%% %% A thread-safe implementation of an LRU-like cache. %% No upper bound in size. %% All entries are removed after they have not been requested for a defined time period. %% functor import Property(get) ifndef NO_TESTING Application System endif export Create define %% Provider: a one-argument lookup function which may throw in case of failure. %% Not requested items are discarded after Milliseconds, %% at the latest after 2*Milliseconds. %% Returns a function that delivers an item for a key %% (or a failed value if lookup failed). %% Clear: procedure to clear the cache fun {Create Provider Milliseconds ?Clear} SharedPort thread Cache = {NewCell {NewDictionary}} MinimizerThread = {NewCell unit} in for Request#Result in {NewPort $ SharedPort} do try {Thread.terminate @MinimizerThread} catch _ then skip end case Request of get(Key) then Result = {Dictionary.condGet @Cache Key {Value.byNeed fun {$} try {Provider Key}#0 catch E then {Value.failed E} end end} }.1 if {Not {Value.isFailed Result}} then (@Cache).Key := Result#{Now} end [] clear then Cache := {NewDictionary} Result = unit end MinimizerThread := {StartMinimizer Cache Milliseconds} end end in proc {Clear} {Wait {Port.sendRecv SharedPort clear}} end fun {$ Key} Res = {Port.sendRecv SharedPort get(Key)} in {Wait Res} Res end end proc {StartMinimizer Cache Milliseconds TId} proc {Minimizer} local N = {Now} RemainingEntries = {Filter {Dictionary.entries @Cache} fun {$ _#(_#TS)} N - TS < Milliseconds end } in Cache := {ListToDictionary RemainingEntries} end %% the time specified here is also the maximum time that an object can stay %% in the cash for too long {Delay Milliseconds} {Minimizer} end in thread TId = {Thread.this} {Minimizer} end end fun {Now} {Property.get 'time.total'} end fun {ListToDictionary Xs} D = {NewDictionary} in {ForAll Xs proc {$ K#V} D.K := V end} D end ifndef NO_TESTING {System.showInfo "Testing module Cache"} for T in [50 100 500] do local Called = {NewCell false} fun {Id X} Called := true X end Clear C = {Create Id T ?Clear} in %% Provider is called when first accessing a key {C 42} = 42 @Called = true %% Provider is not called within half the cache time (even repeatedly) for _ in [1 2 3 4] do Called := false {Delay T div 2} {C 42} = 42 @Called = false end %% Provider is called again after double the cache time {Delay T*2} {C 42} = 42 @Called = true %% Provider is called after eplicit Clear {C 21} = 21 {Clear} Called := false {C 21} = 21 @Called = true end end {System.showInfo "done"} {Application.exit 0} endif end