



2. Proposed method
2.1. Chord properties
In this section, we introduce the property that relates the center of a circle to its chord and a point on the chord.

Fig. 1(a) shows a circle and its chord AB. Let P be an interior point of the circle with its center at O and AB be the chord passing through P in a θ direction. The point A is defined as the endpoint in the quadrant I or II of the Cartesian coordinate system centered at P, and the point B defined as one in the quadrant III or IV. Let θ be a positive angle measured in a counterclockwise direction from PX to AB where θ ∈[0°, 180°]. Likewise, let φ be an angle measured from PX to OP. Then,
|AP|-|BP|=2|OP|cos(θ-φ). (1)

The proof is straightforward in the following. It is well-known that the perpendicular bisector of any chord of a circle passes through its center O (Rich, 1963). Let C be the midpoint of the cord AB.
|AC|=|BC| and OC⊥AB.

In Fig. 1(a), O(xo,yo) is related with the coordinates of P(xp; yp) as follows:
yo=yp-asinφ (2)
where a=|OP| and the minus sign in the equation of yo reflects that y value increases from top to bottom in the image coordinate system. If we have two chords passing through the point P, two equations are directly acquired from Eq. (1) so that a and φ can be solved with those two equations. As a result, (xo,yo) can be computed from Eq. (2). The details are given in the following section.

2.2. Computation for circle center
Consider two chords A1B1 and A2B2 passing through P(xp, yp) in the θ1 and θ2 directions (θ1≠θ2), respectively, as shown in Fig. 1(b).
Let d1=|A1P|-|B1P| and d2=|A2P|-|B2P|.
Then, d1=2acos(θ1-φ) and d2=2acos(θ2-φ) from Eq.(1).
Solving for φ by dividing two sides of the equation of d1 by ones of the equation of d2 and expanding the cosine functions, we get
Eq. (4) shows us how the center of the circle can be computed from two intersecting chords. Specifically, if we have an interior point P of the circle and two chords passing through it, d1, d2, θ1 and θ2 given by these chords can locate the center of the circle from Eq. (4). One of the simplest cases is for θ1 = 0° and θ2 = 90°.
In that case, it can be easily shown that xo is the midpoint of the horizontal chord of θ1=0° and yo is the midpoint of the vertical chord of θ2=90°. This case is computationally efficient, but may not be robust because it uses only the vertical and horizontal chords. From this reason, the chords with randomly generated directions will be used along with Eq. (4) in this paper.
备注整理:至11-2-22,3 answers, 1楼CV党,2楼朋友热心提议,3楼机器。

(二) 推荐方法
2.1 弦的特性
图1(a)显示一个圆圈与其弦AB。让P为圆圈内的一点,圆心为O,而AB是向θ方向经过P点的弦。以P 为中心的笛卡尔坐标系的四分之一圆周I 或II的端点定义为A,而B则定义为四分之一圆周III 或IV的端点。θ是由PX逆时针测量至AB的正角,θ ∈[0°, 180°]。同样地,φ是由PX逆时针测量至OP的正角。那么
|AP|-|BP|=2|OP|cos(θ-φ). (1)

下列的证明很直接。众所周知,任何圆周弦的垂直平分线都会经过圆心O(Rich, 1963)。以C作为AB的中心点,那么
|AC|=|BC| and OC⊥AB.
图1(a)显示,O(xo,yo)与P(xp; yp)的坐标有下列的关系:
而a=|OP|,yo方程里的减号反映在图像坐标系中,y值从上至下增加。如果我们有两条弦经过P点,可以从Eq. (1)直接得出两个方程,从中可解a 和 φ。 因此,可以从Eq. (2) 计算出(xo,yo)。具体细节在下一节展示。

2.2 圆心的计算
考虑犹如图1(b)所示, A1B1 和A2B2两条弦是分别向θ1和θ2 方向 (θ1≠θ2)经过P (xp, yp)。
以d1=|A1P|-|B1P| 及d2=|A2P|-|B2P|.
那么从Eq.(1),d1=2acos(θ1-φ) 及d2=2acos(θ2-φ)
Eq. (4) 展示如何从两相交弦计算出圆心。具体地,如果圆周内有个P点被两条弦穿过,利用两弦所提供的d1, d2, θ1 及θ2,可以用Eq. (4) 计算出圆心位置。最简单的实例是θ1 = 0° 及θ2 = 90°。
如果是那样,可以极易地显示θ1=0°横弦的中点是xo,θ2=90°竖弦的中点是yo。这个实例的计算精确,但由于只是使用竖横弦,这种计算方式可能不稳健。因此,本研究将使用随意产生方向的弦来配合Eq. (4)的计算。

参考技术A 2。方法



1(a)显示了一圈,它的和弦AB型。让病人是一个不可行内点圆形的于O以它为中心和AB型是和弦通过P在θ方向。重点是定义为在端点的第一或者第二象限笛卡尔坐标系统为中心的磷和B点定义为一个象限III、横线上。让θ是一种积极的角度,测量了逆时针的方向,从PX AB线在同样的,让φ是一个角度衡量从PX作业。然后,
|AC|=|BC| 和 OC⊥AB.

. 1(a), O(xo,yo) 关系经纬度多少
P(xp; yp) as follows:
在详细介绍了在接下来的部分第2.2条。计算中心圆英语 » 中文<~ 复制想象一下有两和弦与A2B2经过,分别在thedirections列图
情绪智商。(4)显示我们圆心位置可以计算从两个交错的和弦。具体地说,如果我们有室内P点的圈子和两个和弦经过d1、d2、θ1,θ2了,这三个和弦可以找到圆心位置从式。(4)。最简单的一种情况下是给你的英语 » 中文<~ 复制在这种情况下,它可以很容易地表明xo是水平的中点处的和弦θ1 = 0°和你是垂直的中点处θ2 = 90°的和弦。此案例是高计算效率的鲁棒性,但是也不是因为它只有用垂直和水平的和弦。从这个原因,和弦与随机生成的趋势将会被使用随着式。(4)进行了比较。
参考技术B Image Processing System Components
The system hardware mainly includes illumination system, CCD high-speed photo
Camera, frame grabbers, image processing DSP chip card and executing agencies
CPLD (complex programmable logic device), etc.; and software embedded in the image
Treatment card, that contains different effective fiber detection and recognition algorithms. The algorithm can be
Implementation of the image in a variety of different fiber analysis, identification, statistics and decision-making. High
Speed, high anti-interference of the image processing hardware to ensure that the system in industrial applications
Real-time and reliability requirements.
2.1 System hardware block diagram
The design program for the DSP + CPI D based on the structure of digital images
Processing system. It requires the completion of image acquisition, digital processing, image Office
Rationale, image analysis, image display and other functions. This system to TI's
TMS320DM642 as the host processor.
The overall work flow system as follows: sweep on both sides of the line CCD camera
Put image signal collected by the TVP5150 video decoder chip conversion
For ITu - RBT. 656 format, the embedded sync signal is sent to the
DM642 mouth of the VP. Synchronous line images, are shown simultaneously, and field sync signal
Are embedded in video data stream. For chip storage resources are limited high -
Speed DSP, stored video data to another external storage space. In order to mention
High real-time processing capability, data transmission by the EDMA completed, CPU
Used only for data. Collecting video data stored by the EDMA
SDRAM, or put data from the video channel sent to the chip RAM
In computing. DSP (DM642) for image analysis, identification, set
Algorithm and so on, and deal with the different classification of fiber identification, by the EDMA,
SAA7121H video encoder, its signal is converted to PAL (50
HZ) format or NTSC (60 HZ) format to the external LCD screen for
SDRAM on one of DM642's the corresponding mapping address CE0
Space, the use of two 32-bit data bus of synchronous dynamic RAM, a high
32 stored in RAM in a low 32 is stored in another film
RAM, meet the DM642 64-bit data bus requirements. SDRAM
CE0 at specific sub-space defined as: 0x80000000H 1
0x81FFFFFFH. Curing System at FLASH code, the
FI ASH at CE1 subspace occupied by the specific spatial location is:
0x90000000H 1 0x9007FFFFH. DM642 only 20
External address bus, so the maximum addressable space CE1 range of 1 M
× 8 bit, SEED-VPM642 board apart from the distribution of sub-space CE1
FLASH give away, but also allocated to the status / control register, UAR -
TA, UARTB such as the use of resources, only one of FLASH sub-CE1
Spaces of the former half of the address space, that is the largest addressable range of 512
K × 8, while FLASH design capacity of the 4 M × 8 spaces, so
Technical implementation of pagination using FLASH visit soon the entire 4 M
× 8-bit FLASH is divided into eight 512 K × 8-bit page, and pages to
Site PA21, PA20, PAl9 provided by the page address register (page and
Register at the site in CPLD). CF card access at EMIF card CE2
Space, used to store and identify the characteristics of the results of the Treasury. CPLD are in the traditional PAL, GAL developed from the foundation up
Of. FPGA compared with, CPLD bus more suitable for computer control,
Storage controller, DMA controller, CACHE controller, graphics control
Such as I / O-intensive applications, and have no need for external configuration ROM, when
Extension of predictable characteristics. CPLD generally based on the current E2 and
FLASH erasable electric technology, achieve more than 100 write cycle. Test
Consideration to the system design, selection of a model of CY37O64P1OO
Complex programmable logic device, the working voltage of 3.3 V.
2.2 Identification of different software development defibrase
In software development, to the C6000 the CCS (Code
Composer Studio) Integrated Development Environment for the main line. Applies to
C6000 Series C60OO the CCS are the mainstream of DSP development tools,
The current 3.3 version has been launched.
CCS is a Introduces TI integrated DSP software development tools.
At an open plug-ins (plug-in) structure, CCS within
Department integrates the following software tools:
(1) C6000 code generation tool (including the C compilation C6000
, Assembler optimizer, assembler and connectors);
(2) software simulator;
(3) real-time software foundation DSP / Bios;
(4) between the host and the target real-time data exchange software, RT -
(5) real-time analysis and data visualization software.
At CCS, the developers of the software can edit, compile, tune
Test, code performance testing and project management of all work. In addition, it
Provides real-time analysis and data visualization capabilities, greatly reduced the DSP
The difficulty of system development so that developers can concentrate on the application of open
Hair on


参考技术C 这个怕是有这个能力的都不会来给你翻译哦






