



1. Create a new Command: Bundles > Bundle Editor > Edit Commands
2. Click the "+" button to add a new command
3. Give your command a descriptive name ("TM Path in title", for example)
4. Set the following properties on the command: {save:Nothing, Input:None, Output:Show as Tool Tip, Activation:⌥⌘T, Scope Selector: NULL}
5. Close the command window
6. Test out a document inside a project. The title should be replaced with an absolute path based on the root directory of your project.

> Feedback and improvements are absolutely welcome. I'm looking to find a way to automatically fire this when a document is opened. Anybody know if this is possible?
  1. #!/bin/bash
  3. B=${A##*/}
  4. C=${TM_FILEPATH:-""}
  5. D=${C/$A//$B}
  6. [[ ! -z $C ]] && { osascript -e "tell application "TextMate" to set name of window 1 to "$D""; }
  7. :


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