IGPImage.Width; { 宽度(单位是像素) } IGPImage.Height; { 高度(单位是像素) } IGPImage.HorizontalResolution; { 获取水平分辨率(以"像素/英寸"为单位) } IGPImage.VerticalResolution; { 获取垂直分辨率(以"像素/英寸"为单位) } IGPImage.RawFormat; { 获取图像的文件格式 } IGPImage.PixelFormat; { 获取图像的像素格式 } IGPImage.Flags; { 获取图像像素的属性标志 } IGPImage.ImageType; { 图像类型(Bitmap/Metafile/Unknown) } IGPImage.Palette; { 获取或设置调色板 } IGPImage.GetFrameCount(); { 获取帧数 } function GetPixelFormatSize(); { 返回指定像素格式的颜色深度(每个像素的位数) } function IsIndexedPixelFormat(); { 判断像素格式是否是索引的 } function IsAlphaPixelFormat(); { 判断像素格式是否包含 alpha 信息 } function IsCanonicalPixelFormat(); { 像素格式是否是每个像素 32 位(标准) } function IsExtendedPixelFormat(); { 像素格式是否是每个像素 64 位 }
uses GdiPlus; procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var Graphics: IGPGraphics; Image: IGPImage; Size: TGPSizeF; Rect: TGPRectF; SrcUnit: TGPUnit; dx,dy: Single; begin Image := TGPImage.Create(‘C:GdiPlusImgApple.gif‘); Graphics := TGPGraphics.Create(Handle); Graphics.DrawImage(Image, 10, 10); ShowMessageFmt(‘Width:%d, Height:%d‘, [Image.Width, Image.Height]); { Width:120, Height:128 } Image.GetPhysicalDimension(Size); ShowMessageFmt(‘Width:%f, Height:%f‘, [Size.Width, Size.Height]); { Width:120.00, Height:128.00 } Image.GetBounds(Rect, SrcUnit); ShowMessageFmt(‘Width:%f, Height: %f; 单位: %d‘, [Size.Width, Size.Height, Ord(SrcUnit)]); { Width:120.00, Height:128.00; 单位: 2 } //TGPUnit(2) = UnitPixel; dx := Image.HorizontalResolution; dy := Image.VerticalResolution; ShowMessageFmt(‘水平分辨率: %f, 垂直分辨率: %f‘, [dx, dy]); { 水平分辨率: 96.00, 垂直分辨率: 96.00 } end;
uses GdiPlus; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Image: IGPImage; f: string; begin Image := TGPImage.Create(‘C:GdiPlusImgBird.bmp‘); if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatUndefined) then f := ‘Undefined‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatMemoryBMP) then f := ‘MemoryBMP‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatBMP) then f := ‘BMP‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatEMF) then f := ‘EMF‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatWMF) then f := ‘WMF‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatJPEG) then f := ‘JPEG‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatPNG) then f := ‘PNG‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatGIF) then f := ‘GIF‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatTIFF) then f := ‘TIFF‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatEXIF) then f := ‘EXIF‘; if IsEqualGUID(Image.RawFormat, ImageFormatIcon) then f := ‘Icon‘; ShowMessage(f); { BMP } end;
uses GdiPlus; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Image: IGPImage; pf: string; begin Image := TGPImage.Create(‘C:GdiPlusImgBird.bmp‘); case Image.PixelFormat of PixelFormat1bppIndexed : pf := ‘PixelFormat1bppIndexed‘; PixelFormat4bppIndexed : pf := ‘PixelFormat4bppIndexed‘; PixelFormat8bppIndexed : pf := ‘PixelFormat8bppIndexed‘; PixelFormat16bppGrayScale : pf := ‘PixelFormat16bppGrayScale‘; PixelFormat16bppRGB555 : pf := ‘PixelFormat16bppRGB555‘; PixelFormat16bppRGB565 : pf := ‘PixelFormat16bppRGB565‘; PixelFormat16bppARGB1555 : pf := ‘PixelFormat16bppARGB1555 ‘; PixelFormat24bppRGB : pf := ‘PixelFormat24bppRGB‘; PixelFormat32bppRGB : pf := ‘PixelFormat32bppRGB‘; PixelFormat32bppARGB : pf := ‘PixelFormat32bppARGB‘; PixelFormat32bppPARGB : pf := ‘PixelFormat32bppPARGB‘; PixelFormat48bppRGB : pf := ‘PixelFormat48bppRGB‘; PixelFormat64bppARGB : pf := ‘PixelFormat64bppARGB‘; PixelFormat64bppPARGB : pf := ‘PixelFormat64bppPARGB‘; end; ShowMessage(pf); { PixelFormat8bppIndexed } end;
uses GdiPlus; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const n = sLineBreak; var Image: IGPImage; f: TGPImageFlags; s: string; begin Image := TGPImage.Create(‘C:GdiPlusImgBird.bmp‘); f := Image.Flags; if TGPImageFlag(0) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsScalable‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(1) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsHasAlpha‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(2) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsHasTranslucent‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(3) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsPartiallyScalable‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(4) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(5) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsColorSpaceCMYK‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(6) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsColorSpaceGRAY‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(7) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCBCR‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(8) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCCK‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(12) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsHasRealDPI‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(13) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(16) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsReadOnly‘ + n; if TGPImageFlag(17) in f then s := s + ‘ImageFlagsCaching‘ + n; ShowMessage(s); { ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB / ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize / ImageFlagsReadOnly } end;
uses GdiPlus; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Image: IGPImage; str: string; begin ChDir(‘C:GdiPlusImg‘); Image := TGPImage.Create(‘SampleMetafile.emf‘); case Image.ImageType of ImageTypeUnknown : str := ‘Unknown‘; ImageTypeBitmap : str := ‘Bitmap‘; ImageTypeMetafile: str := ‘Metafile‘; end; ShowMessage(str); { Metafile } end;
uses GdiPlus; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Image: IGPImage; n: Integer; b: Boolean; begin Image := TGPImage.Create(‘C:GdiPlusImgGrapes.jpg‘); { 每个像素的大小 } n := GetPixelFormatSize(Image.PixelFormat); ShowMessage(IntToStr(n)); { 24 } { 是否使用了索引色 } b := IsIndexedPixelFormat(Image.PixelFormat); ShowMessage(BoolToStr(b, True)); { False } { 是否包含透明信息 } b := IsAlphaPixelFormat(Image.PixelFormat); ShowMessage(BoolToStr(b, True)); { False } { 是否是 32 位 } b := IsCanonicalPixelFormat(Image.PixelFormat); ShowMessage(BoolToStr(b, True)); { False } { 是否是 64 位 } b := IsExtendedPixelFormat(Image.PixelFormat); ShowMessage(BoolToStr(b, True)); { False } end;
是否是多帧图像(只有 TIFF 和 GIF 才可能是多帧):
uses GdiPlus; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Tiff,Gif: IGPImage; n: Integer; begin Tiff := TGPImage.Create(‘C:GdiPlusImgMultiFrame.tif‘); Gif := TGPImage.Create(‘C:GdiPlusImgApple.gif‘); if IsEqualGUID(Tiff.RawFormat, ImageFormatTIFF) then begin n := Tiff.GetFrameCount(FrameDimensionPage); ShowMessage(IntToStr(n)); //4 end; if IsEqualGUID(Gif.RawFormat, ImageFormatGIF) then begin n := Gif.GetFrameCount(FrameDimensionTime); ShowMessage(IntToStr(n)); //1 end; end;
uses GdiPlus; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Image: IGPImage; Palette: IGPColorPalette; i: Integer; str: string; begin Image := TGPImage.Create(‘C:GdiPlusImgStripes.bmp‘); Palette := Image.Palette; ShowMessage(IntToStr(Image.Palette.Count)); //5; 若是 0 表示无调色板 { 也可用下面这句判断是否使用了索引色(或者说调色板) } //if not IsIndexedPixelFormat(Image.PixelFormat) then Exit; { 以字符串的形式获取调试板中的所有颜色 } for i := 0 to Palette.Count - 1 do begin str := str + Format(‘$%.8X‘, [Palette.Entries[i]]) + sLineBreak; end; ShowMessage(str); { $FF000000/$FFFFFFFF/$FF0000FF/$FF00FF00/$FFFF0000 } end;