2018-2019 ICPC, NEERC, Southern Subregional Contest (Online Mirror) Partial Solution

Posted yyf0309


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了2018-2019 ICPC, NEERC, Southern Subregional Contest (Online Mirror) Partial Solution相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。





  这次队友很给力,把我不会的模拟和贪心全切掉了,并且每次翻译了正确的题意(我英语真垃圾)。(上次UESTC ACM Final的队友让我很绝望,既不会做题又给我翻译假题面)











Problem A Find a Number






 1 /**
 2  * Codeforces
 3  * Problem#1070A
 4  * Accepted
 5  * Time: 108ms
 6  * Memory: 24800k
 7  * Author: yyf
 8  */
 9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <cstdlib>
11 #include <cstring>
12 #include <cstdio>
13 #include <queue>
14 using namespace std;
15 typedef bool boolean;
17 const int N = 5005, D = 505;
18 #define pii pair<int, int>
19 #define fi first
20 #define sc second
22 int d, s;
23 int f[N][D];
24 char lst[N][D];
25 int lstr[N][D];
26 boolean vis[N][D];
28 pii trans(int s, int r, int dig) {
29     return pii(s + dig, (r * 10 + dig) % d);
30 }
32 inline void init() {
33     scanf("%d%d", &d, &s);
34 }
36 queue<pii> que;
37 boolean bfs() {
38     que.push(pii(0, 0));
39     memset(f, 0x3f, sizeof(f));
40     f[0][0] = 0, vis[0][0] = true;
41     while (!que.empty()) {
42         pii e = que.front();
43         que.pop();
45         for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
46             pii eu = trans(e.fi, e.sc, i);
47             if (eu.fi > s)
48                 break;
49             if (vis[eu.fi][eu.sc])
50                 continue;
51             vis[eu.fi][eu.sc] = true;
52             lst[eu.fi][eu.sc] = i + 0;
53             lstr[eu.fi][eu.sc] = e.sc;
54             f[eu.fi][eu.sc] = f[e.fi][e.sc] + 1;
55             que.push(eu);
56         }
57     }
58     return vis[s][0];
59 }
61 void print(int s, int r) {
62     if (!s && !r)
63         return ;
64     int nr = lstr[s][r];
65     print(s - lst[s][r] + 0, nr);
66     putchar(lst[s][r]);
67 }
70 inline void solve() {
71     if (bfs()) {
72         print(s, 0);
73     } else
74         puts("-1");
75 }
77 int main() {
78     init();
79     solve();
80     return 0;
81 }
Problem A

Problem B Berkomnadzor






  1 /**
  2  * Codeforces
  3  * Problem#1070B
  4  * Accepted
  5  * Time: 530ms
  6  * Memory: 52800k
  7  */
  8 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  9 using namespace std;
 10 typedef bool boolean;
 12 #define ull unsigned long long
 13 #define pii pair<int, int>
 14 #define ll long long
 15 #define ui unsigned
 16 #define sc second
 17 #define fi first
 19 const signed ll llf = (signed ll) (~0ull >> 1);
 20 const signed int inf = (signed) (~0u >> 1);
 22 template <typename T>
 23 T __abs(T x) {
 24     return (x < 0) ? (-x) : (x);
 25 }
 27 template <typename T>
 28 void pfill(T* pst, const T* ped, T val) {
 29     for ( ; pst != ped; *(pst++) = val);
 30 }
 32 template <typename T>
 33 void pcopy(T* pst, const T* ped, T* pv) {
 34     for ( ; pst != ped; *(pst++) = *(pv++));
 35 }
 37 #define digit(_x) ((_x) >= ‘0‘ && (_x) <= ‘9‘)
 39 template <typename T>
 40 char* read(char* s, T& u) {
 41     for ( ; *s && !digit(*s); s++);
 42     if (!*s)
 43         return NULL;
 44     for (u = *s - 0; ++s, digit(*s); u = u * 10 + *s - 0);
 45     return s;
 46 }
 48 const int N = 2e5 + 5;
 50 typedef class Segment {
 51     public:
 52         ui l, r;
 53         ui sgn;
 55         Segment() {    }
 56         Segment(ui l, ui r, ui sgn):l(l), r(r), sgn(sgn) {    }
 58         boolean operator < (Segment b) const { 
 59             if (l ^ b.l)
 60                 return l < b.l;
 61             return r < b.r;
 62         }
 64         boolean intersect(Segment b) {
 65             return !(b.r < l || b.l > r);
 66         }
 67 }Segment;
 69 int n;
 70 char buf[100];
 72 Segment read() {
 73     ui l, r, x;
 74     scanf("%s", buf);
 75     ui sgn = (buf[0] == +);
 76     char* str = buf + 1;
 77     str = read(str, l);
 78     str = read(str, x), l = l << 8 | x;
 79     str = read(str, x), l = l << 8 | x;
 80     str = read(str, x), l = l << 8 | x;
 81     if (*str == /) {
 82         read(str, x);
 83         x = 32 - x;
 84         l >>= x, l <<= x;
 85         if (x == 32)
 86             r = ~0u;
 87         else
 88             r = l | ((1 << x) - 1);
 89         return Segment(l, r, sgn);
 90     }
 91     return Segment(l, l, sgn);
 92 }
 94 int res = 0;
 95 vector<Segment> ss, rs;
 97 inline void init() {
 98     scanf("%d", &n);
 99     Segment s;
100     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
101         s = read(), ss.push_back(s);
102 }
104 void dividing(vector<Segment> &ss, ui l, ui r, ui bit) {
105     if (ss.empty())
106         return;
107     boolean app1 = false, app0 = false;
108     for (ui i = 0; i < ss.size(); i++)
109         app1 |= (ss[i].sgn == 1), app0 |= (ss[i].sgn == 0);
111     if (!app1) {
112         rs.push_back(Segment(l, 32 - bit, 0));
113         return;
114     }
116     if (!app0)
117         return;
119     assert(l ^ r);
121     ui mid = l + ((r - l) >> 1);
122     vector<Segment> ql, qr;
123     for (ui i = 0; i < ss.size(); i++) {
124         if (ss[i].r <= mid)
125             ql.push_back(ss[i]);
126         else if (ss[i].l > mid)
127             qr.push_back(ss[i]);
128         else {
129             ql.push_back(Segment(ss[i].l, mid, ss[i].sgn));
130             qr.push_back(Segment(mid + 1, ss[i].r, ss[i].sgn));
131         }
132     }
133     ss.clear();
134     dividing(ql, l, mid, bit - 1);
135     dividing(qr, mid + 1, r, bit - 1);
136 }
138 inline void solve() {
139     sort(ss.begin(), ss.end());
140     for (ui i = 0, j; i < ss.size(); i = j)
141         for (j = i + 1; j < ss.size() && ss[j].intersect(ss[i]); j++)
142             if (ss[j].sgn ^ ss[i].sgn) {
143                 puts("-1");
144                 return;
145             }
146     dividing(ss, 0, ~0u, 32);
147     printf("%u
", rs.size());
148     ui msk = (1 << 8) - 1;
149     for (ui i = 0, x; i < rs.size(); i++) {
150         x = rs[i].l;
151         printf("%u.%u.%u.%u/%u
", x >> 24, x >> 16 & msk, x >> 8 & msk, x & msk, rs[i].r);
152     }
153 }
155 int main() {
156     init();
157     solve();
158     return 0;
159 }
Problem B

Problem C Cloud Computing





  1 /**
  2  * Codeforces
  3  * Problem#1070C
  4  * Accepted
  5  * Time: 249ms
  6  * Memory: 28000k
  7  * Author: yyf
  8  */
  9 #include <algorithm>
 10 #include <iostream>
 11 #include <cstring>
 12 #include <cstdlib>
 13 #include <cstdio>
 14 #include <vector>
 15 using namespace std;
 16 typedef bool boolean;
 18 typedef class Opt {
 19     public:
 20         int i, p, c;
 21         int sgn;
 23         Opt(int i, int p, int c, int sgn):i(i), p(p), c(c), sgn(sgn) {    }
 25         boolean operator < (Opt b) const {
 26             return i < b.i;
 27         }
 28 }Opt;
 30 const int bzmax = 21;
 32 template <typename T>
 33 class IndexedTree {
 34     public:
 35         int s;
 36         T* ar;
 38         IndexedTree() {    }
 39         IndexedTree(int s):s(s) {
 40             ar = new T[(s + 1)];
 41             memset(ar, 0, sizeof(T) * (s + 1));
 42         }
 44         void add(int idx, T val) {
 45             for ( ; idx <= s; idx += (idx & (-idx)))
 46                 ar[idx] += val;
 47         }
 49         T query(int idx) {
 50             T rt = 0;
 51             for ( ; idx; idx -= (idx & (-idx)))
 52                 rt += ar[idx];
 53             return rt;
 54         }
 56         int kth(int k) {
 57             int rt = 0, cur = 0;
 58             for (int l = (1 << (bzmax - 1)); l; l >>= 1)
 59                 if ((rt | l) <= s && (cur + ar[rt | l]) < k)
 60                     rt |= l, cur += ar[rt];
 61             return rt + 1;
 62         }
 63 };
 65 #define ll long long
 67 const int V = 1e6 + 3;
 69 int n, K, m;
 70 IndexedTree<ll> itc;
 71 IndexedTree<ll> its;
 72 vector<Opt> vs;
 74 inline void init() {
 75     scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &K, &m);
 76     itc = IndexedTree<ll>(V);
 77     its = IndexedTree<ll>(V);
 78     for (int i = 1, l, r, c, p; i <= m; i++) {
 79         scanf("%d%d%d%d", &l, &r, &c, &p);
 80         vs.push_back(Opt(l, p, c, 1));
 81         vs.push_back(Opt(r + 1, p, c, -1));
 82     }
 83 }
 85 ll res = 0;
 86 inline void solve() {
 87     sort(vs.begin(), vs.end());
 88     int pv = 0, s = (signed) vs.size();
 89     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
 90         while (pv < s && vs[pv].i == i) {
 91             itc.add(vs[pv].p, vs[pv].c * vs[pv].sgn);
 92             its.add(vs[pv].p, vs[pv].c * 1ll * vs[pv].p * vs[pv].sgn);
 93             pv++;
 94         }
 95         ll cnt = itc.query(V);
 96         if (cnt < K) {
 97             res += its.query(V);
 98         } else {
 99             int p = itc.kth(K);
100             cnt = itc.query(p);
101             res += its.query(p) - (cnt - K) * p;
102         }
103     }
104     cout << res << endl;
105 }
107 int main() {
108     init();
109     solve();
110     return 0;
111 }
Problem C

Problem D Garbage Disposal


  每天会产生若干垃圾,每天的垃圾只能当天或者后天处理,第$n + 1$天不能留下垃圾。每次处理垃圾至多能处理$k$个单位,问最少的总处理次数。



 1 //Author: dream_maker
 2 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 //----------------------------------------------
 5 //typename
 6 typedef long long ll;
 7 //convenient for
 8 #define fu(a, b, c) for (int a = b; a <= c; ++a)
 9 #define fd(a, b, c) for (int a = b; a >= c; --a)
10 #define fv(a, b) for (int a = 0; a < (signed)b.size(); ++a)
11 //inf of different typename
12 const int INF_of_int = 1e9;
13 const ll INF_of_ll = 1e18;
14 //fast read and write
15 template <typename T>
16 void Read(T &x) {
17   bool w = 1;x = 0;
18   char c = getchar();
19   while (!isdigit(c) && c != -) c = getchar();
20   if (c == -) w = 0, c = getchar();
21   while (isdigit(c)) {
22     x = (x<<1) + (x<<3) + c -0;
23     c = getchar();
24   }
25   if (!w) x = -x;
26 }
27 template <typename T>
28 void Write(T x) {
29   if (x < 0) {
30     putchar(-);
31     x = -x; 
32   }
33   if (x > 9) Write(x / 10);
34   putchar(x % 10 + 0);
35 }
36 //----------------------------------------------
37 const int N = 3e5 + 10;
38 ll a[N], n, k, ans = 0;
39 int main() {
40   Read(n), Read(k);
41   fu(i, 1, n) Read(a[i]);
42   fu(i, 1, n - 1) {
43     if (!a[i]) continue;
44     ll num = a[i] / k;
45     if (a[i] % k) ++num;
46     a[i + 1] = max(0ll, a[i + 1] - (num * k - a[i]));
47     ans += num;
48   }
49   if (a[n]) {
50     ans += a[n] / k;
51     if (a[n] % k) ++ans;
52   }
53   Write(ans);
54   return 0;
55 }
Problem D

Problem E Getting Deals Done



  1. 按顺序完成$p_i leqslant d$的任务
  2. 每做$m$个任务需要休息与做这$m$个任务花费的时间相等的时间。




  时间复杂度$O(nlog^{2} n)$。







  1. $p$相同的任务要一起加入树状数组
  2. 树状数组求第$k$大特判$k = 0$。


  1 /**
  2  * Codeforces
  3  * Problem#1070E
  4  * Accepted
  5  * Time: 608ms
  6  * Memory: 4700k
  7  */
  8 #include <algorithm>
  9 #include <iostream>
 10 #include <cstring>
 11 #include <cstdlib>
 12 #include <cstdio>
 13 #ifndef WIN32
 14 #define Auto "%lld"
 15 #else
 16 #define Auto "%I64d"
 17 #endif
 18 using namespace std;
 19 typedef bool boolean;
 20 #define ll long long
 22 template <typename T>
 23 class IndexedTree {
 24     public:
 25         int s;
 26         T* ar;
 28         IndexedTree() {    }
 29         IndexedTree(int s):s(s) {
 30             ar = new T[(s + 1)];
 31             memset(ar, 0, sizeof(T) * (s + 1));
 32         }
 34         void add(int idx, T val) {
 35             for ( ; idx <= s; idx += (idx & (-idx)))
 36                 ar[idx] += val;
 37         }
 39         T query(int idx) {
 40             T rt = 0;
 41             for ( ; idx; idx -= (idx & (-idx)))
 42                 rt += ar[idx];
 43             return rt;
 44         }
 46         int kth(int k) {
 47             if (!k)
 48                 return 0;
 49             int rt = 0, cur = 0;
 50             for (int i = (1 << 18); i; i >>= 1)
 51                 if ((rt | i) <= s && ar[rt | i] + cur < k)
 52                     rt |= i, cur += ar[rt];
 53             return rt + 1;
 54         }
 56         void clear() {
 57             s = 0;
 58             delete[] ar;
 59         }
 60 };
 62 const int N = 2e5 + 5;
 63 #define pii pair<int, int>
 64 #define fi first
 65 #define sc second
 67 int T;
 68 int n, m;
 69 ll t;
 70 IndexedTree<int> itc;
 71 IndexedTree<ll> its;
 72 int ps[N];
 73 pii ar[N];
 75 inline void init() {
 76     scanf("%d%d"Auto, &n, &m, &t);
 77     itc = IndexedTree<int>(n);
 78     its = IndexedTree<ll>(n);
 79     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
 80         scanf("%d", ps + i), ar[i] = pii(ps[i], i);
 81 }
 83 int query(int i) {
 84     int l = 1, r = i, mid, k, ti;
 85     ll s = 0;
 86     while (l <= r) {
 87         mid = (l + r) >> 1;
 88         k = itc.kth(mid);
 89         s = its.query(k);
 90         ti = (mid - 1) / m * m;
 91         k = itc.kth(ti);
 92         s += its.query(k);
 93         if (s > t)
 94             r = mid - 1;
 95         else
 96             l = mid + 1;
 97     }
 98     return l - 1;
 99 }
101 inline void solve() {
102     int ansc = 0, ansd = 1;
103     sort(ar + 1, ar + n + 1);
104     int i = 1, c;
105     while (i <= n) {
106         int cur = ar[i].fi;
107         while (i <= n && ar[i].fi == cur) {
108             itc.add(ar[i].sc, 1);
109             its.add(ar[i].sc, ar[i].fi);
110             i++;
111         }
112         c = query(i - 1);
113         if (c > ansc)
114             ansc = c, ansd = ar[i - 1].fi;
115     }
116     printf("%d %d
", ansc, ansd);
117 }
119 void clear() {
120     itc.clear();
121     its.clear();
122 }
124 int main() {
125     scanf("%d", &T);
126     while (T--) {
127         init();
128         solve();
129         clear();
130     }
131     return 0;
132 }
Problem E

Problem F Debate








  1 //Author: dream_maker
  2 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  3 using namespace std;
  4 //----------------------------------------------
  5 //typename
  6 typedef long long ll;
  7 //convenient for
  8 #define fu(a, b, c) for (int a = b; a <= c; ++a)
  9 #define fd(a, b, c) for (int a = b; a >= c; --a)
 10 #define fv(a, b) for (int a = 0; a < (signed)b.size(); ++a)
 11 //inf of different typename
 12 const int INF_of_int = 1e9;
 13 const ll INF_of_ll = 1e18;
 14 //fast read and write
 15 template <typename T>
 16 void Read(T &x) {
 17   bool w = 1;x = 0;
 18   char c = getchar();
 19   while (!isdigit(c) && c != -) c = getchar();
 20   if (c == -) w = 0, c = getchar();
 21   while (isdigit(c)) {
 22     x = (x<<1) + (x<<3) + c -0;
 23     c = getchar();
 24   }
 25   if (!w) x = -x;
 26 }
 27 template <typename T>
 28 void Write(T x) {
 29   if (x < 0) {
 30     putchar(-);
 31     x = -x; 
 32   }
 33   if (x > 9) Write(x / 10);
 34   putchar(x % 10 + 0);
 35 }
 36 //----------------------------------------------
 37 deque<ll> p[4];
 38 ll n, w, ans = 0;
 39 char s[3];
 40 bool cmp(ll a, ll b) {
 41   return a > b;
 42 }
 43 int main() {
 44   Read(n);
 45   fu(i, 1, n) {
 46     scanf("%s", s);
 47     Read(w);
 48     if (s[0] == 0) {
 49       if (s[1] == 0) p[0].push_back(w);
 50       else p[1].push_back(w);
 51     } else {
 52       if (s[1] == 0) p[2].push_back(w);
 53       else p[3].push_back(w);
 54     }
 55   }
 56   fu(i, 0, 3) sort(p[i].begin(), p[i].end(), cmp);
 57   ll ans = 0, num = 0, cnt0 = 0, cnt1 = 0;
 58   fv(i, p[3]) {
 59     ans += p[3][i];
 60     num++;
 61     cnt0++, cnt1++;
 62   }
 63   while (p[1].size() && p[2].size()) {
 64     num += 2;
 65     cnt1++, cnt0++;
 66     ans += p[1].front() + p[2].front();
 67     p[1].pop_front();
 68     p[2].pop_front();
 69   }
 70   int last = cnt1 * 2 - num;
 71   while (last--) {
 72     if (!p[0].size() && !p[1].size() && !p[2].size()) break;
 73     if (p[0].size()) {
 74       bool can = 1;
 75       if (p[1].size() && p[1].front() > p[0].front()) can = 0;
 76       if (p[2].size() && p[2].front() > p[0].front()) can = 0;
 77       if (can) {
 78         ans += p[0].front();
 79         p[0].pop_front();
 80         continue;
 81       }
 82     }
 83     if (p[1].size()) {
 84       bool can = 1;
 85       if (p[0].size() && p[0].front() > p[1].front()) can = 0;
 86       if (p[2].size() && p[2].front() > p[1].front()) can = 0;
 87       if (can) {
 88         ans += p[1].front();
 89         p[1].pop_front();
 90         continue;
 91       }
 92     }
 93     if (p[2].size()) {
 94       bool can = 1;
 95       if (p[1].size() && p[1].front() > p[2].front()) can = 0;
 96       if (p[0].size() && p[0].front() > p[2].front()) can = 0;
 97       if (can) {
 98         ans += p[2].front();
 99         p[2].pop_front();
100         continue;
101       }
102     }
103   }
104   /*if (p[1].size()) {
105     while (cnt1 * 2 > num && cnt0 * 2 > num) {
106       if (!p[1].size() && !p[0].size()) break;
107       if (!p[1].size() || !p[0].size()) {
108         if (!p[1].size()) {
109           num++;
110           ans += p[0].front();
111           p[0].pop_front();
112         } else {
113           num++, cnt0++;
114           ans += p[1].front();
115           p[1].pop_front();
116         }
117       }
118       if (p[0].front() > p[1].front()) {
119         num++;
120         ans += p[0].front();
121         p[0].pop_front();
122       } else {
123         num++, cnt0++;
124         ans += p[1].front();
125         p[1].pop_front();
126       }
127     }
128   } else if (p[2].size()) {
129     while (cnt1 * 2 > num && cnt0 * 2 > num) {
130       if (!p[2].size() && !p[0].size()) break;
131       if (!p[2].size() || !p[0].size()) {
132         if (!p[2].size()) {
133           num++;
134           ans += p[0].front();
135           p[0].pop_front();
136         } else {
137           num++, cnt1++;
138           ans += p[2].front();
139           p[2].pop_front();
140         }
141       }
142       if (p[0].front() > p[2].front()) {
143         num++;
144         ans += p[0].front();
145         p[0].pop_front();
146       } else {
147         num++, cnt1++;
148         ans += p[2].front();
149         p[2].pop_front();
150       }
151     }
152   }
153   while (p[0].size() && cnt1 * 2 > num && cnt0 * 2 > num) {
154     num++;
155     ans += p[0].front();
156     p[0].pop_front();
157   }*/
158   Write(ans);
159   return 0;
160 }
Problem F

Problem G Monsters and Potions






  1 //Author: dream_maker
  2 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  3 using namespace std;
  4 //----------------------------------------------
  5 //typename
  6 typedef long long ll;
  7 //convenient for
  8 #define fu(a, b, c) for (int a = b; a <= c; ++a)
  9 #define fd(a, b, c) for (int a = b; a >= c; --a)
 10 #define fv(a, b) for (int a = 0; a < (signed)b.size(); ++a)
 11 //inf of different typename
 12 const int INF_of_int = 1e9;
 13 const ll INF_of_ll = 1e18;
 14 //fast read and write
 15 template <typename T>
 16 void Read(T &x) {
 17   bool w = 1;x = 0;
 18   char c = getchar();
 19   while (!isdigit(c) && c != -) c = getchar();
 20   if (c == -) w = 0, c = getchar();
 21   while (isdigit(c)) {
 22     x = (x<<1) + (x<<3) + c -0;
 23     c = getchar();
 24   }
 25   if (!w) x = -x;
 26 }
 27 template <typename T>
 28 void Write(T x) {
 29   if (x < 0) {
 30     putchar(-);
 31     x = -x; 
 32   }
 33   if (x > 9) Write(x / 10);
 34   putchar(x % 10 + 0);
 35 }
 36 //----------------------------------------------
 37 const int N = 1010;
 38 ll n, m;
 39 ll s[N], h[N], p[N];
 40 ll now[N], tp[N], tot;
 41 bool wk[N];
 42 void init() {
 43   fu(i, 1, n) now[i] = p[i];
 44   memset(tp, 0, sizeof(tp));
 45   memset(wk, 0, sizeof(wk));
 46   tot = 0;
 47 }
 48 bool check_walk(ll fro, ll to, ll vl) {
 49   if (fro == to) return 1;
 50   if (fro > to) {
 51     fd(i, fro, to) {
 52       if (now[i] < 0 && vl + now[i] < 0) return 0;
 53       vl += now[i];
 54     }
 55     return 1;
 56   } else {
 57     fu(i, fro, to) {
 58       if (now[i] < 0 && vl + now[i] < 0) return 0;
 59       vl += now[i];
 60     }
 61     return 1;
 62   }
 63 }
 64 void get_clean(ll l, ll r) {
 65   if (l >= r) {
 66     fd(i, l, r) now[i] = 0;
 67   } else {
 68     fu(i, l, r) now[i] = 0;
 69   }
 70 }
 71 struct Node {
 72   int id, dis;
 73 } w[N];
 74 bool cmp(Node a, Node b) {
 75   return a.dis < b.dis;
 76 }
 77 bool check(int pos) {
 78   init();
 79   fu(i, 1, m) {
 80     w[i].id = i;
 81     w[i].dis = labs(pos - s[i]);
 82   }
 83   sort(w + 1, w + m + 1, cmp);
 84   fu(i, 1, m) {
 85     if (check_walk(s[w[i].id], pos, h[w[i].id])) {
 86       tp[++tot] = w[i].id;
 87       get_clean(s[w[i].id], pos);
 88       wk[w[i].id] = 1;
 89     }
 90   }
 91   fu(i, 1, m) {
 92     if (!wk[w[i].id]) { 
 93       if (!check_walk(s[w[i].id], pos, h[w[i].id])) return 0;
 94       tp[++tot] = w[i].id;
 95       wk[w[i].id] = 1;
 96     }
 97   }
 98   Write(pos); putchar(
 99   fu(i, 1, m) {
100     Write(tp[i]);
101     putchar( );
102   }
103   return 1;
104 }
105 int main() {
106   Read(n), Read(m);
107   fu(i, 1, m) Read(s[i]), Read(h[i]);
108   fu(i, 1, n) Read(p[i]);
109   fu(i, 1, n)
110     if (check(i)) return 0;
111   printf("-1");
112   return 0;
113 }
Problem G

Problem H BerOS File Suggestion







 1 /**
 2  * Codeforces
 3  * Problem#1070E
 4  * Accepted
 5  * Time: 234ms
 6  * Memory: 15900k
 7  * Author: yyf
 8  */
 9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <cstdlib>
11 #include <cstdio>
12 #include <map>
13 using namespace std;
14 typedef bool boolean;
15 #define ull unsigned long long
17 ull base = 233;
19 const int N = 1e4 + 3;
21 int n, q;
22 char strs[N][10];
23 map<ull, int> cnt;
24 map<ull, int> lst;
26 inline void init() {
27     scanf("%d", &n);
28     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
29         scanf("%s", strs[i]);
30         char *s = strs[i];
31         for (int l = 0; s[l]; l++) {
32             ull ha = 0;
33             for (int r = l; s[r]; r++) {
34                 ha = ha * base + s[r];
35                 if (lst[ha] != i) {
36                     lst[ha] = i;
37                     cnt[ha]++;
38 //                    cerr << "added" << " " << ha << endl;
39                 }
40             }
41         }
42     }
43 }
45 char str[10];
46 inline void solve() {
47     scanf("%d", &q);
48     while (q--) {
49         scanf("%s", str);
50         ull ha = 0;
51         for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++)
52             ha = ha * base + str[i];
53         int r1 = cnt[ha];
54         if (r1)
55             printf("%d %s
", r1, strs[lst[ha]]);
56         else
57             puts("0 -");
58     }
59 }
61 int main() {
62     init();
63     solve();
64     return 0;
65 }
Problem H

Problem I Privatization of Roads in Berland



  1. 一个公司最多拥有两条边
  2. 每个顶点相邻的边至多被分给$K$个公司。


  考虑如果一个顶点的度数大于$K$,那么我们就要硬点它周边$2(d - k)$条边两两配对。



  1 /**
  2  * Codeforces
  3  * Problem#1070I
  4  * Accepted
  5  * Time: 31ms
  6  * Memory: 200k
  7  */
  8 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  9 using namespace std;
 10 typedef bool boolean;
 12 #define ull unsigned long long
 13 #define pii pair<int, int>
 14 #define ll long long
 15 #define ui unsigned
 16 #define sc second
 17 #define fi first
 19 const signed ll llf = (signed ll) (~0ull >> 1);
 20 const signed int inf = (signed) (~0u >> 1);
 22 template <typename T>
 23 T __abs(T x) {
 24     return (x < 0) ? (-x) : (x);
 25 }
 27 template <typename T>
 28 void pfill(T* pst, const T* ped, T val) {
 29     for ( ; pst != ped; *(pst++) = val);
 30 }
 32 template <typename T>
 33 void pcopy(T* pst, const T* ped, T* pv) {
 34     for ( ; pst != ped; *(pst++) = *(pv++));
 35 }
 37 typedef class Edge {
 38     public:
 39         int ed, nx, cap, f;
 41         Edge() {    }
 42         Edge(int ed, int nx, int cap, int f):ed(ed), nx(nx), cap(cap), f(f) {    } 
 43 }Edge;
 45 typedef class MapManager {
 46     public:
 47         int *h;
 48         vector<Edge> es;
 50         MapManager() {    }
 51         MapManager(int n) {
 52              h = new int[(n + 1)];
 53              pfill(h, h + n + 1, -1);
 54         }
 56         void addEdge(int u, int v, int cap, int f) {
 57             es.push_back(Edge(v, h[u], cap, f));
 58             h[u] = (signed) es.size() - 1;
 59         }
 61         void addArc(int u, int v, int cap) {
 62             addEdge(u, v, cap, 0);
 63             addEdge(v, u, cap, cap);
 64         }
 66         Edge& operator [] (int p) {
 67             return es[p];
 68         }
 70         void clear() {
 71             delete[] h;
 72             es.clear();
 73         }
 74 }MapManager;
 76 const int N = 605;
 78 int n, m, K;
 79 int s = 0, t;
 80 int mxcap;
 81 int deg[N];
 82 MapManager g;
 84 inline void init() {
 85     scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &K);
 86     pfill(deg, deg + n + 1, 0);
 87     g = MapManager(n + m + 1);
 88     for (int i = 1, u, v; i <= m; i++) {
 89         scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
 90         deg[u]++, deg[v]++;
 91         g.addArc(0, i, 1);
 92         g.addArc(i, u + m, 1);
 93         g.addArc(i, v + m, 1);
 94     }
 95     t = n + m + 1, mxcap = 0;
 96     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
 97         if (deg[i] > K)
 98             g.addArc(i + m, t, (deg[i] - K) << 1), mxcap += deg[i] - K;
 99     mxcap <<= 1;
100 }
102 int cur[N << 1], _div[N << 1];
104 int dfs(int p, int mf) {
105     if (p == t || !mf)
106         return mf;
107     int f, flow = 0;
108     for (int& i = cur[p], e; ~i; i = g[i].nx) {
109         e = g[i].ed;
110         if (g[i].f < g[i].cap && _div[e] == _div[p] + 1 && (f = dfs(e, min(mf, g[i].cap - g[i].f))) > 0) {
111             g[i].f += f;
112             g[i ^ 1].f -= f;
113             mf -= f;
114             flow += f;
115             if (!mf)
116                 break;
117         }
118     }
119     return flow;
120 }
122 queue<int> que;
123 boolean bfs() {
124     pfill(_div, _div + t + 1, -1);
125     _div[s] = 0;
126     que.push(s);
127     while (!que.empty()) {
128         int e = que.front();
129         que.pop();
130         for (int i = g.h[e], eu; ~i; i = g[i].nx) {
131             eu = g[i].ed;
132             if (g[i].cap == g[i].f)
133                 continue;
134             if (~_div[eu])
135                 continue;
136             _div[eu] = _div[e] + 1;
137             que.push(eu);
138         }
139     }
140     return _div[t] != -1;
141 }
143 int dinic() {
144     int rt = 0;
145     while (bfs()) {
146         pcopy(cur, cur + t + 1, g.h);
147         rt += dfs(s, inf);
148     }
149     return rt;
150 }
152 int lab[N];
153 vector<int> mat[N];
155 inline void solve() {
156     int flow = dinic(), used = 0;
158     if (flow != mxcap) {
159         for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
160             printf("0 ");
161         putchar(
162         return;
163     }
165     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
166         mat[i].clear();
168     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
169         for (int j = g.h[i]; ~j; j = g[j].nx)
170             if (g[j].cap == g[j].f && g[j].ed > m) {
171                 mat[g[j].ed - m].push_back(i);
172                 break;
173             }
175     pfill(lab + 1, lab + m + 1, 0);
176     for (int i = 1, a, b; i <= n; i++)
177         while (!mat[i].empty()) {
178             a = mat[i].back();
179             mat[i].pop_back();
180             b = mat[i].back();
181             mat[i].pop_back();
183             lab[a] = lab[b] = ++used;
184         }
186     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
187         if (!lab[i])
188             lab[i] = ++used;
189         printf("%d ", lab[i]);
190     }
191     putchar(
192 }
194 inline void clear() {
195     g.clear();
196 }
198 int T;
199 int main() {
200     scanf("%d", &T);
201     while (T--) {
202         init();
203         solve();
204         clear();
205     }
206     return 0;
207 }
Problem I

Problem J Streets and Avenues in Berhattan


  给定一个长度为$K$的字母串,以及$n, m$,要求在$K$中选出不同位置的$n$个字符和$m$个字符,使得$n$个字符中和$m$字符中相同的对数尽量小。






 1 /**
 2  * Codeforces
 3  * Problem#1070J
 4  * Accepted
 5  * Time: 46ms
 6  * Memory: 1200k
 7  * Author: yyf
 8  */
 9 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
10 using namespace std;
11 typedef bool boolean;
13 template <typename T>
14 void pfill(T* pst, const T* ped, T val) {
15     for ( ; pst != ped; *(pst++) = val);
16 }
18 const int N = 2e5 + 5, Alpha = 27;
20 int T;
21 int n, m, K;
22 int cnt[Alpha];
23 boolean f[N];
24 int g[N];
25 char str[N];
27 inline void init() {
28     scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &K);
29     scanf("%s", str);
30     pfill(cnt, cnt + Alpha, 0);
31     for (char *p = str; *p; p++)
32         cnt[*p - A]++;
33 }
35 inline void solve() {
36     int res = (signed) (~0u >> 1);
37     for (int i = 0, used, diff; i < Alpha && res; i++) {
38         pfill(f, f + K + 1, false);
39         f[0] = true;
40         for (int c = 0, s = 0; c < Alpha; c++)
41             if (cnt[c] && (c ^ i)) {
42                 for (int j = s; ~j; j--)
43                     f[j + cnt[c]] |= f[j];
44                 s += cnt[c];
45             }
47         for (int j = 0; j <= K; j++)
48             g[j] = (f[j] ? j : K + 1);
49         for (int j = K - 1; ~j; j--)
50             g[j] = min(g[j + 1], g[j]);
52         for (int c = 0; c <= cnt[i] && c <= n && res; c++) {
53             used = g[n - c] + c;
54             if (K - used >= m) {
55                 diff = K - cnt[i] - g[n - c];
56                 if (diff >= m)
57                     res = 0;
58                 else
59                     res = min(res, (m - diff) * c);
60             }
61         }
62     }
63     printf("%d
", res);
64 }
66 int main() {
67     scanf("%d", &T);
68     while (T--) {
69         init();
70         solve();
71     }
72     return 0;
73 }
Problem J

Problem K Video Posts





 1 //Author: dream_maker
 2 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 //----------------------------------------------
 5 //typename
 6 typedef long long ll;
 7 //convenient for
 8 #define fu(a, b, c) for (int a = b; a <= c; ++a)
 9 #define fd(a, b, c) for (int a = b; a >= c; --a)
10 #define fv(a, b) for (int a = 0; a < (signed)b.size(); ++a)
11 //inf of different typename
12 const int INF_of_int = 1e9;
13 const ll INF_of_ll = 1e18;
14 //fast read and write
15 template <typename T>
16 void Read(T &x) {
17   bool w = 1;x = 0;
18   char c = getchar();
19   while (!isdigit(c) && c != -) c = getchar();
20   if (c == -) w = 0, c = getchar();
21   while (isdigit(c)) {
22     x = (x<<1) + (x<<3) + c -0;
23     c = getchar();
24   }
25   if (!w) x = -x;
26 }
27 template <typename T>
28 void Write(T x) {
29   if (x < 0) {
30     putchar(-);
31     x = -x; 
32   }
33   if (x > 9) Write(x / 10);
34   putchar(x % 10 + 0);
35 }
36 //----------------------------------------------
37 const int N = 1e5 + 10;
38 ll n, k, a[N], ans[N];
39 int main() {
40   Read(n), Read(k);
41   fu(i, 1, n) Read(a[i]), a[i] += a[i - 1];
42   if (a[n] % k) {
43     printf("No");
44     return 0;
45   }
46   ll len = a[n] / k, last = 0, tot = 0;
47   fu(i, 1, n) {
48     if (a[i] - a[last] == len) {
49       ans[++tot] = i - last;
50       last = i;
51     } else if(a[i] - a[last] > len) {
52       printf("No");
53       return 0;
54     }
55   }
56   printf("Yes
57   fu(i, 1, k) {
58     Write(ans[i]);
59     putchar( );
60   }
61   return 0;
62 }
Problem K

Problem L Odd Federalization






  高斯消元 + bitset就没了。


  1 /**
  2  * Codeforces
  3  * Problem#1070L
  4  * Accepted
  5  * Time: 93ms
  6  * Memory: 500k
  7  */
  8 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  9 using namespace std;
 10 typedef bool boolean;
 12 #define ull unsigned long long
 13 #define pii pair<int, int>
 14 #define ll long long
 15 #define ui unsigned
 16 #define sc second
 17 #define fi first
 19 const signed ll llf = (signed ll) (~0ull >> 1);
 20 const signed int inf = (signed) (~0u >> 1);
 22 template <typename T>
 23 T __abs(T x) {
 24     return (x < 0) ? (-x) : (x);
 25 }
 27 template <typename T>
 28 void pfill(T* pst, const T* ped, T val) {
 29     for ( ; pst != ped; *(pst++) = val);
 30 }
 32 template <typename T>
 33 void pcopy(T* pst, const T* ped, T* pv) {
 34     for ( ; pst != ped; *(pst++) = *(pv++));
 35 }
 37 const int N = 2048;
 39 int n, m;
 40 boolean deg[N];
 41 bitset<N> eq[N];
 43 void reverse(bitset<N> &bs, int bit) {
 44     if (bs.test(bit))
 45         bs.reset(bit);
 46     else
 47         bs.set(bit);
 48 }
 50 inline void init() {
 51     scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
 52     pfill(deg, deg + n, false);
 53     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 54         eq[i].reset();
 55     for (int i = 1, u, v; i <= m; i++) {
 56         scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
 57         u--, v--;
 58         eq[u].set(v);
 59         eq[v].set(u);
 60         reverse(eq[u], u);
 61         reverse(eq[v], v);
 62         deg[u] = !deg[u], deg[v] = !deg[v];
 63     }
 64 }
 66 void guass() {
 67     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 68         int p = -1;
 69         for (int j = i; j < n && p == -1; j++)
 70             if (eq[j].test(i))
 71                 p = j;
 72         if (p == -1)
 73             continue;
 74         swap(eq[p], eq[i]);
 75         swap(deg[p], deg[i]);
 76         for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
 77             if ((j ^ i) && eq[j].test(i))
 78                 eq[j] ^= eq[i], deg[j] ^= deg[i];
 79     }
 80 }
 82 inline void solve() {
 83     guass();
 84     int r = 1;
 85     for (int i = 0; i < n && r == 1; i++)
 86         if (deg[i])
 87             r = 2;
 88     printf("%d
", r);
 89     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 90         printf("%d ", deg[i] + 1);
 91     puts("");
 92 }
 94 int T;
 95 int main() {
 96     scanf("%d", &T);
 97     while (T--) {
 98         init();
 99         solve();
100     }
101     return 0;
102 }
Problem L


以上是关于2018-2019 ICPC, NEERC, Southern Subregional Contest (Online Mirror) Partial Solution的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

2018-2019 ICPC, NEERC, Southern Subregional Contest (Online Mirror) 体验记

2018-2019 ICPC, NEERC, Southern Subregional Contest (Online Mirror, ACM-ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred)

2018-2019 ICPC, NEERC, Southern Subregional Contest (Online Mirror, ACM-ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred)

Codeforces 1089K - King Kog's Reception - [线段树][2018-2019 ICPC, NEERC, Northern Eurasia Finals P

2013-2014 ACM-ICPC, NEERC, Eastern Subregional Contest PART (7/10)

[算法竞赛入门经典]Kickdown ACM/ICPC NEERC 2004,UVa1587