Posted zwnsyw

1 // 配置路由相关的信息 2 import VueRouter from ‘vue-router‘ 3 import Vue from ‘vue‘ 4 5 // 一般加载方法 6 // import Home from ‘../components/Home‘ 7 // import About from ‘../components/About‘ 8 // import User from ‘../components/User‘ 9 10 // 路由懒加载方法(ES6) 11 const Home = () => import(‘../components/Home‘); 12 const HomeNews = () => import("../components/HomeNews"); 13 const HomeMessage = () => import("../components/HomeMessage"); 14 15 const About = () => import("../components/About"); 16 const User = () => import(‘../components/User‘); 17 const Profile = () => import(‘../components/Profile‘); 18 19 // 1.通过Vue.use(插件), 安装插件 20 Vue.use(VueRouter); 21 22 // 2.创建VueRouter对象 23 const routes = [ 24 { 25 path: ‘‘, 26 // redirect重定向(到默认页面) 27 // redirect: ‘/home‘ 28 redirect: ‘/home‘, 29 meta:{ 30 title: ‘首页‘ 31 } 32 }, 33 { 34 path: ‘/home‘, 35 component: Home, 36 meta : { 37 title: ‘首页‘ 38 }, 39 children: [ 40 { 41 path: ‘‘, 42 redirect: "news", 43 }, 44 { 45 path: ‘news‘, 46 component: HomeNews, 47 }, 48 { 49 path: "message", 50 component: HomeMessage, 51 }, 52 ] 53 }, 54 { 55 path: ‘/about‘, 56 component: About, 57 meta: { 58 title: "关于" 59 } 60 }, 61 { 62 path: ‘/user/:userId‘, 63 component: User, 64 meta:{ 65 title: ‘用户‘ 66 67 } 68 }, 69 { 70 path: ‘/profile‘, 71 component: Profile, 72 meta: { 73 title: ‘档案‘ 74 } 75 } 76 ]; 77 const router = new VueRouter({ 78 // 配置路由和组件之间的应用关系 79 routes, 80 // mode: ‘history‘,默认是hash 81 mode: ‘history‘, 82 // linkActiveClass: ‘active‘ 83 // 统一简化class-active成active 84 linkActiveClass: "active" 85 }); 86 87 // guard (守卫,警卫) 88 // 全局导航守卫,传一个函数 89 // 前置守卫(也叫前置钩子hook) 90 router.beforeEach((to,from,next) => { 91 // 从from路由跳到to路由 92 // to就是meta的对象 93 document.title = to.matched[0].meta.title; 94 console.log("前置导航守卫"); 95 // 原先会自动执行next(),但我们现在重新创建了beforeEach,所以必须手动执行下next(), 96 next() 97 }); 98 99 // 全局后置钩子 100 router.afterEach(()=>{ 101 console.log("后置导航守卫"); 102 }); 103 104 // 3.将router对象传入到Vue实例 105 export default router

1 import Vue from ‘vue‘ 2 import App from ‘./App‘ 3 import router from ‘./router‘ 4 5 Vue.config.productionTip = false; 6 7 // 全局Vue类下定义一个实例,可全局访问 8 Vue.prototype.Test001 = function () { 9 console.log("Test001") 10 }; 11 Vue.prototype.Name001 = "zwnsyw"; 12 13 new Vue({ 14 el: ‘#app‘, 15 router, 16 render: h => h(App) 17 })

1 <template> 2 <div id="app"> 3 <h2>我是APP组件</h2> 4 <!-- tag(定义渲染成什么标签)、replace(浏览器返回按钮不可用) 、active-class(活跃时添加class类active)--> 5 <!--<router-link to="/home" tag="button" replace active-class="active">首页</router-link>--> 6 <!--<router-link to="/about" tag="button" replace active-class="active">关于</router-link>--> 7 <!--<router-link to="/home" tag="button" replace>首页</router-link>--> 8 <!--<router-link to="/about" tag="button" replace>关于</router-link>--> 9 <!-- <button @click="homeClick">首页</button>--> 10 <!-- <button @click="aboutClick">关于</button>--> 11 <router-link to="/home" tag="button" replace>首页</router-link> 12 <router-link to="/about" tag="button" replace>关于</router-link> 13 <router-link v-bind:to="‘/user/‘+userId">用户</router-link> 14 <!-- <router-link :to="{path: ‘/profile‘,query:{name: ‘zwnsyw‘, age: 18, height: 1.88}}">档案</router-link>--> 15 <button @click="profileClick">档案</button> 16 17 <!-- 保持活跃状态,不要每次都重新创建--> 18 <!-- excloud是排除某些控件,让这些控件频繁的创建和销毁,两个之间不可加空格--> 19 <keep-alive exclude="Profile,User"> 20 <router-view></router-view> 21 </keep-alive> 22 23 </div> 24 </template> 25 26 <script> 27 export default { 28 name: ‘App‘, 29 data(){ 30 return { 31 userId: "lisi", 32 img: ‘http‘ 33 } 34 }, 35 methods: { 36 homeClick() { 37 // 通过代码的方式修改路由 vue-router 38 // push => pushState 39 // this.$router.push(‘/home‘) 40 this.$router.replace(‘/home‘) 41 console.log(‘homeClick‘); 42 }, 43 aboutClick() { 44 // this.$router.push(‘/about‘) 45 this.$router.replace(‘/about‘) 46 // this.$router.push(‘/about‘) 47 console.log(‘aboutClick‘); 48 }, 49 profileClick(){ 50 this.$router.push({ 51 path: ‘/profile‘, 52 query: { 53 name: ‘kobe‘, 54 age: ‘45‘, 55 height: ‘1.98‘ 56 } 57 }) 58 } 59 } 60 } 61 </script> 62 63 <style> 64 /*.router-link-active {*/ 65 /*color: #f00;*/ 66 /*}*/ 67 68 .active { 69 color: #f00; 70 } 71 </style>

1 <template> 2 <div> 3 <h2>我是首页</h2> 4 <p>我是首页内容, 哈哈哈</p> 5 <router-link to="/home/news">新闻</router-link> 6 <router-link to="/home/message">消息</router-link> 7 <router-view></router-view> 8 </div> 9 </template> 10 11 <script> 12 export default { 13 name: "Home", 14 data(){ 15 return{ 16 path: "/home/news" 17 } 18 }, 19 // 这两个函数,只有该组件被保持了状态,使用了keep-alive时,才是有效的 20 // 组件活跃的时候回调 21 activated() { 22 this.$router.push(this.path); 23 console.log("activated"); 24 }, 25 26 // 组件不活跃,销毁的时候回调 27 deactivated(){ 28 console.log("deactivated"); 29 }, 30 // 组件导航守卫 31 beforeRouteLeave(to , from, next){ 32 this.path = this.$route.path; 33 next() 34 }, 35 } 36 37 </script> 38 39 <style scoped> 40 41 </style>

1 <template> 2 <div> 3 <ul> 4 <li>消息1</li> 5 <li>消息2</li> 6 <li>消息3</li> 7 <li>消息4</li> 8 </ul> 9 </div> 10 </template> 11 12 <script> 13 export default { 14 name: "HomeMessage" 15 } 16 </script> 17 18 <style scoped> 19 20 </style>

1 <template> 2 <div> 3 <!-- ul>li{新闻$}*4--> 4 <ul> 5 <li>新闻1</li> 6 <li>新闻2</li> 7 <li>新闻3</li> 8 <li>新闻4</li> 9 </ul> 10 <button @click="btn_test">访问自定义全局实例</button> 11 </div> 12 </template> 13 14 <script> 15 export default { 16 name: "Homenews", 17 methods:{ 18 btn_test(){ 19 console.log(this.Test001()); 20 console.log(this.Name001) 21 } 22 } 23 } 24 </script> 25 26 <style scoped> 27 28 </style>

1 <template> 2 <div> 3 <h2>我是关于</h2> 4 <p>我是关于内容, 呵呵呵</p> 5 </div> 6 </template> 7 8 <script> 9 export default { 10 name: "About" 11 } 12 </script> 13 14 <style scoped> 15 16 </style>

1 <template> 2 <div> 3 <h2>我是用户</h2> 4 <p>我是用户内容,嘿嘿嘿</p> 5 <h2>{{userId}}</h2> 6 <h2>{{$route.params.userId}}</h2> 7 </div> 8 </template> 9 10 <script> 11 export default { 12 name: "User", 13 computed:{ 14 userId(){ 15 16 // 所有的组件都继承于Vue类的原型 17 18 // route 拿到的是当前活跃的路由对象 19 // router 拿到的是index.js里面new出来的总路由对象 20 return this.$route.params.userId // parameters(参数) 21 } 22 } 23 } 24 </script> 25 26 <style scoped> 27 28 </style>

1 <template> 2 <div> 3 <h2>我是Profile组件</h2> 4 <h2>{{$route.query}}</h2> 5 <h2>{{$route.query.name}}</h2> 6 <h2>{{$route.query.age}}</h2> 7 <h2>{{$route.query.height}}</h2> 8 </div> 9 </template> 10 11 <script> 12 export default { 13 name: "Profile" 14 } 15 </script> 16 17 <style scoped> 18 19 </style>
我的C语言学习进阶之旅解决 Visual Studio 2019 报错:错误 C4996 ‘fscanf‘: This function or variable may be unsafe.(代码片段
我的C语言学习进阶之旅解决 Visual Studio 2019 报错:错误 C4996 ‘fscanf‘: This function or variable may be unsafe.(代码片段