Posted czaorz
import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np import operator """img2gsi""" def img2gsi(img,threshold): """传入image对象进行灰度、二值处理""" img = img.convert("L") # 转灰度 pixdata = img.load() w, h = img.size for x in range(w): for y in range(h): if pixdata[x, y] > threshold: pixdata[x, y] = 1 else: pixdata[x, y] = 0 return img """自如图片由包含0-9的300*30大小的png格式图片组成,切割下""" def splitImage(img, rownum, colnum): list = [] w, h = img.size if rownum <= h and colnum <= w: print(‘Original image info: %sx%s, %s, %s‘ % (w, h, img.format, img.mode)) print(‘开始处理图片切割, 请稍候...‘) num = 0 rowheight = h // rownum colwidth = w // colnum for r in range(rownum): for c in range(colnum): box = (c * colwidth, r * rowheight, (c + 1) * colwidth, (r + 1) * rowheight) list.append(np.array(img.crop(box), ‘f‘))#.save(os.path.join(basename + ‘_‘ + str(num) + ‘.‘ + ext), ext) num = num + 1 print(‘图片切割完毕,共生成 %s 张小图片。‘ % num) return list #切割之后,返回每一个图片的数组阵吗 else: print(‘不合法的行列切割参数!‘)
"""机器学习实战上写的函数,直接手动copy""" def classify0(inX, dataSet, labels, k): # inX is values you want to match, dataSet is learning database dataSetSize = dataSet.shape[0] diffMat = np.tile(inX, (dataSetSize,1)) - dataSet sqDiffMat = diffMat**2 sqDistances = sqDiffMat.sum(axis=1) distances = sqDistances**0.5 # ((x-x)**2 + (x-x)**2)**0.5, remember it is still a array sortedDistIndicies = distances.argsort() # rerurn the array‘s index by reverse = False classCount = {} # define a dictionary for i in range(k): voteIlabel = labels[sortedDistIndicies[i]] classCount[voteIlabel] = classCount.get(voteIlabel,0) + 1 sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True) return sortedClassCount[0][0]#,sortedClassCount[0][1],sortedClassCount[1][0],sortedClassCount[1][1]
def img2vector(data): returnVect = np.zeros((1,900)) #fr = open(filename) #print(fr) count = 0 for row in data:#range(30): for gsi in row:#range(30): returnVect[0, count] = gsi#float(lineStr[j]) count += 1 return returnVect
def handwritingClassTest(testData): list = [] #there may exist bug when run it trainingMat = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ‘cza_values.txt‘)) #读取训练数据库,数据库我没贴上来=0= with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ‘cza_keys.txt‘),‘r‘) as f_r: #读取训练数据库,数据库我没贴上来=0= data = f_r.readline() hwLabels = [int(i) for i in data] print(‘read db done‘) for data in testData:#range(mTest): vectorUnderTest = img2vector(data)#os.getcwd()+‘\\test\\%s‘%fileNameStr) classifierResult = classify0(vectorUnderTest, trainingMat, hwLabels, 3) list.append(classifierResult) print(‘trainingMat_resylt_is ‘, classifierResult)#,‘real result is ‘,classNumStr) return list def img2num(picture): # input a picture name is ok img = Image.open(picture) img = img2gsi(img,140) testData = splitImage(img, 1, 10) print(‘start handel‘) result = handwritingClassTest(testData) return result # this is a list including picture2num if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: img2num(‘123.png‘) img2num(‘456.png‘)