Say you wanted to create a shortcode like this: [youtube id="991WcoEPwb8"]And instead of manually creating the html yourself, you wanted to use YouTube’s oEmbed provider to get the HTML. While that’s easy to do using WordPress’ existing functions (wp_oembed_get() for example), you must implement your own caching of the result as WordPress’ oEmbed class does not include any caching of it’s own.
However, WordPress comes with an [embed] shortcode that’s also secretly used for the shortcode-less embeds. A cool trick is to make that shortcode’s existing code (complete with caching) work for you! This post explains how to do it.
add_shortcode( 'youtube', 'my_youtube_shortcode' ); function my_youtube_shortcode( $atts ) { // We need to use the WP_Embed class instance global $wp_embed; // The "id" parameter is required return ''; // Construct the YouTube URL $url = 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=' . $atts['id']; // Run the URL through the handler. // This handler handles calling the oEmbed class // and more importantly will also do the caching! return $wp_embed->shortcode( $atts, $url ); }
php 将包装器div添加到oEmbed WordPress对象
php 将一些参数过滤到WordPress YouTube oEmbed请求中。启用适度品牌,隐藏YouTube徽标。删除视频标题