
Posted cookiebox



First u must download wqy-microhei.ttc font online (

After save this Regedit file on pc (

Font file copy to wine folder under C: drive folder, under Windows folder, under Font (/home/YOURUSERNAME/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts)

If you cant see .wine folder, enter anyfolder and push keyboard Ctrl+H (show/hide hidden folder)

And last one you have downloaded regedit file. Steps: 1) Download winetricks (sudo apt-get install winetricks) 2) Open wine tricks app 3) First screen select ‘Select the default wineprefix‘ and click OK (go to next) 4) Select option to ‘Run regedit‘. You will see windows registry editor screen. 5) Click on bar ‘Registry > Import Registry File‘ 6)Select downloaded registry file and import. 7)Finish!

I hope it help you. I also use some software have chinese font. Wine don‘t support some distro maybe.


首先你需要下载 wqy-microhei.ttc字体 (

之后下载一份注册表文件在pc上 ( (译注:或者也可以保存一份文本文件,复制黏贴上面的内容,并以reg作为后缀即可)

如果你不能看到.wine文件夹,进入任意一个文件夹并且按下 Ctrl + H(显示或者隐藏文件夹)顺便一提,在macOS上是command + shift + .

最后下载好了注册表文件,步骤1:下载winetricks (sudo apt-get install winetricks) 2.打开winetrick 3.第一个窗口选择“Select the default wineprefix”然后点击OK (go to next) 4.选择选项“Run regedit”,你会看到Windows注册表编辑器窗口, 5.点击菜单栏“Registry > Import Registry File” 6.选择之前下载好的注册表文件并导入 7.结束!

如果没有其他的wineprefix,可以直接wine regedit打开注册表编辑器,然后按照上面第五步导入即可。

出处:Chinese fonts are not visible in programs installed in Wine中的Cengiz ALCAN的回答


如何从 wine 数据集中解决 Keras 神经网络实现中的错误





Elemetary OS deepin-wine 版 微信 和 企业微信 输入框字体显示异常解决