xlslib and libxls
Posted yzfhkms-x
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了xlslib and libxls相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
void cratexlsfile(std::string filename,ustring name,ustring gender,ustring id,ustring Class,ustring PhoneNum) { XLS obj; auto sheet = obj.createSheet("sheet1"); obj.MergingUnit(0, 1, 5, 1); auto cell_0 = sheet->label(1, 0, L"合江县学生健康卡"); cell_0->halign(HALIGN_CENTER); cell_0->valign(VALIGN_CENTER); cell_0->fontheight(400); cell_0->fontbold(boldness_option_t::BOLDNESS_HALF); obj.setWidth(0, 20); obj.setWidth(3, 20); obj.setWidth(4, 25); obj.setWidth(5, 20); obj.setHeight(1, 80); obj.MergingUnit(0, 2, 5, 2); cell_0 = sheet->label(2, 0, L"学生基本情况"); cell_0->halign(HALIGN_CENTER); cell_0->valign(VALIGN_CENTER); cell_0->fontheight(200); //cell_0->fontbold(boldness_option_t::BOLDNESS_NORMAL); obj.setHeight(2, 50); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 3, L"姓名", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.setSize(0, 3, 10, 50); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 3, L"性别", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(2, 3, 3, 3); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 3, L"身份证号码", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 3, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 3, L"就读学校/年纪/班级", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 3, L"联系电话", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 4, name, 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.setSize(0, 4, 10, 50); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 4, gender, 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(2, 4, 3, 4); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 4, id, 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 4, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 4, Class, 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 4, PhoneNum, 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.setSize(0, 5, 10, 50); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 5, L"户籍所在地", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(1, 5, 5, 5); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 5, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 5, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 5, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 5, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 5, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.setSize(0, 6, 10, 50); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 6, L"假期居住地点", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(1, 6, 5, 6); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 6, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 6, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 6, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 6, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 6, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.setSize(0, 7, 10, 50); obj.setSize(0, 8, 10, 50); obj.MergingUnit(0, 7, 0, 8); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 7, L"是否曾前往疫区", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0->halign(halign_option_t::HALIGN_JUSTIFY); //cell_0->fontstrikeout(true); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 8, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(1, 7, 2, 7); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 7, L"是/否(若是,填后栏)", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 7, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(3, 7, 5, 7); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 7, L"具体地址", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 7, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 7, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(1, 8, 2, 8); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 8, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 8, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(3, 8, 5, 8); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 8, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 8, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 8, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.setSize(0, 9, 10, 50); obj.setSize(0, 10, 10, 50); obj.MergingUnit(0, 9, 0, 10); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 9, L"是否接触过疫区高危人员", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0->halign(halign_option_t::HALIGN_JUSTIFY); //cell_0->fontstrikeout(true); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 10, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(1, 9, 2, 9); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 9, L"是/否(若是,填后栏)", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 9, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(3, 9, 5, 9); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 9, L"高危人员状况(被隔离、医学观察、已解除医学观察、在家隔离)", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 9, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 9, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(1, 10, 2, 10); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 10, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 10, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(3, 10, 5, 10); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 10, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 10, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 10, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.MergingUnit(0, 11, 5, 11); cell_0 = sheet->label(11, 0, L"健康状况"); cell_0->halign(HALIGN_CENTER); cell_0->valign(VALIGN_CENTER); cell_0->fontheight(200); //cell_0->fontbold(boldness_option_t::BOLDNESS_NORMAL); obj.setHeight(11, 50); obj.getWorksheet("sheet1")->defaultRowHeight(30); obj.setHeight(12, 50); obj.setHeight(13, 80); obj.MergingUnit(0, 12, 0, 13); obj.MergingUnit(1, 12, 3, 12); obj.MergingUnit(4, 12, 5, 12); obj.MergingUnit(1, 13, 2, 13); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 12, L"时间", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, 13, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 12, L"学生身体健康状况", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 12, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 12, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 12, L"家庭成员健康状况", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 12, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(1, 13, L"是否正常(若否,填后栏)", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(2, 13, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(3, 13, L"主要症状", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(4, 13, L"是否正常(若否,填后栏)", 200, obj.createBorder()); cell_0 = obj.createLable(5, 13, L"主要症状", 200, obj.createBorder()); obj.getWorksheet("sheet1")->defaultRowHeight(30); int time = 14; int index = 14; int day = 4; wchar_t buf[256] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { wsprintfW(buf, L"2月%d日", day); obj.setHeight(index, 50); obj.MergingUnit(1, index, 2, index); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, index, buf, 200, obj.createBorder()); day++; index++; } obj.getWorksheet("sheet1")->defaultRowHeight(30); obj.setHeight(index, 80); obj.MergingUnit(0, index, 5, index); auto xf = obj.createBorder(); cell_0 = obj.createLable(0, index, L"注:1.“疫情重点防控地区”指湖北、浙江、广州、上海和重庆等 2.学生健康状况是否正常主要指咳嗽、发热等疑似新冠肺炎主要症状,其他状况不列入统计", 200, xf); cell_0->fontcolor(color_name_t::CLR_DARK_RED); cell_0->halign(halign_option_t::HALIGN_JUSTIFY); cell_0->valign(valign_option_t::VALIGN_TOP); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { cell_0 = obj.createLable(i, index, L"", 200, obj.createBorder()); } obj.save(filename); } int main() { std::string filename; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(StudentName) / W; i++) //for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { filename = std::string("StudentData/") + StudentName[i] + std::string(".xls"); cratexlsfile(filename, StudentNameW[i], StudentGenderW[i], StudenIDW[i], StudentClass, StudentPhoneNumberW[i]); printf("create %s ok........ ",filename.c_str()); } printf("ok "); _sleep(3000); return 0; }
由于涉及到大量个人数据,StudentNameW 你可能需要更改它
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <map> #define CPP_BRIDGE_XLS 1 //支持C方式 //write xls #include "xlslib.h" //read xls #include "libxls/xls.h" using namespace xlslib_core; using namespace std; using namespace xls; /* row ======行======= x col ======列======= y cell->halign(HALIGN_CENTER); //单元格水平方向居中 cell->valign(VALIGN_CENTER); //单元格垂直方向居中 cell->halign(HALIGN_LEFT); //单元格水平方向靠左 cell->valign(VALIGN_CENTER); xlslib导出excel,不能直接使用中文的字体例如宋体,楷体,给成这样的字符(非asii),程序会直接报错崩溃,正确的做法是将中文名称的字体转换为英文,具体转换的对应关系如下所示: Mac OS的一些: 华文细黑:STHeiti Light [STXihei] 华文黑体:STHeiti 华文楷体:STKaiti 华文宋体:STSong 华文仿宋:STFangsong 俪黑 Pro:LiHei Pro Medium 俪宋 Pro:LiSong Pro Light 标楷体:BiauKai 苹果俪中黑:Apple LiGothic Medium 苹果俪细宋:Apple LiSung Light Windows的一些: 推荐:输入文本中使用中文字体 [ 关于TextField无法显示中文字体效果的问题,困惑了很长时间 今天在看一个朋友开发的卡片制作系统时发现可以使用中文字体,带着满腔的疑问向其请教. ...] 新细明体:PMingLiU 细明体:MingLiU 标楷体:DFKai-SB 黑体:SimHei 宋体:SimSun 新宋体:NSimSun 仿宋:FangSong 楷体:KaiTi 仿宋_GB2312:FangSong_GB2312 楷体_GB2312:KaiTi_GB2312 微软正黑体:Microsoft JhengHei 微软雅黑体:Microsoft YaHei 装Office会生出来的一些: 隶书:LiSu 幼圆:YouYuan 华文细黑:STXihei 华文楷体:STKaiti 华文宋体:STSong 华文中宋:STZhongsong 华文仿宋:STFangsong 方正舒体:FZShuTi 方正姚体:FZYaoti 华文彩云:STCaiyun 华文琥珀:STHupo 华文隶书:STLiti 华文行楷:STXingkai 华文新魏:STXinwei */ /* cell->halign(HALIGN_CENTER); //单元格水平方向居中 cell->valign(VALIGN_CENTER); //单元格垂直方向居中 cell->halign(HALIGN_LEFT); //单元格水平方向靠左 cell->valign(VALIGN_CENTER); 格式化规定符: %d 格式化为十进制有符号整数输出到缓冲区 %u 格式化为十进制无符号整数输出到缓冲区 %f 格式化为浮点数输出到缓冲区 %s 格式化为字符串输出到缓冲区 %c 格式化为单个字符输出到缓冲区 %e 格式化为指数形式的浮点数输出到缓冲区 %x 格式化为无符号以十六进制表示的整数(a-f小写输出)输出到缓冲区 %X 格式化为无符号以十六进制表示的整数(a-f大写输出)输出到缓冲区 %0 格式化为无符号以八进制表示的整数输出到缓冲区 %g 格式化为自动选择合适的表示法输出到缓冲区 */ class XLS { ///==========================write //工作簿 workbook *m_workbook = nullptr; worksheet *m_worksheet = nullptr; map<string, worksheet *> *m_mWS = nullptr; public: XLS(); ~XLS(); //创建一个sheet worksheet *createSheet(string name); //保存 void save(string name); void save(); //xf xf_t *getXF(); xf_t *xformat(); //合并单元 void MergingUnit(int x, int y, int xx, int yy); //获取sheet worksheet *getWorksheet(string name); worksheet *findWorksheet(string name); //选择sheet void selectSheet(string name); //设置单元宽 void setWidth(int x, int w); //设置单元高 void setHeight(int y, int h); void setSize(int x,int y,int w,int h); //创建lable 默认剧中垂直 cell_t* createLable(int x, int y, ustring str, int fontSize = 0, xf_t* pxformat = nullptr); //创建一个四个边的粗边框 xf_t *createBorder(); ///===========================read private: public: };
#include "XLS.h" XLS::XLS() { m_workbook = new workbook(); m_mWS = new map<string, worksheet *>(); } XLS::~XLS() { if (m_workbook) { delete m_workbook; m_workbook = nullptr; } if (m_mWS) { delete m_mWS; m_mWS = nullptr; } } worksheet *XLS::createSheet(string name) { worksheet *ws = this->m_workbook->sheet(name); m_worksheet = ws; this->m_workbook->font("SimSun"); ws->defaultColwidth(25); ws->defaultRowHeight(15); this->m_mWS->insert(std::pair<string, worksheet*>(name, ws)); return ws; } void XLS::save(string name) { this->m_workbook->Dump(name); } void XLS::save() { this->save("workbook.xls"); } xf_t *XLS::getXF() { xf_t *ret = this->m_workbook->xformat(); return ret; } xf_t *XLS::xformat() { xf_t *ret = this->m_workbook->xformat(); return ret; } void XLS::MergingUnit(int x, int y, int xx, int yy) { this->m_worksheet->merge(y ,x,yy, xx); } worksheet *XLS::getWorksheet(string name) { auto it = this->m_mWS->find(name); if (it != this->m_mWS->end()) { return it->second; } printf("not find sheet "); return nullptr; } worksheet *XLS::findWorksheet(string name) { auto ret = this->getWorksheet(name); return ret; } void XLS::selectSheet(string name) { auto ret = this->findWorksheet(name); if (ret) { this->m_worksheet = ret; } printf("not find sheet "); } void XLS::setWidth(int x, int w) { this->m_worksheet->defaultColwidth(8); this->m_worksheet->colwidth(x, 256 * w); } void XLS::setHeight(int y, int h) { this->m_worksheet->rowheight(y, h * 10); } void XLS::setSize(int x, int y, int w, int h) { this->setWidth(x, w); this->setHeight(y, h); } cell_t* XLS::createLable(int x, int y, ustring str, int fontSize, xf_t* pxformat) { cell_t *cell = nullptr; if (pxformat) { cell = this->m_worksheet->label(y, x, str,pxformat); } else { cell = this->m_worksheet->label(y, x, str); } cell->halign(HALIGN_CENTER); cell->valign(VALIGN_CENTER); if (fontSize > 0) { cell->fontheight(fontSize); } return cell; } xf_t *XLS::createBorder() { int line = BORDER_THIN; auto xf = this->m_workbook->xformat(); xf->SetBorderStyle(border_side_t::BORDER_TOP, (border_style_t)line); xf->SetBorderStyle(border_side_t::BORDER_BOTTOM, (border_style_t)line); xf->SetBorderStyle(border_side_t::BORDER_LEFT, (border_style_t)line); xf->SetBorderStyle(border_side_t::BORDER_RIGHT, (border_style_t)line); return xf; }
以上是关于xlslib and libxls的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章