Cocos2d-x 2 0 从HelloWorld入手
Posted sjwics
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Cocos2d-x 2 0 从HelloWorld入手相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
从上一篇《Cocos2d-x 2.0 在Windows平台下的使用》已经初步了解了Cocos2d-x的安装、编译,也已经可以运行HelloWorld示例了,运行HelloWorld至少所需的文件,包括:素材、动态库,我们把"...Release.win32"里的"HelloWorld.exe"单独拷贝到一个新文件夹,至少所需的文件如下图所示:
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#include "main.h"
#include "../Classes/AppDelegate.h" #include "CCEGLView.h" USING_NS_CC; int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hPrevInstance); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpCmdLine); // create the application instance AppDelegate app; CCEGLView& eglView = CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView(); eglView.setViewName("Hello World"); eglView.setFrameSize(480, 320); // set the design resolution screen size, if you want to use Design Resoulution scaled to current screen, please uncomment next line. // eglView.setDesignResolutionSize(480, 320); return CCApplication::sharedApplication().run(); } |



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bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() {
// initialize director CCDirector *pDirector = CCDirector::sharedDirector(); pDirector->setOpenGLView(&CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()); // enable High Resource Mode(2x, such as iphone4) and maintains low resource on other devices. // pDirector->enableRetinaDisplay(true); // turn on display FPS pDirector->setDisplayStats(true); // set FPS. the default value is 1.0/60 if you don‘t call this pDirector->setAnimationInterval(1.0 / 60); // create a scene. it‘s an autorelease object CCScene *pScene = HelloWorld::scene(); // run pDirector->runWithScene(pScene); return true; } |
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CCScene* HelloWorld::scene()
{ // ‘scene‘ is an autorelease object CCScene *scene = CCScene::create(); // ‘layer‘ is an autorelease object HelloWorld *layer = HelloWorld::create(); // add layer as a child to scene scene->addChild(layer); // return the scene return scene; } |
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bool HelloWorld::init()
{ ////////////////////////////// // 1. super init first if ( !CCLayer::init() ) { return false; } ///////////////////////////// // 2. add a menu item with "X" image, which is clicked to quit the program // you may modify it. // add a "close" icon to exit the progress. it‘s an autorelease object CCMenuItemImage *pCloseItem = CCMenuItemImage::create( "CloseNormal.png", "CloseSelected.png", this, menu_selector(HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback) ); pCloseItem->setPosition( ccp(CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().width - 20, 20) ); // create menu, it‘s an autorelease object CCMenu* pMenu = CCMenu::create(pCloseItem, NULL); pMenu->setPosition( CCPointZero ); this->addChild(pMenu, 1); ///////////////////////////// // 3. add your codes below... // add a label shows "Hello World" // create and initialize a label CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::create("Hello World", "Arial", 24); // ask director the window size CCSize size = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize(); // position the label on the center of the screen pLabel->setPosition( ccp(size.width / 2, size.height - 50) ); // add the label as a child to this layer this->addChild(pLabel, 1); // add "HelloWorld" splash screen" CCSprite* pSprite = CCSprite::create("HelloWorld.png"); // position the sprite on the center of the screen pSprite->setPosition( ccp(size.width/2, size.height/2) ); // add the sprite as a child to this layer this->addChild(pSprite, 0); return true; } |