function resize() {
// Get the height of the fixed-header. parseInt used to strip off the px in the value
fixedHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("topfixed").offsetHeight, 10);
// Set the height of the fixed, scrolling, instructions division to the viewport height minus the
// height of the fixed-header and 20px "slop space"
document.getElementById('instructions').style.height = (parseInt(window.innerHeight, 10)
- fixedHeight - 20) + "px";
gblLastButtonClicked = 0; // Yes, I'm using a global variable - did so because this is down and dirty.
function buttonclick(button) {
// Set the height of the fixed-header from the value of the button just clicked. Values are 0px,
// 10px, 20px....80px
document.getElementById("topfixed").style.height = button.value;
// Display the height in the button bar
document.getElementById("heighttext").innerHTML = "Height is " + button.value + " ";
// Set the body margin-top to the height of the fixed-header (as gotten from value of the clicked button)
document.getElementById("body").style.marginTop = button.value;
// Set the top of the Instructions division to the height of the fixed-header (from button.value)
document.getElementById("instructions").style.marginTop = button.value;
// Set the top of the buttonbar division to the height of the fixed-header (from button.value)
document.getElementById("buttonBar").style.marginTop = button.value;
// Set the previously clicked button's text to blank
document.getElementById("button" + gblLastButtonClicked).style.color = "black";
// Set the previously clicked button's font-weight to normal
document.getElementById("button" + gblLastButtonClicked).style.fontWeight = "normal";
// Set the last button clicked global variable.
gblLastButtonClicked = parseInt(button.value, 10);
// Set the text color of the button just clicked to red
button.style.color = "red";
// Set the font-weight of the button just clicked to bod
button.style.fontWeight = "bold";
// Call the resize function (defined above) to resize the fixed instuctions division
// Set the focus to the body of the page. It will be on the button just clicked and setting it to the
// body allows the use of the pagedown key without clicking on a part of the body - I've seen
// some browsers which keep the focus on the button and, as a result, pagedown does not scrol the page
// Scroll the page to the top. We do this so the testing always starts at the same point and to save
// the user from having to do so.
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
function fillPage() { // this function writes 150 lines of text into the body
for (i = 1; i < 151; i++) {
document.writeln("********************** Line #" + i + "<BR>");
.button {
width: 50px;
font-size: 12px;
.instructions {
position: fixed ;
z-index: 10;
width: 40%;
overflow: auto;
font-size: 15px;
left: 57%;
background-color: lightblue;
color: black;
padding: 5px;
border: 2px black solid;
top: 0px;
.topfixed {
background-color: yellow;
opacity: .8;
z-index: 1;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 0px;
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
.buttonBar {
position: fixed;
left: 0px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
background-color: green;
width: 100px;
text-align: center;
z-index: 10;
top: 0px;
.content {
width: 80%;
margin: 25px auto;
margin-top: 0px;
function resize() {
// Get the height of the fixed-header. parseInt used to strip off the px in the value
fixedHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("topfixed").offsetHeight, 10);
// Set the height of the fixed, scrolling, instructions division to the viewport height minus the
// height of the fixed-header and 20px "slop space"
document.getElementById('instructions').style.height = (parseInt(window.innerHeight, 10)
- fixedHeight - 20) + "px";
gblLastButtonClicked = 0; // Yes, I'm using a global variable - did so because this is down and dirty.
function buttonclick(button) {
// Set the height of the fixed-header from the value of the button just clicked. Values are 0px,
// 10px, 20px....80px
document.getElementById("topfixed").style.height = button.value;
// Display the height in the button bar
document.getElementById("heighttext").innerHTML = "Height is " + button.value + " ";
// Set the body margin-top to the height of the fixed-header (as gotten from value of the clicked button)
document.getElementById("body").style.marginTop = button.value;
// Set the top of the Instructions division to the height of the fixed-header (from button.value)
document.getElementById("instructions").style.marginTop = button.value;
// Set the top of the buttonbar division to the height of the fixed-header (from button.value)
document.getElementById("buttonBar").style.marginTop = button.value;
// Set the previously clicked button's text to blank
document.getElementById("button" + gblLastButtonClicked).style.color = "black";
// Set the previously clicked button's font-weight to normal
document.getElementById("button" + gblLastButtonClicked).style.fontWeight = "normal";
// Set the last button clicked global variable.
gblLastButtonClicked = parseInt(button.value, 10);
// Set the text color of the button just clicked to red
button.style.color = "red";
// Set the font-weight of the button just clicked to bod
button.style.fontWeight = "bold";
// Call the resize function (defined above) to resize the fixed instuctions division
// Set the focus to the body of the page. It will be on the button just clicked and setting it to the
// body allows the use of the pagedown key without clicking on a part of the body - I've seen
// some browsers which keep the focus on the button and, as a result, pagedown does not scrol the page
// Scroll the page to the top. We do this so the testing always starts at the same point and to save
// the user from having to do so.
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
function fillPage() { // this function writes 150 lines of text into the body
for (i = 1; i < 151; i++) {
document.writeln("********************** Line #" + i + "<BR>");
编辑-这是演示页面的page with screen captures
我想先打开一个错误报告,首先要确定它在屏幕分辨率高于1024 x 600的Chrome中是否具有相同的行为。
有人用Chrome在分辨率高于1024 x 600的屏幕上尝试过此操作吗?如果是这样,结果如何?它与分辨率为1024 x 600的Chrome具有相同的分辨率吗?或者>
Elliott,现在是4-1 / 2年后,您在Chrome中指出的问题仍然存在。
我正在Chrome中阅读https://www.therighting.com/,并注意到PgDn键滚动了大约两行。我用Google搜索“向下翻页键向下滚动太远”,找到了您的帖子(以及其他信息)。我在最新版本的Chrome(79.0.3945.88)上使用了您的测试页,以验证问题仍然存在。我正在使用标准的FHD(1920 x 1080)显示器。我在最新版本的Firefox(71.0)上测试了您的页面,并确认您观察到Firefox可正确处理此问题。我在IE(11.0.9600)版本上测试了您的网页,发现使用100px固定标头会损失大约0.5行。我希望Chrome浏览器采用Firefox的解决方案...
当页面上存在较大的 div 时,位置固定 100% 不是视口宽度
当点击视口底部时,防止 Mobile Safari 显示工具栏