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PCI鏄竴绉嶆湰鍦版€荤嚎锛堝苟琛岋級锛岃鏍间功鍚嶇О锛歅CI Local Bus Specification銆傚苟琛屾€荤嚎锛屾彃妲借鏍肩粺涓€銆?/p>

PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect.  It is a hardware bus that helps to add internal components to a desktop computer. It uses a parallel bus structure. Moreover, it is possible to insert a PCI card to a PCI slot on a motherboard to provide additional IO ports.

PCI architecture is also known as conventional PCI. This technology was introduced in 1992 by Intel. In earlier computers, there were two to five PCI cards. Each card required an open slot on the motherboard. Furthermore, it required a removable panel on the back of the system unit. Adding PCI cards was an easy way to upgrade a computer because it helps the users to add better video cards, faster wired or wireless networking or add new ports like USB 2.0.

The original 32bit, 33MHz PCI standard was capable of sending and receiving data at a rate of 133Mbps. The 64bit, 66MHz is an upgraded standard that supports a faster data transferring rate at a frequency up to 533 MHz. In the year 1998, the organizations IBM, HP, and Compaq introduced PCI –X (PCI extended). It provides a data transferring rate up to 1064MHz. Furthermore, it is backward compatible with PCI.

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PCI Express

PCI Express鏄疨CI鐨勬柊鐗堟湰锛岃鏍间功锛歅CI Card Electromechanical Specification銆傜‖浠惰鏍奸殢閫氶亾鏁颁笉鍚岃€屼笉鍚岋紙x1锛寈4锛寈8锛寈16锛夛紝浣庨€氶亾鏁版澘鍗″彲鎻掑叆澶氶€氶亾鏁版彃妲姐€?/p>

鐢变簬PCI鏄€荤嚎锛岃礋杞藉鏃跺彲鑳藉共鎵癈PU杩愯锛屽悓鏃堕€熷害鏇翠笉涓奀PU鏇存柊鎹唬绛夊涓嶈冻锛岃€屽熀鏈PCI Express鏇夸唬銆?/p>

The latest PCI version is PCI Express (PCI e). It uses a network of serial connections controlled by a hub on the computer’s motherboard. Therefore, PCI Express cards run faster than general PCI cards. There must be at least one PCI Express Slot available on the computer in order to use the PCI Express card.

PCI Express is available in x1, x4, x8, and x16 implementations. They increase the bandwidth by corresponding amounts. The larger implementations require longer PCI Express slots. The x16 is the largest slot while x1 is the smallest slot. It is possible to insert PCI Express card slots to any slot that is large enough for it. For example, x4 can be inserted to x8 but not to x1.

The main advantage of PCI Express is that it provides fast data transfer rates. It is possible to connect high-speed devices such as high-end video card and Gigabit Ethernet cards using PCI Express. Therefore, PCI Express is capable of replacing PCI. Furthermore, PCI Express is backward compatible with PCI hardware and software.

PCI E瑕佹眰杩炴帴鍣ㄦ彁渚?2V鍜?.3V鐢垫簮锛堝彲閫?.3Vaux锛夈€?/p>

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Difference Between PCI and PCI Express

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PCI is a local computer bus for attaching hardware devices in a computer. On the other hand, PCI Express is a high-speed serial computer expansion bus that is designed to replace older PCI and PCI – X bus standards.

Long Form

Moreover, PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect while PCI Express stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect Express.

Interface Type

The main difference between PCI and PCI Express is that the PCI is a parallel interface while the PCI Express is a serial interface.


Speed is another difference between PCI and PCI Express. PCI Express provides a faster data rate than PCI.

Slot Type

While PCI slots are standardized, PCI Express depends on the number of lanes the slots are intended for.


PCI Express is the latest version while PCI is the older version.


In brief, PCI Express is a newer version of PCI, which provides faster speed. The main difference between PCI and PCI Express is that PCI is a parallel interface while PCI Express is a serial interface.



Mini PCIE鏄负绉诲姩閫氳璁捐锛岃鏍间功锛歅CI Express Mini Card Electromechanical Specification銆?/p>

The primary differences between a PCI Express add-in card (as defined by the PCI Express CardElectromechanical Specification) and a PCI Express Mini Card add-in card is a unique card form factor optimized for mobile computing platforms and a card-system interconnection optimized for communication applications. Specifically, PCI Express Mini Card add-in cards are smaller and have smaller connectors than standard PCI Express add-in cards

PCI Express Mini Card涓昏鎻愪緵涓夌鏁版嵁鎺ュ彛锛歅CI Express锛?USB锛堝拰DisplayPort锛夈€?/p>

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PCI Express Mini Card鎻愪緵涓ょ鐢垫簮锛?.3V鍜?.5V銆?/p>

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瑙勬牸涔︼細PCI Express M.2 Specification銆?/p>

M.2姣攎ini Card鍜宧alf-mini Card灏哄鍜屼綋绉洿灏忋€?/p>


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涓嬪浘浠庡乏鍒板彸鍒嗗埆鏄細锛?锛堿- and E-Key鏃犵嚎缃戝崱锛涳紙2锛夈€侊紙3锛塀- and M-Key鍥烘€佺‖鐩橈紱锛?锛塎-Key鍥烘€佺‖鐩樸€?/p>

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M.2鍖呭惈澶氫釜涓绘満鎺ュ彛锛歅CIe銆丳CIe LP锛孒SIC锛孲SIC锛孶SB锛孲DIO锛孶ART锛孭CM/I2S锛孖2C锛孲ATA锛孌isplay Port绛夈€?/p>


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1锛?What is the Difference Between PCI and PCI Express

2锛?PCI-Express璇﹁В  鐧惧害鏂囧簱

3锛?mini PCIe鍜孧.2鐨勭鏅创

4锛?Mini PCIe vs. M.2 NGFF: How to Select the Best IoT Data Card Form Factors on the Road to 5G


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