Posted shucomputerprogram
# string Moudle """ Data: ascii_letters 大小写字母 ascii_lowercase 小写字母 ascii_uppercase 大写字母 digits 数字0-9 hexdigits 十六进制 0123456789abcdefABCDEF octdigits 八进制数 01234567 printable 全ascii字符 punctuation 标点符号 whitespace ‘ x0bx0c‘ """
# string方法 imoport string
s = ‘learn python‘ print(string.capwords(s)) # 转为标题,单词首字母大写
import string d = {‘a‘:‘var‘} s =""" V:${a} E:$$ T:${a}able """ t = string.Template(s) # $为其语法结构 print(t.substitute(d))
# Templates类的2个方法区别 import string d = {‘a‘:‘key‘} s = ‘$a is here but $missing is not provided‘ t = string.Template(s) try: print(‘substitute() :‘, t.substitute(d)) except KeyError as err: print(‘ERROR:‘, str(err)) print(‘safe_substitute():‘, t.safe_substitute(d))
# 进阶 import string class MyTemplate(string.Template): delimiter = ‘%‘ # 语法$修改为语法% idpattern = ‘[a-z]+_[a-z]+‘ # 该形式的正则,进行语法,否则忽略 d = { ‘with_underscore‘: ‘replaced‘, ‘notunderscored‘: ‘not replaced‘ } s = """ D:%% R:%with_underscore I:%notunderscored """ t = MyTemplate(s) print(t.safe_substitute(d))
Failed to convert property value of type ‘java.lang.String‘ to required type ‘int‘ for property(代码片段