
Posted lillylin




1. 简单背景









  • 水平文本
    • Shangxuan Tian——【ICCV2017】WeText_Scene Text Detection under Weak Supervision
    • Shitala Prasad——【ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text
    • XiangBai——【AAAI2017】TextBoxes_A Fast Text Detector with a Single Deep Neural Network
    • Sheng Zhang——【AAAI2018】Feature Enhancement Network_A Refined Scene Text Detector
  • 倾斜文本
    • ChengLin Liu——【ICCV2017】Deep Direct Regression for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection
    • Chuhui Xue——【ECCV2018】Accurate Scene Text Detection through Border Semantics Awareness and Bootstrapping
    • Cong Yao——【CVPR2017】EAST_An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector
    • Dafang He——【CVPR2017】Multi-Scale FCN With Cascaded Instance Aware Segmentation for Arbitrary Oriented Word Spotting in the Wild
    • Dan Deng——【AAAI2018】PixelLink_Detecting Scene Text via Instance Segmentation
    • Fangfang Wang——【CVPR2018】Geometry-Aware Scene Text Detection With Instance Transformation Network
    • Han Hu——【ICCV2017】WordSup_Exploiting Word Annotations for Character based Text Detection
    • Lianwen Jin——【CVPR2017】Deep Matching Prior Network_Toward Tighter Multi-oriented Text Detection
    • Pan He——【ICCV2017】Single Shot Text Detector With Regional Attention
    • XiangBai——【CVPR2017】Detecting Oriented Text in Natural Images by link Segments
    • XiangBai——【CVPR2018】Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation
    • XiangBai——【CVPR2018】Rotation-Sensitive Regression for Oriented Scene Text Detection
    • Yingli Tian——【CVPR2017】Unambiguous Text Localization and Retrieval for Cluttered Scenes
    • Yue Wu——【ICCV2017】Self-Organized Text Detection With Minimal Post-Processing via Border Learning
    • Zichuang Liu——【CVPR2018】Learning Markov Clustering Networks for Scene Text Detection
  • 曲线文本
    • Shangbang Long——【ECCV2018】TextSnake_A Flexible Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes


  • Wei Liu——【AAAI2018】Char-Net_A Character-Aware Neural Network for Distorted Scene Text Recognition
  • Yang Liu——【ECCV2018】Synthetically Supervised Feature Learning for Scene Text Recognition
  • Zhanzhan Cheng——【CVPR2018】AON Towards Arbitrarily-Oriented Text Recognition
  • Zhanzhan Cheng——【CVPR2018】Edit Probability for Scene Text Recognition
  • Zhanzhan Cheng——【ICCV2017】Focusing Attention_Towards Accurate Text Recognition in Natural Images
  • Zichuan Liu——【AAAI2018】SqueezedText_A Real-time Scene Text Recognition by Binary Convolutional


  • Christian Bartz——【AAAI2018】SEE_Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition
  • Chulmoo Kang——【AAAI2017】Detection and Recognition of Text Embedded in Online Images via Neural Context Models
  • Chunhua Shen——【ICCV2017】Towards End-to-end Text Spotting with Convolutional Recurrent
  • Fangneng Zhan——【ECCV2018】Verisimilar Image Synthesis for Accurate Detection and Recognition of Texts in Scenes
  • Lluis Gomez——【ECCV2018】Single Shot Scene Text Retrieval
  • Lukas Neumann——【ICCV2017】Deep TextSpotter_An End-to-End Trainable Scene Text Localization and Recognition Framework
  • Weilin Huang——【CVPR2018】An End-to-End TextSpotter With Explicit Alignment and Attention
  • XiangBai——【ECCV2018】Mask TextSpotter An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes
  • XiangBai——【PAMI2018】ASTER_An Attentional Scene Text Recognizer with Flexible Rectification
  • YuQiao——【CVPR2018】FOTS Fast Oriented Text Spotting With a Unified Network

3. 其他CV会议期刊


  • Daitao Xing——【2017】ArbiText_Arbitrary-Oriented Text Detection in Unconstrained Scene
  • Dena Bazazian——【2017】Improving Text Proposals for Scene Images with Fully Convolutional Networks
  • Fan Jiang——【2017】Deep Scene Text Detection with Connected Component Proposals
  • Jiaqi Ma——【2017】Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals
  • Lluis Gomez——【PR2017】TextProposals_A text-specific selective search algorithm for word spotting in the wild
  • Siyang Qin——【2017】Cascaded Segmentation-Detection Networks for Word-Level TextSpotting
  • Suman Ghosh——【2017】R-PHOC_Segmentation-Free Word Spotting using CNN
  • Xiangyu Zhu——【ICDAR2017】Deep Residual Text Detection Network for Scene Text
  • Yingying Jiang——【2017】R2CNN_Rotational Region CNN for Orientation Robust Scene Text Detection
  • Yuchen Dai——【2017】Fused Text Segmentation Networks for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection
  • Yuliang Liu——【2017】Detecting Curve Text in the Wild_New Dataset and New Solution(曲线文本)


  • Chunhua Shen——【2018】Correlation Propagation Networks for Scene Text Detection
  • Dafang He——【2018】TextContourNet_a Flexible and Effective Framework for Improving Scene Text
  • Jun Du——【ICPR2018】Sliding Line Point Regression for Shape Robust Scene Text Detection
  • Qiangpeng Yang——【IJCAI2018】IncepText_A New Inception-Text Module with Deformable PSROI Pooling for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection
  • QiYuan——【2018】A Single Shot Text Detector with Scale-adaptive Anchors
  • **XiangBai——【2018TIP】TextBoxes++_A Single-Shot Oriented Scene Text Detector**
  • XiangBai——【PAMI2018】ASTER_An Attentional Scene Text Recognizer with Flexible Rectification
  • XiangLi——【2018】Shape Robust Text Detection with Progressive Scale Expansion Network
  • Yu Qiao——【BMVC2018】Boosting up Scene Text Detectors with Guided CNN
  • Zhuoyao Zhong——【2018】An Anchor-Free Region Proposal Network for Faster R-CNN based Text Detection Approaches


  1. He P, Huang W, He T, et al. Single shot text detector with regional attention[C]//The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). 2017, 6(7).
  2. Liu Y, Jin L. Deep matching prior network: Toward tighter multi-oriented text detection[C]//Proc. CVPR. 2017: 3454-3461.
  3. Liao M, Shi B, Bai X. Textboxes++: A single-shot oriented scene text detector[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2018, 27(8): 3676-3690.
  4. He W, Zhang X Y, Yin F, et al. Deep direct regression for multi-oriented scene text detection[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.08289, 2017.
  5. Zhou X, Yao C, Wen H, et al. EAST: an efficient and accurate scene text detector[C]//Proc. CVPR. 2017: 2642-2651.
  6. Deng D, Liu H, Li X, et al. PixelLink: Detecting Scene Text via Instance Segmentation[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.01315, 2018.
  7. Hu H, Zhang C, Luo Y, et al. Wordsup: Exploiting word annotations for character based text detection[C]//Proc. ICCV. 2017.
  8. Tian S, Lu S, Li C. Wetext: Scene text detection under weak supervision[C]//Proc. ICCV. 2017.
  9. Xue C, Lu S, Zhan F. Accurate Scene Text Detection Through Border Semantics Awareness and Bootstrapping[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 370-387.
  10. Yuliang L, Lianwen J, Shuaitao Z, et al. Detecting curve text in the wild: New dataset and new solution[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.02170, 2017.
  11. Long S, Ruan J, Zhang W, et al. TextSnake: A Flexible Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 19-35.
  12. Lyu P, Yao C, Wu W, et al. Multi-oriented scene text detection via corner localization and region segmentation[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 7553-7563
  13. Prasad S, Kong A W K. Using Object Information for Spotting Text[C]//Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2018: 540-557.
  14. Liao M, Zhu Z, Shi B, et al. Rotation-Sensitive Regression for Oriented Scene Text Detection[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 5909-5918.
  15. Wang F, Zhao L, Li X, et al. Geometry-Aware Scene Text Detection With Instance Transformation Network[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 1381-1389.
  16. Zhang S, Liu Y, Jin L, et al. Feature Enhancement Network: A Refined Scene Text Detector[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.04249, 2017.




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