
Posted jcjc




  • 在函数内部,可以调用其他函数,如果一个函数内部调用自己本身,这个函数就叫做递归函数。

    • PS : 在函数内部调用其他函数不是函数的嵌套,而在函数的内部定义子函数才是函数的嵌套。

  • 递归的特性:

    • 递归函数必须有一个明确的结束条件

    • 每进入更深一层的递归时,问题规模相对于上一次递归都应减少

    • 相邻两次重复之间有紧密的联系,前一次要为后一次做准备(通常前一次的输出作为后一次的输入)

    • 递归的效率不高,递归层次过多会导致栈溢出(在计算机中,函数调用是通过栈(stack)这种数据结构实现的,每当进入一次方法调用,栈就会加一层栈帧,每当返回一层栈帧,栈就会减一层栈帧。由于栈的大小不是无限的,所以,递归调用的次数过多,会导致栈溢出)

  • 先看一个例子,一个关于实现叠加的两种方法的例子:
    import sys
    def sum1(n):
      1 to n,The sum function
       sum = 0
       for i in range(1,n + 1):
           sum += i
       return sum
    def sum2(n):
      1 to n,The sum function
       if n > 0:
           return n + sum_recu(n - 1)    #调用函数自身
           return 0
    • 从上述的例子可以看出,两者都实现了叠加的效果,那么后者相对于前者有什么优点和缺点?

二 、递归函数有什么优缺点?

  • 递归函数的优点

    • 定义简单,逻辑(logic)清晰。理论上,所有的递归都可以写成循环的方式,但循环的逻辑不如递归清晰

  • 递归的缺点

    • 递归调用的次数过多,会导致栈溢出(stackoverflow)


  • Implement the function build_tree(rows). This is the function we use to actually build our tree. Please follow the steps below,

    • We will be using recursive function here (递归函数)

    • Find the best split using the method we implemented before, store information gain and the question to a local variable

    • Define the ending condition. If there is no gain, i.e. gain == 0, return a leaf node Leaf(rows)

    • Otherwise, get the partition of the tree at the current node with the best question(Determine object that we got before)

    • We use DFS(Depth First Search) to build the tree, and do the true_branch recursively first.

    • We then split the false_branch recursively

    • At last, we need to return something. We will return a DecisionNode object here since the starting point is also a DecisionNode

    • Notes:

      • This function might take you some time and thinking. Be patient

      • You need to understand the logic behind our DT before you even start to think. Talk to me if you are not feeling confident enough

      • Look up recursive function and depth first search if necessary.

  • code is as follows

    def build_tree(rows):
      Building our tree recursively
      :param rows: 一部分数据 a subset of our data set
      :return: recursively return a decision node and finally a tree
       # Your code here**-**
       # 找到这组数据的最佳分割点   looking for the datasets best split
       # 此处build_tree_best_question本身就是一对象,可以直接使用
       build_tree_best_gain, build_tree_best_question = find_best_split(rows)
       # When info_gain = 0, return Leaf(rows)
       if build_tree_best_gain == 0:
           return Leaf(rows)
       # 按照最佳分割点进行分割
       true_node, false_node = partition(rows,build_tree_best_question)
       left_tree = build_tree(true_node)
       right_tree = build_tree(false_node)
       # otherwise return DecisionNode
       return DecisionNode(build_tree_best_question,left_tree,right_tree)
  • JAN 1.9


决策树的几种类型差异及Spark 2.0-MLlibScikit代码分析




