Posted phyllissryo

1 prompt = " Please tell me your age." 2 prompt += " Enter ‘quit‘ to end." 3 message = ‘‘ 4 switch = True 5 while switch: 6 7 message = input(prompt) 8 if message == ‘quit‘: 9 switch = False 10 else: 11 message = int(message) 12 if message < 3: 13 price = 0 14 if message >= 3 and message <= 12: 15 price = 10 16 if message > 12: 17 price = 15 18 print("Your ticket cost is $" + str(price) + ".") 19 20 21 unconfiemed_users = [‘aa‘,‘bb‘,‘cc‘] 22 confiemrd_users = [] 23 while unconfiemed_users: 24 current_user = unconfiemed_users.pop() 25 26 print("Verifying user:" + current_user.title()) 27 confiemrd_users.append(current_user) 28 29 print(" The following users have been confirmed:") 30 for confirmed_user in confiemrd_users: 31 print(confirmed_user.title()) 32 33 pets = [‘dog‘, ‘cat‘, ‘dog‘, ‘goldfish‘, ‘cat‘, ‘rabbit‘, ‘cat‘] 34 print(pets) 35 while ‘cat‘ in pets: 36 pets.remove(‘cat‘) 37 print(pets) 38 """ 39 responses = {} # 设置一个标志,指出调查是否继续 经典 40 41 polling_active = True 42 while polling_active: # 提示输入被调查者的名字和回答 43 44 name = input(" What is your name? ") 45 response = input("Which mountain would you like to climb someday? ") 46 47 responses[name] = response # 将答卷存储在字典中 48 49 repeat = input("Would you like to let another person respond? (yes/ no) ")# 看看是否还有人要参与调查 50 if repeat == ‘no‘: 51 polling_active = False 52 53 print(" --- Poll Results ---")# 调查结束,显示结果 54 for name, response in responses.items(): 55 print(name + " would like to climb " + response + ".") 56 """ 57 58 59 60 # 练习7-8 61 62 sandwich_orders = [‘aa‘, ‘bb‘, ‘cc‘] 63 finished_sandwiches = [] 64 while sandwich_orders: 65 making_sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop() 66 print(" I made your " + making_sandwich + " sandwiches.") 67 # finished_sandwiches.append(finished_sandwiches) # >>>[[...], [...], [...]]问题 68 finished_sandwiches.append(making_sandwich) 69 print(finished_sandwiches) 70 71 sandwich_orders = [‘aa‘, ‘bb‘, ‘cc‘, ‘pastrami‘,‘pastrami‘,‘pastrami‘] 72 print() 73 while ‘pastrami‘ in sandwich_orders: 74 sandwich_orders.remove(‘pastrami‘) 75 print(sandwich_orders) 76 if ‘pastrami‘ not in sandwich_orders: 77 print(‘Pastrami was sold out.‘) 78 79 # 定义为形,调用为实。 80 # 练习8-1 81 def display_message(learn): 82 """What did I learned?""" 83 print("I learned " + learn + " in this.") 84 85 86 display_message("kannsu") 87 88 89 def favorite_book(title): 90 """print my favorite book""" 91 print("One of my favorite books is " + title + ".") 92 93 favorite_book("Building.Machine.Learning.Systems.with.Python")
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