
Posted 17s4029




customs 海关

officer 官员

government 政府  + 官员

passport  护照

pass 通过,穿过     port 港口,口岸

pass the port   通过口岸

girl   女孩    boy 男孩

beautiful  美丽的 = pretty   


we are twins.we look the same. 我们是双胞胎,我们很像

you are my parents.   你们是我的双亲

parents  双亲复数


friend  朋友 +s 复数

cookies  曲奇


here you are = here it is.   给你

are these your cases?    这些是你的箱子吗?

tourist  游客  tourists 复数


复数   后加s    dog  dogs

本身以s结尾,  在后面加es dress  dresses


that‘s fine.      好了,可以了,那好吧。



floor  地板  ceiling 天花板  desk  书桌  table  饭桌

cupboard 橱柜  bed 床  room  房间  kitchen  厨房

bedroom  卧室  dining room 饭厅  bathroom  浴室

door 门  window 窗子

the shops are open.
the shops are shut.

open the window/door  开窗户/门
shut the window/door   关窗户/门

wall 墙壁

go to the wall  失败,走投无路

客厅 = 起居室 living room

guest客人 guest room客房

arm胳膊 chair椅子  armchair 扶手椅


near 介词,接近,靠近

A near B B靠近A,A在B的边上

do you live near here?  你住在这附近吗?

my birthday is very near christmas.  我的生日在圣诞节前后

the tv is near the window.

the tv   主语

is 系动词

near the window  介词短语作表语


the bottles are in the refrigeratoe.   那些饼子在冰箱里

the knives are on the table.    那些刀在桌子上


there be .....   有......

there is...   后跟单数名次

there are.....   后跟名次复数


some 一些   复数后面名次复数

一些香烟  some cigarettes

十张票  ten  tickets


there are some cigarettes on the dressing table. 梳妆台上有一些香烟

there are some shoes near the bed.  床边有一些鞋子

there are some tickets on the shelf.    架子上有几张票

there are some plates in the cupboard.  橱柜里有一些盘子

there are some trousers on the bed.  床上有一/几条裤子 习惯上是一条

a pair of trousers  一条裤子

pair  一条,一对


trousers  裤子,以复数形式    pants(美式)

glasses  眼镜   同上

scissors 剪刀   同上


there be   强调事物存在,有.....东西

they are  强调事物本质, 他们是......

there are some plates in the cupboard.


they are some plates in the cupboard.



there be  变疑问句  be动词前置

there is a cup on the table.

is there a cup on the table.

yes,there is.

no ,there is not./there‘s not./there isn‘t


some  一些

any  任意一个  相互联系


there are some newspapers on the table.

are ther any newspapers on the table.

there are not any newspapers ont the table.


picture  图片

on the wall  介词短语做表语

where are the pictures?  

the pictures are on the wall.


are there any bottles in the cupboard

no there are not

where are the bottles

they are in the refrigerator.


exactly 正确的,严密的

where exactly?    能说的清楚一点吗?到底在哪?

they are near the bad.   在床边的地板上

party  派对



clothes 衣服,服装统称 穿的东西,没有单数形式,只有复数

i need to buy some new clothes for the trip.


put on 穿上

take off  脱下

it is cold outside. put on your coat.



skirt 短裙  dress 连衣裙  blouse /shirt  女/男衬衫

trousers 裤子  coat 大衣  jacket 夹克  suit 西服,一套衣服

hat 帽子  tie 领带  shoe 鞋子

wardrobe 衣柜 closet(美式)


come in  进来

shut the door  关门

祈使句 省略主语,直接使用动词原型

shut/open  put   make  dust

sweep  clean  empty  read

sharpen  put on/take off  turn on/turn off


shut  近义词  close

the door are shut/close. 门是关着的

shut/close the door.把门关上


make 做某事

make the bed  整理床

make the dinner   做晚饭


dust 惮掉灰尘

dust the table  惮掉桌子上的灰尘


sweep 打扫

sweep the floor  打扫地板,扫地


clean  打扫,把.....弄干净

clean the bedroom   把卧室打扫干净


empty  空的

this bottle is empty.    an empty bottle


empty  把....倒空

empty the box


the cup is not empty.empty it.



read 读书

read a book


sharpen 磨快,削尖

sharp 锋利的  blunt 钝的

sharpen a knife.  把刀磨快

sharpen a pencil. 把铅笔削尖


put on/take off 穿上/脱掉

turn on/turn off  打开/关上

turn on the tv  打开电视


untidy 不整齐的  tidy 整齐的


what must i do?  我需要做些什么呢?

must 必须,应该  主观愿望,看法

we must go home before six.  我们必须在六点以前回家


air   给。。。。换气

air the room   给房间通风换气


then 然后,接着

buy some vegetables,and then make the dinner.



put 放置

put these clothes in the wardrobe.



open the window and air the room

put these clothes in the wardrobe.

make the bed

dust the dressing table

sweep the floor



garden  花园

secret garden  秘密花园     书

flower 花

there are many flowers in the garden.


grass 草,草地

lawn 草坪

tree  树

cat  猫

dog 狗

tom & jerry  猫和老鼠

mouse 老鼠  mice 复数


under 在。。。之下



she is sitting under the tree.   她正在树下坐着

sit 坐  she是单数,be动用is

under the tree  地点状语,表地点

sitting 现在分词

1.大多数动词,后面加ing  dust   dusting

2.字母e结尾,去e加ing  make   making



元音a e i o u

run 跑步  running

i am running   我正在跑步

my. brother is sitting on the floor. 


he is putting ao his coat.



cook a meal  做一顿饭

drink milk   喝牛奶

drink water 喝水

drink juice   喝果汁

type a letter 打一封信

empty the basket 把篮子倒空

clean the teeth   刷牙  tooth 牙齿  teeth 复数

eat a bone 吃一根骨头

turn on / turn off the tap   拧开/拧紧 水龙头


it is cooking a meal.  它正在做饭

the cat drinking its milk . 那只猫正在喝它的牛奶

i am cleaning the teeth.  我正在刷牙


what is it doing?   它正在做什么?


i beg your pardon? = pardon?


is   是不是。。。。。

is this your handbag?    这是不是你的手提包


what about.....   那么。。。。呢?


i am boy, what about you?   我是男孩,你呢?

what about the dog?  那么狗呢?   


run across the grass   在草地上跑

run after a cat   在追一只猫


he is climbing the tree. 他在爬树

who is climbing the tree?  谁在爬树

is he climbing the tree?  他在爬树吗



a fine day 晴天  day 日子

it is a fine day today.今天是晴天

yesterday 昨天

one week / a week  一周

sunday 周日

monday 周一

tuesday 周二

wednesday 周三

thursday 周四

friday 周五

saturday 周六


cloud 云彩

sky 天空

sun太阳  son 儿子   发音相同

shine 闪耀 

the sun is shining.  太阳在闪耀

moon 月亮

rain 雨

snow 雪

wind 风

family 家

family members 家庭成员

my family is large. 我家人多

mother mum  father dad

grandfather grandpa  granmother grandma

parents 双亲  grendparents 爷爷奶奶

brother  sister  


bike 自行车  bus 公交车  train 火车  aeroplane 飞机(英) airplane(美) plane 简写

boat 小船  ship 轮船

water 水

river  河

sea 大海

bridge 桥


it 指天气  but 但是,转折


 it is making the bed

it is coming.

it is giving me some magazines.


some 一些  可数/不可数


液体,抽象事物名词 love friendship happiness

没有复数  be动词is


with  和。。。。一起

i an with my friends.


are you with me?  (思想)跟我在一起呢?支持我?


over 跨越 在。。。。之上

a bridge over the river 一座横跨河面的桥

they ran over the grass  他们跑过草地


there is a lamp over the desk.书桌上面有个台灯,不接触,悬在上方

there is an apple on the desk.书桌上有个苹果,   有接触


what are they doing?   他们在做什么

sleep 睡觉  shave 剃须  cry 喊,哭叫  eat 吃

wash 洗    wait 等待  jump 跳 

they are sleeping.   他们正在睡觉


on the river  在河面

over the river 一般指河流上空 悬空的地方

a bridge over the river  河流上空有一座桥


look at....  看.....

look at the map.   看这张地图

look at me.  看着我


under  在。。。下面

there is a cat under the table. 桌子下面有只猫


fly over.....   从.....飞过







