Posted siyuxu
1. GAN简介
深度学习的领军人物Yann LeCun曾经说过:
- 想要成为一名成功的假钞制作者,犯罪嫌疑人需要蒙骗得了警察,使得警察无法区分出哪一张是假钞、哪一张是真钞。
- 作为警察,需要尽可能高效地发现那些是假钞
整个过程被称为对抗性过程(adversarial process)GAN是由Ian Goodfellow 于2014年提出,它是一种两个神经网络相互竞争的特殊对抗过程。第一个网络生成数据,第二个网络试图区分真实数据与第一个网络创造出来的假数据。第二个网络会生成一个在[0, 1]范围内的标量,代表数据是真是数据的概率。
- 生成样本,这是最直接的理由。
- 训练并不包含最大似然估计。
- 由于生成器不会看到训练数据,过拟合风险更低。
- GAN十分擅长捕获模式的分布。
GAN的计算流程与结构如图 所示。
假设真实数据data分布为,生成器G学习到的数据分布为,z为随机噪声,为噪声分布,为生成映射函数,将这个随机噪声转化为数据x,为判别映射函数,输出是判别x来自真实数据data而不是生成数据的概率。训练判别器D使得判别概率最大化,同时,训练生成器G最小化,这个优化过程可以被归结于一个‘二元极小极大博弈’(two-player minimax game),目标函数被定义如下:
GAN出来后很多相关的应用和方法都是基于DCGAN的结构,DCGAN即”Deep Convolution GAN”,通常会有一些约定俗成的规则:
在Discriminator和generator中大部分层都使用batch normalization,而在最后一层时通常不会使用batch normalizaiton,目的 是为了保证模型能够学习到数据的正确的均值和方差;
因为会从random的分布生成图像,所以一般做需要增大图像的空间维度时如77->1414, 一般会使用strdie为2的deconv(transposed convolution);

import os import sys import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import logging from tensorflow import gfile import pprint import pickle import numpy as np import random import math from PIL import Image from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data mnist = input_data.read_data_sets(‘MNIST_data/‘, one_hot = True) output_dir = ‘./local_run‘ if not gfile.Exists(output_dir): gfile.MakeDirs(output_dir) def get_default_params(): """设置默认参数""" return tf.contrib.training.HParams( z_dim = 100, init_conv_size = 4, g_channels = [128, 64, 32, 1], d_channels = [32, 64, 128, 256], batch_size = 128, learning_rate = 0.002, beta1 = 0.5, img_size = 32, ) hps = get_default_params() class MnistData(object): """Mnist数据集预处理""" def __init__(self, mnist_train, z_dim, img_size): self._data = mnist_train self._example_num = len(self._data) self._z_data = np.random.standard_normal((self._example_num, z_dim)) self._indicator = 0 self._resize_mnist_img(img_size) self._random_shuffle() def _random_shuffle(self): """打乱数据集所有图片,使图片数据随机分布""" p = np.random.permutation(self._example_num) self._z_data = self._z_data[p] self._data = self._data[p] def _resize_mnist_img(self, img_size): """ Resize mnist image to goal img_size. 1. numpy -> PIL img 2. PIL img -> resize 3. PIL img -> numpy """ data = np.asarray(self._data * 255, np.uint8) data = data.reshape((self._example_num, 1, 28, 28)) # [example_num, 784] - > [example_num, 28, 28] data = data.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)) new_data = [] for i in range(self._example_num): img = data[i].reshape((28, 28)) img = Image.fromarray(img) img = img.resize((img_size, img_size)) img = np.asarray(img) img = img.reshape((img_size, img_size, 1)) new_data.append(img) new_data = np.asarray(new_data, dtype=np.float32) new_data = new_data / 127.5 - 1 # self._data: [num_example, img_size, img_size, 1] self._data = new_data def next_batch(self, batch_size): """使用mini-batch的方法加载数据集""" end_indicator = self._indicator + batch_size if end_indicator > self._example_num: self._random_shuffle() self._indicator = 0 end_indicator = self._indicator + batch_size assert end_indicator < self._example_num batch_data = self._data[self._indicator: end_indicator] batch_z = self._z_data[self._indicator: end_indicator] self._indicator = end_indicator return batch_data, batch_z mnist_data = MnistData(mnist.train.images, hps.z_dim, hps.img_size) batch_data, batch_z = mnist_data.next_batch(5)

def conv2d_transpose(inputs, out_channel, name, training, with_bn_relu=True): """将生成器要使用的卷积层函数打包,增加batch normalization层""" with tf.variable_scope(name): conv2d_trans = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(inputs, out_channel, [5, 5], strides=(2,2), padding=‘SAME‘) if with_bn_relu: bn = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv2d_trans, training=training) relu = tf.nn.relu(bn) return relu else: return conv2d_trans def conv2d(inputs, out_channel, name, training): """将判别器要使用的卷积层函数打包,使用Leaky_relu激活函数""" def leaky_relu(x, leak = 0.2, name = ‘‘): return tf.maximum(x, x * leak, name = name) with tf.variable_scope(name): conv2d_output = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs, out_channel, [5, 5], strides = (2, 2), padding = ‘SAME‘) bn = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv2d_output, training = training) return leaky_relu(bn, name = ‘outputs‘)
class Generator(object): """生成器""" def __init__(self, channels, init_conv_size): assert len(channels) > 1 self._channels = channels self._init_conv_size = init_conv_size self._reuse = False def __call__(self, inputs, training): inputs = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs) with tf.variable_scope(‘generator‘, reuse=self._reuse): with tf.variable_scope(‘inputs‘): fc = tf.layers.dense( inputs, self._channels[0] * self._init_conv_size * self._init_conv_size) conv0 = tf.reshape(fc, [-1, self._init_conv_size, self._init_conv_size, self._channels[0]]) bn0 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv0, training=training) relu0 = tf.nn.relu(bn0) deconv_inputs = relu0 # deconvolutions * 4 for i in range(1, len(self._channels)): with_bn_relu = (i != len(self._channels) - 1) deconv_inputs = conv2d_transpose(deconv_inputs, self._channels[i], ‘deconv-%d‘ % i, training, with_bn_relu) img_inputs = deconv_inputs with tf.variable_scope(‘generate_imgs‘): # imgs value scope: [-1, 1] imgs = tf.tanh(img_inputs, name=‘imgaes‘) self._reuse=True self.variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=‘generator‘) return imgs
class Discriminator(object): """判别器""" def __init__(self, channels): self._channels = channels self._reuse = False def __call__(self, inputs, training): inputs = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs, dtype=tf.float32) conv_inputs = inputs with tf.variable_scope(‘discriminator‘, reuse = self._reuse): for i in range(len(self._channels)): conv_inputs = conv2d(conv_inputs, self._channels[i], ‘deconv-%d‘ % i, training) fc_inputs = conv_inputs with tf.variable_scope(‘fc‘): flatten = tf.layers.flatten(fc_inputs) logits = tf.layers.dense(flatten, 2, name="logits") self._reuse = True self.variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=‘discriminator‘) return logits
由于tensorflow只能做minimize,loss function可以写成如下:
D_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(D_real) + tf.log(1. - D_fake))
G_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(D_fake))
D_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=D_logit_real, labels=tf.ones_like(D_logit_real))) D_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=D_logit_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(D_logit_fake))) D_loss = D_loss_real + D_loss_fake G_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=D_logit_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(D_logit_fake)))
class DCGAN(object): """建立DCGAN模型""" def __init__(self, hps): g_channels = hps.g_channels d_channels = hps.d_channels self._batch_size = hps.batch_size self._init_conv_size = hps.init_conv_size self._batch_size = hps.batch_size self._z_dim = hps.z_dim self._img_size = hps.img_size self._generator = Generator(g_channels, self._init_conv_size) self._discriminator = Discriminator(d_channels) def build(self): self._z_placholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (self._batch_size, self._z_dim)) self._img_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (self._batch_size, self._img_size, self._img_size, 1)) generated_imgs = self._generator(self._z_placholder, training = True) fake_img_logits = self._discriminator(generated_imgs, training = True) real_img_logits = self._discriminator(self._img_placeholder, training = True) loss_on_fake_to_real = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels = tf.ones([self._batch_size], dtype = tf.int64), logits = fake_img_logits)) loss_on_fake_to_fake = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels = tf.zeros([self._batch_size], dtype = tf.int64), logits = fake_img_logits)) loss_on_real_to_real = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels = tf.ones([self._batch_size], dtype = tf.int64), logits = real_img_logits)) tf.add_to_collection(‘g_losses‘, loss_on_fake_to_real) tf.add_to_collection(‘d_losses‘, loss_on_fake_to_fake) tf.add_to_collection(‘d_losses‘, loss_on_real_to_real) loss = { ‘g‘: tf.add_n(tf.get_collection(‘g_losses‘), name = ‘total_g_loss‘), ‘d‘: tf.add_n(tf.get_collection(‘d_losses‘), name = ‘total_d_loss‘) } return (self._z_placholder, self._img_placeholder, generated_imgs, loss) def build_train(self, losses, learning_rate, beta1): g_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate, beta1 = beta1) d_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate, beta1 = beta1) g_opt_op = g_opt.minimize(losses[‘g‘], var_list = self._generator.variables) d_opt_op = d_opt.minimize(losses[‘d‘], var_list = self._discriminator.variables) with tf.control_dependencies([g_opt_op, d_opt_op]): return tf.no_op(name = ‘train‘) dcgan = DCGAN(hps) z_placeholder, img_placeholder, generated_imgs, losses = dcgan.build() train_op = dcgan.build_train(losses, hps.learning_rate, hps.beta1)
#开始训练 init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() train_steps = 10000 with tf.Session() as sess: sess.run(init_op) for step in range(train_steps): batch_img, batch_z = mnist_data.next_batch(hps.batch_size) fetches = [train_op, losses[‘g‘], losses[‘d‘]] should_sample = (step + 1) % 50 == 0 if should_sample: fetches += [generated_imgs] out_values = sess.run(fetches, feed_dict = { z_placeholder: batch_z, img_placeholder: batch_img }) _, g_loss_val, d_loss_val = out_values[0:3] logging.info(‘step: %d, g_loss: %4.3f, d_loss: %4.3f‘ % (step, g_loss_val, d_loss_val)) if should_sample: gen_imgs_val = out_values[3] gen_img_path = os.path.join(output_dir, ‘%05d-gen.jpg‘ % (step + 1)) gt_img_path = os.path.join(output_dir, ‘%05d-gt.jpg‘ % (step + 1)) gen_img = combine_and_show_imgs(gen_imgs_val, hps.img_size) gt_img = combine_and_show_imgs(batch_img, hps.img_size) print(gen_img_path) print(gt_img_path) gen_img.save(gen_img_path) gt_img.save(gt_img_path)
def combine_and_show_imgs(batch_imgs, img_size, rows=8, cols=16): """连接图片,组成一个网格图片""" # batch_imgs: [batch_size, img_size, img_size, 1] result_big_img = [] for i in range(rows): row_imgs = [] for j in range(cols): img = batch_imgs[cols * i + j] img = img.reshape((img_size, img_size)) img = (img + 1) * 127.5 row_imgs.append(img) row_imgs = np.hstack(row_imgs) result_big_img.append(row_imgs) result_big_img = np.vstack(result_big_img) result_big_img = np.asarray(result_big_img, np.uint8) result_big_img = Image.fromarray(result_big_img) return result_big_img
- 特征匹配
- Mini-batch
- 滑动平均
- 单侧标签平滑
- 输入规范化
- 批规范化
- 利用Relu和MaxPool避免稀疏梯度
- 优化器和噪声
- 不要仅根据统计信息平衡损失
[1] GAN实战生成对抗网络 [美] Kuntal Ganguly著
[2] imooc 深度学习实战CNN RNN GAN
[3] https://blog.csdn.net/u012223913/article/details/75051516