); 33 // if(request.getHeader("User-Agent").toUpperCase().indexOf("MSIE") > 0){ 34 fileName = URLEncoder.encode(fileName , "UTF-8"); 35 // }else{ 36 // fileName = new String(fileName .getBytes(),"ISO8859-1"); 37 // } 38 String path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("").getPath().toString()+"plan/"; 39 path = path.substring(0,path.indexOf("WEB-INF"))+"template/"; 40 if(filePathflag!=null && "01".equals(filePathflag)){ 41 filePath=path+filePath; 42 } 43 44 response.setContentType("APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM;"); 45 response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename="+fileName); 46 ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream(); 47 out.clear(); 48 out = pageContext.pushBody(); 49 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filePath); 50 51 int j; 52 while ((j=fis.read()) != -1) { 53 sos.write(j); 54 } 55 sos.close(); 56 fis.close(); 57 } catch(Exception e) { 58 e.printStackTrace(); 59 System.out.println("File download Exception ..."); 60 } 61 %>