
Posted zh-dream



Sun Apr 19 08:54:42 2020 1 908 /pub/test/passwd b _ i a ? ftp 0 * c

current-time    The current local time in the form "DDD MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY"    ##当前时间

transfer-time   The total time of the transfer in seconds.    ##传输该文件消耗的时间

remote-host     The remote host name.    ## 远程主机(客户端)的主机名

byte-count      The amount of transferred bytes.    ## 传输文件的大小

filename     The canonicalized (all symbolic links are resolved) absolute pathname of the transferred file.    ## 传输文件的绝对路径

transfer-type   The single character that indicates the type of the transfer. The set of possible values is:    ## 传输文件的类型。有普通文件和二进制文件

    a  An ascii transfer.

    b  A binary transfer.

special-action-flag                                    ## 特殊的动作标记,

    _  No action was taken                                          ## 没有特殊动作

    C  The file was compressed (not in use).                        ## 文件被压缩了

    U  The file was uncompressed (not in use).                      ## 文件没有被压缩

    T  The file was tared (not in use).                            ## 文件是个tar包

direction     The direction of the transfer. The set of possible values  is:

    o  The outgoing transfer.                                                       ## 对外传输,客户端下载文件

    i  The incoming transfer.                                                       ## 对内传输,客户端上传文件

access-mode     The method by which the user is logged in. The set of possible values is:             ## 登录服务的用户属性

    a (anonymous)  The anonymous guest user.                        ## 匿名用户

    g (guest)    The real but chrooted user (this capability  is guided by ftpchroot(5) file).       ## 系统用户但是被chroot了

    r (real)    The real user.                                                                       ## 系统用户

username                       ## 真实的用户名

service-name                   ## 服务名

authentication-method                               ## 认证方式

    0  None.                                        ## 未做任何认证

    1  RFC931 Authentication (not in use).  

authenticated-user-id                              ## 返回的user id,如果用户认证时的user id不可用,将以“*”号显示

completion-status                                   ## 传输完成与否的状态 ,c 表示传输完成,i 表示传输未完成
    c  A complete transfer.

    i  An incomplete transfer.






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vsftpd 本地用户无法登陆 530 Login incorrect