ISO 8601日期转换
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了ISO 8601日期转换相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
This requires my [date formatting script]( converts the Date object to an ISO 8601 string
Date.fromISO() converts an ISO 8601 string to a Date object
/* ISO 8601 Date conversions v2.0 * * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License * * * Author: Andy Harrison, * Date: 16 September 2011 */ //formats the Date into a string according to the Internet profile of ISO 8601 described in RFC 3339 //see //time zone is always UTC if(!Date.prototype.toISOString) Date.prototype.toISOString = function(){ return this.format("%Y-%M-%DT%I:%N:%S.%ZZ", true); } //creates a Date object from a basic ISO 8601 formatted string //expanded years are not supported //see // Date.fromISO = function(isoStr) { var rxpCalendarDate = "(\d{4})(?:(-?)(\d{2})(?:\2(\d{2}))?)?"; var rxpWeekDate = "(\d{4})(-?)[Ww](\d{2})(?:\2(\d))?"; var rxpOrdinalDate = "(\d{4})-?(\d{3})"; var rxpTime = "(\d{2})(?:(:?)(\d{2})(?:\2(\d{2}))?)?(?:[.,](\d+))?"; var rxpOffset = "(?:([Zz])|([+-])(\d{2})(?::?(\d{2}))?)"; var rxpFullDate = "^(?:(\d{4})(?:(-?)(\d{2})(?:\2(\d{2}))?)?|(\d{4})(-?)[Ww](\d{2})(?:\6(\d))?|(\d{4})-?(\d{3}))(?=[Tt]|$)" var rxpFullTime = rxpTime+rxpOffset+"?$"; if(!( RegExp(rxpFullDate+"$").test(isoStr) || RegExp("^"+rxpFullTime).test(isoStr) || (RegExp(rxpFullDate+"[Tt].*").test(isoStr) && RegExp("^[^Tt]+[Tt]"+rxpFullTime).test(isoStr)) )) return null; //not a supported ISO 8601 string var now = new Date(); var parts = {year:now.getFullYear(), month:now.getMonth(), day:now.getDate(), hour:0, minute:0, second:0, fraction:0}; //default is midnight this morning, local time var rxp; var isoDate = RegExp(rxpFullDate).exec(isoStr); if(isoDate) //string includes a date { try{ isoDate = isoDate[0]; if((rxp = RegExp("^"+rxpCalendarDate+"$")).exec(isoDate)) //calendar date { isoDate.replace(rxp, function(match, y, dash, m, d){ if(m!="" && (m<1 || m>12)) throw new RangeError("Month is out of range"); if(d!="" && (d<1 || d>31)) throw new RangeError("Day is out of range"); parts.year = y; parts.month = m=="" ? 0 : m-1; = d=="" ? 1 : d; if( > Date.daysInMonth(parts.year, parts.month)) throw new RangeError("Day is out of range"); }); } else if((rxp = RegExp("^"+rxpWeekDate+"$")).exec(isoDate)) //week date { isoDate.replace(rxp, function(match, y, dash, w, d){ if(w<1 || w>53) throw new RangeError("Week number is out of range"); if(d!="" && (d<1 || d>7)) throw new RangeError("Weekday number is out of range"); var jan4th = new Date(y, 0, 4); var dayOfJan4th = (jan4th.getDay()+6)%7; //0-6 == Mon-Sun var firstMonday = new Date(jan4th.valueOf() - dayOfJan4th*86400000); if(w == 53) { var mondayAfter52Weeks = (new Date(firstMonday.valueOf() + 52*7*86400000)).getDate(); //if the 53rd week is actually the first week of next year (i.e., it includes Jan 4th), throw range error if(!(mondayAfter52Weeks > 4 && mondayAfter52Weeks < 29)) throw new RangeError("Week number is out of range"); } var weekday = d=="" ? 0 : d-1; //0-6 == Mon-Sun var date = new Date(firstMonday.valueOf() + weekday*86400000 + (w-1)*7*86400000); parts.year = date.getFullYear(); parts.month = date.getMonth(); = date.getDate(); }); } else //ordinal date { isoDate.replace(RegExp("^"+rxpOrdinalDate+"$"), function(match, y, d){ if(d > (Date.isLeapYear(y)?366:365)) throw new RangeError("Day number is out of range"); parts.year = y; var date = new Date((new Date(y, 0, 1)).valueOf() + (d-1)*86400000); parts.month = date.getMonth(); = date.getDate(); }); } }catch(err){ return null; //date string is invalid } } var isoTime = RegExp("(?:^|[Tt])"+rxpFullTime).exec(isoStr); if(isoTime) //string includes a time { try{ isoTime = isoTime[0]; if(isoTime[0].toUpperCase() == "T") isoTime = isoTime.slice(1); if(RegExp("^"+rxpTime+"$").exec(isoTime)) //if there is no time zone designator { //use local time var date = new Date(parts.year, parts.month,; //add hours, minutes, and seconds to date isoTime.replace(RegExp("^"+rxpTime+"$"), function(match, h, colon, m, s, f){ if(h>24) throw new RangeError("Hour is out of range"); if(m!="" && m>59) throw new RangeError("Minute is out of range"); if(s!="" && s>60) throw new RangeError("Second is out of range"); var val = date.valueOf(); val += h*3600000; if(m) val += m*60000; if(s) val += s*1000; if(f) val += 1000*("."+f.substr(0,3)); date = new Date(val); }); } else //there is a time zone designator { //use UTC time as base var date = new Date(Date.UTC(parts.year, parts.month,; //add hours, minutes, seconds, and offset to date isoTime.replace(RegExp("^"+rxpTime+rxpOffset+"$"), function(match, h, colon, m, s, f, z, sign, oh, om){ if(h>24) throw new RangeError("Hour is out of range"); if(m!="" && m>59) throw new RangeError("Minute is out of range"); if(s!="" && s>60) throw new RangeError("Second is out of range"); if(oh!="" && oh>23) throw new RangeError("Offset hour is out of range"); if(om!="" && om>59) throw new RangeError("Offset minute is out of range"); var val = date.valueOf(); val += h*3600000; if(m) val += m*60000; if(s) val += s*1000; if(f) val += 1000*("."+f.substr(0,3)); if(!z) //if there is an offset from UTC time { //adjust time according to offset (i.e., convert to UTC time) sign = sign=="-" ? 1 : -1; val += sign*oh*3600000; if(om != "") val += sign*om*60000; } date = new Date(val); }); } parts.year = date.getFullYear(); parts.month = date.getMonth(); = date.getDate(); parts.hour = date.getHours(); parts.minute = date.getMinutes(); parts.second = date.getSeconds(); parts.fraction = date.getMilliseconds(); }catch(err){ return null; //time string is invalid } } return new Date(parts.year, parts.month,, parts.hour, parts.minute, parts.second, parts.fraction); }
以上是关于ISO 8601日期转换的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章