第5章 技巧性基础:5.1 关键字typename

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了第5章 技巧性基础:5.1 关键字typename相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Chapter 5:Tricky Basics

第5章 技巧性基础知识


This chapter covers some further basic aspects of templates that are relevant to the practical use of templates: an additional use of the typename keyword, defining member functions and nested classes as templates, template template parameters, zero initialization, and some details about using string literals as arguments for function templates. These aspects can be tricky at times, but every day-to-day programmer should have heard of them.

本章给出模板的一些更深入的基础知识,它们都是和模板的实际应用密切相关的。包括关键字typename的另一种用法、把成员函数嵌套类也定义成模板、模板模板参数(template template parameters)、零初始化和使用字符串字面量作为函数模板的实参时所需要注意的一些细节。虽然这些技术具有很强的技巧性,但是每个日常的C++程序员对他们也应该略有耳闻了。

5.1 Keyword typename

5.1 关键字typename


The keyword typename was introduced during the standardization of C++ to clarify that an identifier inside a template is a type. Consider the following example:


template<typename T>
class MyClass {
    void foo() {
        typename T::SubType* ptr;

Here, the second typename is used to clarify that SubType is a type defined within class T. Thus, ptr is a pointer to the type T::SubType.


Without typename, SubType would be assumed to be a nontype member (e.g., a static data member or an enumerator constant). As a result, the expression


T::SubType* ptr;

would be a multiplication of the static SubType member of class T with ptr, which is not an error, because for some instantiations of MyClass<> this could be valid code.


In general, typename has to be used whenever a name that depends on a template parameter is a type. This is discussed in detail in Section 13.3.2 on page 228.


One application of typename is the declaration to iterators of standard containers in generic code:


#include <iostream>

// print elements of an STL container
template<typename T>
void printcoll (T const& coll)
    typename T::const_iterator pos; //用于迭代coll的迭代器
    typename T::const_iterator end(coll.end()); //结束位置
    for (pos=coll.begin(); pos!=end; ++pos) {
        std::cout << *pos <<  ;
    std::cout << 

In this function template, the call parameter is an standard container of type T. To iterate over all elements of the container, the iterator type of the container is used, which is declared as type const_iterator inside each standard container class:


class stlcontainer {
    using iterator = …; // 可以读写/访问的迭代器
    using const_iterator = …; //只读类型的迭代器

Thus, to access type const_iterator of template type T, you have to qualify it with a leading typename:


typename T::const_iterator pos;

See Section 13.3.2 on page 228 for more details about the need for typename until C++17.



Note that C++20 will probably remove the need for typename in many common cases (see Section 17.1 on page 354 for details).


以上是关于第5章 技巧性基础:5.1 关键字typename的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

第5章 技巧性基础:5.4 原始数组和字符串字面量的模板


C++ template技巧性基础知识总结

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