Spark Shuffle

Posted ronnieyuan


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Spark Shuffle相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

  1. SparkShuffle 概念

    • reduceByKey 会将上一个RDD中的每一个key对应的所有 value 聚合成一个 value, 然后生成一个value, 然后生成一个新的 RDD, 元素资源是<key, value> 对的形式, 这样每一个 key 对应 一个聚合起来的 value。
      • 问题:
      • 聚合之前, 每一个key对应的 value 不一定都在一个 partition 中, 也不太可能在同一个节点上, 因为 RDD 是分布式的弹性数据集, RDD 的 partition 极有可能分布在各个节点上。
      • 如何聚合?
        • Shuffle Write:
          • 上一个 stage 的每个 map task 就必须保证将自己处理的当前分区的数据相同的key写入一盒分区文件中, 可能会写入多个不同的分区文件中。
        • Shuffle Read:
          • reduce task 会从上一个stage的所有 task 所在的机器上寻找属于自己的那些分区文件, 这样就可以保证每一个 key 所对应的 value 都会汇集到同一个节点上去处理和聚合。
          • Spark 中有两种Shuffle类型: HashShuffle 和 SortShuffle
            • Spark1.2之前是HashShuffle, Spark1.2 引入SortShuffle
            • Spark1.2 - Spark1.6之间 HashShuffle 和 SortShuffle 并存
            • Spark2.0 移除了 HashShuffle, 只有SortShuffle
  2. HashShuffle

    • 普通机制

      • 示意图


      • 执行流程

        • 每个 map task 将不同结果写到不同的buffer中, 每个 buffer 的大小为32K。
        • 每个 buffer 文件最后对应一个磁盘小文件。
        • reduce task 来拉取对应的磁盘小文件。
      • 总结

        • map task 的计算结果会根据分区器 (默认是 hashPartition) 来决定写入到哪一个磁盘小文件中去。
        • ReduceTask 会去 Map 端拉取相应的磁盘小文件。
        • 产生的磁盘小文件个数: M (map task 的个数) * R (reduce task 的个数)
      • 存在的问题

        • 产生的磁盘小文件过多, 会导致以下问题:
          • 在 Shuffle Write 过程中会产生很多写磁盘小文件的对象
          • 在 Shuffle Read 过程中会产生很多读取磁盘小文件的对象
          • 在 JVM 堆内存中对象过多会造成频繁的 gc, 如果经过gc仍无法获取运行所需要的内存的话, 就会造成OOM(Out Of Memory)
          • 在数据传输过程中会有频繁的网络通信, 频繁的网络通信出现通信故障的可能性大大增加, 一旦网络通信出现了故障会导致 shuffle file cannot found (找不到shuffle的文件),从而导致task失败, TaskScheduler 不负责重试, 由DAGScheduler 负责重试Stage。
    • 合并机制

      • 合并机制示意图


      • 源码

        • ShuffleManager(Trait)


          package org.apache.spark.shuffle
          import org.apache.spark.{ShuffleDependency, TaskContext}
           * Pluggable interface for shuffle systems. A ShuffleManager is created 
           * in SparkEnv on the driver and on each executor, based on the 
           * spark.shuffle.manager setting.
           * shuffle 系统的可植入接口。在 SparkEnv(Spark 环境)中创建了一个
           * 基于spark.shuffle.manager 设置的 ShuffleManager
           * The driver registers shuffles with it, and executors (or tasks 
           * running locally in the driver) can ask to read and write data.
           * driver 将 shuffle 任务注册, 并且executor进程(或者运行在本地的任务) 可以申
           * 请数据的读写
           * NOTE: this will be instantiated by SparkEnv so its constructor can 
           * take a SparkConf and boolean isDriver as parameters.
           * 需要注意的是, 以上会被 SparkEnv(Env => Environment) 实例化 从而使它的构
           * 造器能够获取一个 SparkConf(Spark 配置文件) 和 是否是 Driver 的标签
          private[spark] trait ShuffleManager {
             * Register a shuffle with the manager and obtain a handle for it to 
             * pass to tasks.
             * 注册一个 带管理器的 shuffle 任务 并好获取一个将它发送给 任务集的 句柄
            def registerShuffle[K, V, C](
                shuffleId: Int,
                numMaps: Int,
                dependency: ShuffleDependency[K, V, C]): ShuffleHandle
            /** Get a writer for a given partition. Called on executors by map 
             * tasks.
             * 对已得的分区获取一个writer, 通过 map tasks 在 executor 进程上调用
            def getWriter[K, V](handle: ShuffleHandle, mapId: Int, context: TaskContext): ShuffleWriter[K, V]
             * Get a reader for a range of reduce partitions (startPartition to 
             * endPartition-1, inclusive).
             * 根据一段reduce(规约)分区获取 reader
             * Called on executors by reduce tasks.
             * 通过 reduce tasks 在 executor进程上调用
            def getReader[K, C](
                handle: ShuffleHandle,
                startPartition: Int,
                endPartition: Int,
                context: TaskContext): ShuffleReader[K, C]
             * Remove a shuffle's metadata from the ShuffleManager.
             * 从Shufflemanager 移除一个 shuffle 任务的 元数据
             * @return true if the metadata removed successfully, otherwise false.
             * 如果元数据被成功移除就返回true, 反之 false
            def unregisterShuffle(shuffleId: Int): Boolean
             * Return a resolver capable of retrieving shuffle block data based on 
             * block coordinates.
             * 返回一个能基于block坐标来取回 shuffle block 中的数据的解析器
            def shuffleBlockResolver: ShuffleBlockResolver
            /** Shut down this ShuffleManager.
             * 关闭该 shuffleManager
            def stop(): Unit
        • ShuffleReader(Trait)

          package org.apache.spark.shuffle
           * Obtained inside a reduce task to read combined records from the 
           * mappers.
           * 从一个 reduce task 内部 获取该 Trait的实例 以 从 mappers 中读取 总共的数据
          private[spark] trait ShuffleReader[K, C] {
            /** Read the combined key-values for this reduce task 
             * 读取 此 reduce task 的所有键值对
            def read(): Iterator[Product2[K, C]]
             * Close this reader.关闭该 reader
             * TODO: Add this back when we make the ShuffleReader a developer API 
             * that others can implement (at which point this will likely be 、
             * necessary).
             * 当我们将 ShuffleReader 作为一个他人可以实现的开发者的API时 将以下注释放
             * 开(在某些情况下这可能是必须的).
            // def stop(): Unit
        • ShuffleWriter


          package org.apache.spark.shuffle
          import org.apache.spark.scheduler.MapStatus
           * Obtained inside a map task to write out records to the shuffle 
           * system.
           * 该类 在一个 map task 获取, 用于将记录写出到Shuffle系统中。
          private[spark] abstract class ShuffleWriter[K, V] {
            /** Write a sequence of records to this task's output 
             * 将一系列记录写入到该任务的输出中
            //这里有相对应的 ShuffleWriter 实现
            def write(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit
            /** Close this writer, passing along whether the map completed 
             * 关闭该writer, 传回该map是否完成的 Boolean 标签
            def stop(success: Boolean): Option[MapStatus]
        • SortShuffleManager

          package org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort
          import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
          import org.apache.spark._
          import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
          import org.apache.spark.shuffle._
           * In sort-based shuffle, incoming records are sorted according to their 
           * target partition ids, then written to a single map output file. 
           * 在 sort-based(基于排序) 的 shuffle中, 将到来的记录都会根据他们的目标分区 
           * id 被排序, 然后被写入到一个简单的 map 输出文件
           * Reducers fetch contiguous regions of this file in order to
           * read their portion of the map output.
           * Reducer 获取 该文件相邻的区域从而读取他们的 map 输出部分
           * In cases where the map output data is too large to fit in memory, 
           * sorted subsets of the output can are spilled to disk and those on-
           * disk files are merged to produce the final output file.
           * 当 map 输出文件太大内存装不下时, 排序好的输出的子集可以被溢写到磁盘中, 并且 
           * 这些在磁盘中的(小)文件会被归并输出为最终文件
           * Sort-based shuffle has two different write paths for producing its 
           * map output files:
           * Sort-based shuffle 有两种不同的 产生map 输出文件 的 写路径
           *  - Serialized sorting: used when all three of the following 
           * conditions hold:
           * 当以下所有三种 条件成立时, 使用serialized sorting(序列化的排序) 
           *    1. The shuffle dependency specifies no aggregation or output 
           * ordering.
           *    1. shuffle 的依赖规定了 没有聚合 以及 输出排序
           *    2. The shuffle serializer supports relocation of serialized values 
           * (this is currently supported by KryoSerializer and Spark SQL's custom 
           * serializers).
           *    2.  shuffle 的序列器 支持 序列化值的重新分配 (这目前 由 Kryo 序列器 和 
           * Spark SQK 的客户端序列器 所支持)
           *    3. The shuffle produces fewer than 16777216 output partitions.
           *    3. shuffle 任务产生了比16777216 更少的输出分区
           *  - Deserialized sorting: used to handle all other cases.
           *  - 不序列化的排序, 用于处理所有其他情况
           * -----------------------
           * Serialized sorting mode
           * -----------------------
           * In the serialized sorting mode, incoming records are serialized as 
           * soon as they are passed to the shuffle writer and are buffered in a 
           * serialized form during sorting. 
           * 在序列化的排序模式中, 即将到来的记录会在他们被传送到 shuffle writer 上时就
           * 马上被序列化 并 在排序过程中 被缓存为 序列化的形式
           * This write path implements several optimizations:
           * 此写入路径 实现了许多优化
           *  - Its sort operates on serialized binary data rather than Java 
           * objects, which reduces memory consumption and GC overheads. 
           * 它的 排序直接操作 序列化的二进制数据 而不是 Java 对象, 这样就会减少内存消耗
           * 和 GC(Garbage Collector) 开销
           * This optimization requires the record serializer to have certain 
           * properties to allow serialized records to be re-ordered without  
           * requiring deserialization.
           * 此优化需要记录的序列器依据有特定的性质来允许序列化的记录 在 不执行反序列化
           * 的情况下被重新排序
           *    See SPARK-4550, where this optimization was first proposed and 
           * implemented, for more details.
           * 该优化在 SPARK-4550 中第一次被提出并且实施, 更多细节请查询它
           *  - It uses a specialized cache-efficient 
           * sorter([[ShuffleExternalSorter]]) that sorts arrays of compressed 
           * record pointers and partition ids.
           * 它使用了 一个特殊的 高效缓存排序器(ShuffleExternalSorter[外部的 shuffle 
           * 排序器]), 该排序器 对压缩过的记录点 数组 和 分区 id 数组 进行排序
           * By using only 8 bytes of space per record in the sorting array, this 
           * fits more of the array into cache.
           * 通过 对每条记录 仅使用 排序数组中 8 字节的 空间, 这使得更多的数组能被传入缓
           * 存
           *   The spill merging procedure operates on blocks of serialized 
           * records that belong to the same partition and does not need to 
           * deserialize records during the merge.
           *   溢写合并过程操作了序列化的记录所在的block(块), 这些记录属于相同分区, 并
           * 且不需要 在合并期间将数据反序列化
           *  - When the spill compression codec supports concatenation of 
           * compressed data, the spill merge simply concatenates the serialized  
           * and compressed spill partitions to produce the final output
           * partition.  
           * 当溢写压缩代码编译器 支持了 压缩数据 的合并时, 该溢写过程仅仅合并了序列化且
           * 压缩的溢写分区来产生最终的输出分区.
           * This allows efficient data copying methods, like NIO's `transferTo`, 
           * to be used and avoids the need to allocate decompression or copying 
           * buffers during the merge.
           * 这使得数据能被高效地拷贝, 就像 NIO(Not Blocked IO) 中的 transferTo(转换
           * 到), 在被使用时避免了在 合并时 分配解压缩 或 将缓存拷贝。 
           * For more details on these optimizations, see SPARK-7081.
           * 对于这些优化的更多细节,请查询 SPARK-7081
          private[spark] class SortShuffleManager(conf: SparkConf) extends ShuffleManager with Logging {
            if (!conf.getBoolean("spark.shuffle.spill", true)) {
                "spark.shuffle.spill was set to false, but this configuration is ignored as of Spark 1.6+." +
                  " Shuffle will continue to spill to disk when necessary.")
             * A mapping from shuffle ids to the number of mappers producing 
             * output for those shuffles.
             * 使用一个ConcurrentHashMap 来存储shuffles的中间结果
            private[this] val numMapsForShuffle = new ConcurrentHashMap[Int, Int]()
            // 重写 shuffleBlock 解析器
            override val shuffleBlockResolver = new IndexShuffleBlockResolver(conf)
             * Obtains a [[ShuffleHandle]] to pass to tasks.
             * 获取一个 shuffle 句柄来传递任务
              * SortShuffleManager中有几个重要的方法
              *  getReader :读取数据
              *  getWriter :写数据
              *  registerShuffle : 注册shuffle
            override def registerShuffle[K, V, C](
                shuffleId: Int,
                numMaps: Int,
                dependency: ShuffleDependency[K, V, C]): ShuffleHandle = {
              //判断是否使用sortShuffle 中的BypassMergeSort
              if (SortShuffleWriter.shouldBypassMergeSort(conf, dependency)) {
                // If there are fewer than spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold partitions and we don't
                // need map-side aggregation, then write numPartitions files directly and just concatenate
                // them at the end. This avoids doing serialization and deserialization twice to merge
                // together the spilled files, which would happen with the normal code path. The downside is
                // having multiple files open at a time and thus more memory allocated to buffers.
                  * 如果是少于参数 spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold 的分区,不需要map端预聚合,直接向buffer 缓存区中写数据,最后将它们连接起来。
                  * 这样避免了在shuffle 落地文件合并时的 序列化和反序列 过程。缺点是需要分配更多的内存。
                new BypassMergeSortShuffleHandle[K, V](
                  shuffleId, numMaps, dependency.asInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[K, V, V]])
              } else if (SortShuffleManager.canUseSerializedShuffle(dependency)) {
                // Otherwise, try to buffer map outputs in a serialized form, since this is more efficient:
                new SerializedShuffleHandle[K, V](
                  shuffleId, numMaps, dependency.asInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[K, V, V]])
              } else {
                // Otherwise, buffer map outputs in a deserialized form:
                new BaseShuffleHandle(shuffleId, numMaps, dependency)
             * Get a reader for a range of reduce partitions (startPartition to 、
             * endPartition-1, inclusive).
             * 获取一段 reduce 分区的读取器
             * Called on executors by reduce tasks.
             * 在 executor 进程上被 reduce 任务调用
            override def getReader[K, C](
                handle: ShuffleHandle,
                startPartition: Int,
                endPartition: Int,
                context: TaskContext): ShuffleReader[K, C] = {
              new BlockStoreShuffleReader(
                handle.asInstanceOf[BaseShuffleHandle[K, _, C]], startPartition, endPartition, context)
            /** Get a writer for a given partition. Called on executors by map 
            * tasks.
            * 获取一段分区的写入者 在 executor 进程上被 map 任务调用
            override def getWriter[K, V](
                handle: ShuffleHandle,
                mapId: Int,
                context: TaskContext): ShuffleWriter[K, V] = {
                handle.shuffleId, handle.asInstanceOf[BaseShuffleHandle[_, _, _]].numMaps)
              val env = SparkEnv.get
              handle match {
                case unsafeShuffleHandle: SerializedShuffleHandle[K @unchecked, V @unchecked] =>
                  new UnsafeShuffleWriter(
                case bypassMergeSortHandle: BypassMergeSortShuffleHandle[K @unchecked, V @unchecked] =>
                  new BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter(
                case other: BaseShuffleHandle[K @unchecked, V @unchecked, _] =>
                  new SortShuffleWriter(shuffleBlockResolver, other, mapId, context)
            /** Remove a shuffle's metadata from the ShuffleManager. */
            override def unregisterShuffle(shuffleId: Int): Boolean = {
              Option(numMapsForShuffle.remove(shuffleId)).foreach { numMaps =>
                (0 until numMaps).foreach { mapId =>
                  shuffleBlockResolver.removeDataByMap(shuffleId, mapId)
            /** Shut down this ShuffleManager. */
            override def stop(): Unit = {
          private[spark] object SortShuffleManager extends Logging {
             * The maximum number of shuffle output partitions that SortShuffleManager supports when
             * buffering map outputs in a serialized form. This is an extreme defensive programming measure,
             * since it's extremely unlikely that a single shuffle produces over 16 million output partitions.
             * */
              PackedRecordPointer.MAXIMUM_PARTITION_ID + 1
             * Helper method for determining whether a shuffle should use an optimized serialized shuffle
             * path or whether it should fall back to the original path that operates on deserialized objects.
            def canUseSerializedShuffle(dependency: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _]): Boolean = {
              val shufId = dependency.shuffleId
              val numPartitions = dependency.partitioner.numPartitions
              if (!dependency.serializer.supportsRelocationOfSerializedObjects) {
                log.debug(s"Can't use serialized shuffle for shuffle $shufId because the serializer, " +
                  s"${dependency.serializer.getClass.getName}, does not support object relocation")
              } else if (dependency.aggregator.isDefined) {
                  s"Can't use serialized shuffle for shuffle $shufId because an aggregator is defined")
              } else if (numPartitions > MAX_SHUFFLE_OUTPUT_PARTITIONS_FOR_SERIALIZED_MODE) {
                log.debug(s"Can't use serialized shuffle for shuffle $shufId because it has more than " +
              } else {
                log.debug(s"Can use serialized shuffle for shuffle $shufId")
           * Subclass of [[BaseShuffleHandle]], used to identify when we've chosen to use the
           * serialized shuffle.
          private[spark] class SerializedShuffleHandle[K, V](
            shuffleId: Int,
            numMaps: Int,
            dependency: ShuffleDependency[K, V, V])
            extends BaseShuffleHandle(shuffleId, numMaps, dependency) {
           * Subclass of [[BaseShuffleHandle]], used to identify when we've chosen to use the
           * bypass merge sort shuffle path.
          private[spark] class BypassMergeSortShuffleHandle[K, V](
            shuffleId: Int,
            numMaps: Int,
            dependency: ShuffleDependency[K, V, V])
            extends BaseShuffleHandle(shuffleId, numMaps, dependency) {
        • SortShuffleWriter

          package org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort
          import org.apache.spark._
          import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
          import org.apache.spark.scheduler.MapStatus
          import org.apache.spark.shuffle.{BaseShuffleHandle, IndexShuffleBlockResolver, ShuffleWriter}
          import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
          import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter
          private[spark] class SortShuffleWriter[K, V, C](
              shuffleBlockResolver: IndexShuffleBlockResolver,
              handle: BaseShuffleHandle[K, V, C],
              mapId: Int,
              context: TaskContext)
            extends ShuffleWriter[K, V] with Logging {
            private val dep = handle.dependency
            private val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager
            private var sorter: ExternalSorter[K, V, _] = null
            // Are we in the process of stopping? Because map tasks can call stop() with success = true
            // and then call stop() with success = false if they get an exception, we want to make sure
            // we don't try deleting files, etc twice.
            private var stopping = false
            private var mapStatus: MapStatus = null
            private val writeMetrics = context.taskMetrics().shuffleWriteMetrics
            /** Write a bunch of records to this task's output */
            override def write(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = {
              sorter = if (dep.mapSideCombine) {
                require(dep.aggregator.isDefined, "Map-side combine without Aggregator specified!")
                new ExternalSorter[K, V, C](
                  context, dep.aggregator, Some(dep.partitioner), dep.keyOrdering, dep.serializer)
              } else {
                // In this case we pass neither an aggregator nor an ordering to the sorter, because we don't
                // care whether the keys get sorted in each partition; that will be done on the reduce side
                // if the operation being run is sortByKey.
                new ExternalSorter[K, V, V](
                  context, aggregator = None, Some(dep.partitioner), ordering = None, dep.serializer)
              // Don't bother including the time to open the merged output file in the shuffle write time,
              // because it just opens a single file, so is typically too fast to measure accurately
              // (see SPARK-3570).
              val output = shuffleBlockResolver.getDataFile(dep.shuffleId, mapId)
              val tmp = Utils.tempFileWith(output)
              try {
                val blockId = ShuffleBlockId(dep.shuffleId, mapId, IndexShuffleBlockResolver.NOOP_REDUCE_ID)
                val partitionLengths = sorter.writePartitionedFile(blockId, tmp)
                shuffleBlockResolver.writeIndexFileAndCommit(dep.shuffleId, mapId, partitionLengths, tmp)
                mapStatus = MapStatus(blockManager.shuffleServerId, partitionLengths)
              } finally {
                if (tmp.exists() && !tmp.delete()) {
                  logError(s"Error while deleting temp file ${tmp.getAbsolutePath}")
            /** Close this writer, passing along whether the map completed */
            override def stop(success: Boolean): Option[MapStatus] = {
              try {
                if (stopping) {
                  return None
                stopping = true
                if (success) {
                  return Option(mapStatus)
                } else {
                  return None
              } finally {
                // Clean up our sorter, which may have its own intermediate files
                if (sorter != null) {
                  val startTime = System.nanoTime()
                  writeMetrics.incWriteTime(System.nanoTime - startTime)
                  sorter = null
          private[spark] object SortShuffleWriter {
            def shouldBypassMergeSort(conf: SparkConf, dep: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _]): Boolean = {
              // We cannot bypass sorting if we need to do map-side aggregation.
              if (dep.mapSideCombine) {
                //map 端有预聚合的操作,不能使用bypass 机制
                require(dep.aggregator.isDefined, "Map-side combine without Aggregator specified!")
              } else {
                //map 端没有预聚合,但是分区大于 参数 spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold = 200 也不能使用bypass 机制。
                val bypassMergeThreshold: Int = conf.getInt("spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold", 200)
                dep.partitioner.numPartitions <= bypassMergeThreshold
      • 总结

        • 产生磁盘小文件的个数: C(使用的cpu core 个数) * R(reduce 的个数)
  3. SortShuffle

    • 普通机制

      • 示意图


      • 执行流程

        • map task 的计算结果会写入到一个内存数据结构中, 内存数据结构默认是 5M。
        • 在 shuffle 的时候会启动一个定时器, 不定期的去估算这个内存结果的大小, 当内存结构中的数据超过5M时(设为N), 它会申请 (N * 2 - 5) M 内存给内存数据结构。
        • 如果申请成功不会进行溢写, 如果申请不成功, 这时候会溢写磁盘。
        • 在溢写之前, 内存结构中的数据会进行排序分区。
        • 溢写磁盘是以 batch 形式去写, 一个 batch 是 10000 条数据。
        • map task 执行完成后, 会将这些磁盘小文件合并成一个大的磁盘文件, 同时生成一个索引文件。
        • reduce task 去 map 端拉取数据的时候, 首先解析索引文件, 根据索引 文件再去拉取对应的数据。
      • 总结

        • 产生磁盘小文件的个数: 2*M (map task的个数)
    • bypass机制

      • 示意图


      • 总结

        • shuffle reduce task 的数量小于 spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold 的参数值。(该值默认是200)
        • 产生的磁盘小文件数: 2*M (map task 的个数)
  4. Shuffle 文件寻址

    • MapOutputTracker

      • MapOutputTacker 是 Spark 架构中的一个模块, 是一个主从架构。
      • 负责管理磁盘小文件的地址
      • MapOutputTrackerMaster 是主对象, 存在于 Driver中。
      • MapOutputTrackerWorker 是从对象, 存在于 Executor。
    • BlockManager

      • BlockManager 块管理者, 是Spark架构中的一个模块, 也是一个主从架构。
      • BlockManagerMaster
      • BlockManagerWorker
      • 无论在 Driver 端的BlockManager 还是在 Executor 端的 BlockManager 都含有四个对象:
        • DiskStore
        • MemoryStore
        • ConnectionManager
        • BlockTransferWorker
    • Shuffle文件寻址图


    • Shuffle 文件寻址流程

以上是关于Spark Shuffle的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

[spark] shuffle

Spark学习之路 SparkCore的调优之Shuffle调优


如何在 Spark 中确定最佳 shuffle 分区数


Spark Shuffle Write阶段磁盘文件分析