572. Subtree of Another Tree
Posted jessie2009
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了572. Subtree of Another Tree相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Given two non-empty binary trees s and t, check whether tree t has exactly the same structure and node values with a subtree of s. A subtree of s is a tree consists of a node in s and all of this node‘s descendants. The tree s could also be considered as a subtree of itself.
Example 1:
Given tree s:
3 / 4 5 / 1 2Given tree t:
4 / 1 2Return true, because t has the same structure and node values with a subtree of s.
Example 2:
Given tree s:
3 / 4 5 / 1 2 / 0Given tree t:
4 / 1 2Return false.
//Approach1: recursive: 思路就是对于s树的每一个点和t进行isSameTree判断 //Time: O(n!), Space: O(h) public boolean isSubtree(TreeNode s, TreeNode t) { if (s == null) return false;//切勿忘记这一句,否则下面s.left和s.right就溢出 if (isSameTree(s, t)) { return true; } return isSubtree(s.left, t) || isSubtree(s.right, t); } private boolean isSameTree(TreeNode s, TreeNode t) { if (s == null && t == null) { return true; } if (s == null || t == null) { return false; } if (s.val == t.val) { return isSameTree(s.left, t.left) && isSameTree(s.right, t.right); } return false; } //Approach2: traversal: 思路就是分别遍历s和t,看t是不是s的子集 //Time: O(n), Space: O(n) public boolean isSubtree(TreeNode s, TreeNode t) { StringBuilder s1 = serilize(s, new StringBuilder()); StringBuilder t1 = serilize(t, new StringBuilder()); return s1.toString().contains(t1.toString()); } private StringBuilder serilize(TreeNode root, StringBuilder sb) { if (root == null) { sb.append(",#");//注意这里很重要,要先加,再加#,否则12和2就被判定为相同 return sb; } sb.append("," + root.val); serilize(root.left, sb); serilize(root.right, sb); return sb; }
以上是关于572. Subtree of Another Tree的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
leetcode572. Subtree of Another Tree
[LeetCode] 572. Subtree of Another Tree
[LC] 572. Subtree of Another Tree
572. Subtree of Another Tree(easy)