Also includes the fix for when the user resizes the window.
$.fn.betterTooltip = function(options){ /* Setup the options for the tooltip that can be accessed from outside the plugin */ var defaults = { speed: 200, delay: 300 }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); /* Create a function that builds the tooltip markup. Then, prepend the tooltip to the body */ getTip = function() { var tTip = "<div class='tip'>" + "<div class='tipMid'>" + "</div>" + "<div class='tipBtm'></div>" + "</div>"; return tTip; } $("body").prepend(getTip()); /* Give each item with the class associated with the plugin the ability to call the tooltip */ $(this).each(function(){ var $this = $(this); var tip = $('.tip'); var tipInner = $('.tip .tipMid'); var tTitle = (this.title); this.title = ""; /* Mouse over and out functions*/ $this.hover( function() { /* so we can calculate correct position even on resize / change of tab */ var tWidth = $this.width(); var tHeight = $this.height(); var offset = $(this).offset(); var tLeft = offset.left + (tWidth/2); var tTop = offset.top; setTip(tTop, tLeft); setTimer(); }, function() { stopTimer(); tip.hide(); } ); /* Delay the fade-in animation of the tooltip */ setTimer = function() { $this.showTipTimer = setInterval("showTip()", defaults.delay); } stopTimer = function() { clearInterval($this.showTipTimer); } /* Position the tooltip relative to the class associated with the tooltip */ setTip = function(top, left){ var topOffset = tip.height(); var xTip = (left-20)+"px"; var yTip = (top-topOffset-35)+"px"; tip.css({'top' : yTip, 'left' : xTip}); } /* This function stops the timer and creates the fade-in animation */ showTip = function(){ stopTimer(); tip.animate({"top": "+=20px", "opacity": "toggle"}, defaults.speed); } }); };