<?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); ?> <!-- including jquery. --> All these 3 lines of code should insert just before the < ? php wp_head( ) ; ? > function These codes will include necessary files for your Thickbox. So Thickbox is ready for its functioning. Make sure that you have included < ? php wp_head ( ) ; ? > and < ? php wp_footer( ); ? > in your header and footer files respectively. Now we can test it by uploading the image from backend by creating a post. Please note that after the image got uploaded, we need to link the thumbnail image to the original image. And we need to include the class for the anchor tag like this. class=â€thickboxâ€. div { background: rgb(200, 54, 54); /* The Fallback */ background: rgba(200, 54, 54, 0.5); }