The Export function will convert an array of objects into a single CSV string.The Import function will read from a TextReader that has CSV data and convert one data row to an array of strings. Each time this is called, it will convert another data row.
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace Tool { /// <summary> /// Comma Separated Value (CSV) class. /// - Each record is one line. /// - Fields are separated with commas. /// - Leading and trailing space-characters adjacent to comma field /// separators are ignored. /// - Fields with embedded commas must be delimited with double-quote /// characters. /// - Fields that contain double quote characters must be surrounded /// by double-quotes, and the embedded double-quotes must each be /// represented by a pair of consecutive double quotes. /// - A field that contains embedded line-breaks must be surrounded by /// double-quotes. /// - Fields with leading or trailing spaces must be delimited with /// double-quote characters. /// - Fields may always be delimited with double quotes. /// - The first record in a CSV file may be a header record containing /// column (field) names. /// Based on <!-- http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Articles/CSV/CSV01.htm --> /// </summary> public static class CSV { /// <summary> /// This will convert an array of objects into a single CSV string. /// </summary> /// <param name="values">A list of values. An array of objects</param> /// <param name="fieldSeparator">The field separator character. Default is ','</param> /// <param name="trimWhiteSpace">Trim() the fields of white spaces. default = true</param> /// <param name="replace">Text to replace in a value. Default is null</param> /// <returns>CSV string</returns> public static string Export(IEnumerable values, char fieldSeparator = ',', bool trimWhiteSpace = true, KeyValuePair<string, string>[] replace = null) { bool needComma = false; foreach (object item in values) { // Need a field separator? if (needComma) { // Yes. text.Append(fieldSeparator); } needComma = true; // Find out if the value is null. bool isNull = item == null; if (isNull == false) { // Some class can say they are null. INullable nullValue = item as INullable; isNull = nullValue != null && nullValue.IsNull; } // Is the value null? if (isNull == false) { // No. string value = trimWhiteSpace ? item.ToString().Trim() : item.ToString(); // Are we replacing some text in the value? if (replace != null) { // Yes. foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> replaceItem in replace) { value = value.Replace(replaceItem.Key, replaceItem.Value); } } // Is this a zero length value? if (value.Length > 0) { // No. // Are there excape characters in the string? if (value.IndexOfAny(escapeChars) >= 0) { // Yes. AddQuotes(text, value); } else { // No. // Are there white space at ether end of the string? if (char.IsWhiteSpace(value[0]) || char.IsWhiteSpace(value[value.Length - 1])) { // Yes. AddQuotes(text, value); } else { // No. text.Append(value); } } } } } return text.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// This will read from a TextReader that has CSV data and convert /// one data row to an array of strings. Each time this is called, /// it will convert another data row. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">A TextReader to read in one row of data</param> /// <param name="fieldSeparator">The field separator character. Default is ','</param> /// <param name="trimWhiteSpace">Trim() the fields of white spaces. Default is true</param> /// <param name="replace">Text to replace in a value. Default is null</param> /// <returns>string array of fields, or a null reference if done.</returns> public static string[] Import(TextReader reader, char fieldSeparator = ',', bool trimWhiteSpace = true, KeyValuePair<string, string>[] replace = null) { // Get the next line to work with. string text = reader.ReadLine(); // Anything to process? if (text == null) { // No. return null; } int textLength = text.Length; int idx = 0; while (idx < textLength) { // Skip over white space. while (idx < textLength && char.IsWhiteSpace(text, idx)) { idx++; } string value; // At end of string? if (idx < textLength) { // No. // Start of a quote? if (text[idx] == '"') { // Yes. idx++; // Remember the left side. int leftIdx = idx; value = string.Empty; while (idx < textLength) { // Hunt for the right quote. idx = text.IndexOf('"', idx); // Find it? if (idx < 0) { // No. // Save this part. value += text.Substring(leftIdx, textLength - leftIdx) + Environment.NewLine; // Move to next line. text = reader.ReadLine(); while ((text != null) && (text.Length == 0)) { value += Environment.NewLine; text = reader.ReadLine(); } textLength = text == null ? 0 : text.Length; idx = 0; leftIdx = 0; } else { // Yes. // Are there two quotes in a row? if ((idx + 1 < textLength) && (text[idx + 1] == '"')) { // Yes. idx++; // Save what we have so far with one quote. value += text.Substring(leftIdx, idx - leftIdx); // Skip over the extra quote. idx++; // At end of string? if (idx >= textLength) { // Yes. value += Environment.NewLine; // Move to next line. text = reader.ReadLine(); textLength = text.Length; idx = 0; } leftIdx = idx; } else { // No. break; } } } if (text != null) { // Save the value. value += text.Substring(leftIdx, idx - leftIdx); } idx++; if (idx < textLength) { // Find the field separator. idx = text.IndexOf(fieldSeparator, idx); if (idx < 0) { idx = textLength; } idx++; } } else { // No, just data. int leftIdx = idx; idx = text.IndexOf(fieldSeparator, idx); if (idx < 0) { idx = textLength; } value = text.Substring(leftIdx, idx - leftIdx).Trim(); idx++; } } else { // Yes. value = string.Empty; } value = trimWhiteSpace ? value.Trim() : value; // Are we replacing some text in the value? if (replace != null) { // Yes. foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> replaceItem in replace) { value = value.Replace(replaceItem.Key, replaceItem.Value); } } // Got a field, save it. fields.Add(value); } return fields.ToArray(); } /// <summary> /// Append a string to a string builder. /// Put quotes around the string and change quotes in string to double quotes. /// If zero length string, no quotes. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">Place to put the text.</param> /// <param name="value">Value t put quotes around.</param> private static void AddQuotes(StringBuilder text, string value) { int valueLength = value.Length; // Do we have anything to parse? if (valueLength > 0) { // Yes. text.Append('"'); int idx = 0; int leftIdx = 0; while (leftIdx < valueLength) { idx = value.IndexOf('"', idx); // Did we find a quote? if (idx >= 0) { // Yes. int leftLength = idx - leftIdx; if (leftLength > 0) { text.Append(value.Substring(leftIdx, leftLength)); } text.Append(""""); idx++; leftIdx = idx; } else { // No. text.Append(value.Substring(leftIdx, valueLength - leftIdx)); break; } } text.Append('"'); } } } }
javascript 将表格文本(csv,tsv等)转换为javascript数组