Posted ljm-zsy
import io.StdIn._ object Test { def main(args: Array[String]){ var Sn:Float = 0 var n:Float=1 println("please input q:") val q = readInt() while(Sn<q){ Sn+=(n+1)/n n+=1 } println(s"Sn=$Sn") } }
第二个实验的第二个部分出现了这个unclosed string literal问题,百度上说的都是字符串不闭合,我仔细研究了一下代码,发现是闭合的,于是我把出问题的代码注释掉。尝试运行,发现可以的,而后我又去掉注释,就没问题了,代码就是这么神奇,格式也会有影响。
case class Point(var x:Double,var y:Double) extends Drawable{ def shift(deltaX:Double,deltaY:Double){x+=deltaX;y+=deltaY} } trait Drawable{ def draw(){println(this.toString)} } abstract class Shape(var location:Point){//location是Shape的一个可变字段 def moveTo(newLocation:Point){ //默认实现,只是修改位置 location = newLocation } def zoom(scale:Double) } class Line(beginPoint:Point,var endPoint:Point) extends Shape(beginPoint) with Drawable{ override def draw(){ println(s"Line:(${location.x},${location.y})--(${endPoint.x},${endPoint.y})") } override def moveTo(newLocation:Point){ endPoint.shift(newLocation.x - location.x,newLocation.y - location.y) //直线移动时,先移动另外一个端点 location = newLocation //移动位置 } override def zoom(scale:Double){ val midPoint = Point((endPoint.x + location.x)/2,(endPoint.y + location.y)/2) //求出中点,并按中点进行缩放 location.x = midPoint.x + scale * (location.x - midPoint.x) location.y = midPoint.y + scale * (location.y -midPoint.y) endPoint.x = midPoint.x + scale * (endPoint.x - midPoint.x) endPoint.y = midPoint.y + scale * (endPoint.y -midPoint.y) }} class Circle(center:Point,var radius:Double) extends Shape(center) with Drawable{ override def draw(){ println(s"Circle center:(${location.x},${location.y}),R=$radius") } override def zoom(scale:Double){ radius = radius*scale //对圆的缩放只用修改半径 } } object MyDraw{ def main(args: Array[String]) { val p=new Point(10,30) p.draw; val line1 = new Line(Point(0,0),Point(20,20)) line1.draw line1.moveTo(Point(5,5)) line1.draw line1.zoom(2) line1.draw val cir= new Circle(Point(10,10),5) cir.draw cir.moveTo(Point(30,20)) cir.draw cir.zoom(0.5) cir.draw } }