2016ACM/ICPC亚洲区青岛站 Coding Contest 费用流

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了2016ACM/ICPC亚洲区青岛站 Coding Contest 费用流相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


2016ACM/ICPC亚洲区青岛站 Coding Contest 费用流


    A coding contest will be held in this university, in a huge playground. The whole playground would be divided into N blocks, and there would be M directed paths linking these blocks. The i-th path goes from the ui-th block to the vi-th block. Your task is to solve the lunch issue. According to the arrangement, there are si competitors in the i-th block. Limited to the size of table, bi bags of lunch including breads, sausages and milk would be put in the i-th block. As a result, some competitors need to move to another block to access lunch. However, the playground is temporary, as a result there would be so many wires on the path. 
    For the i-th path, the wires have been stabilized at ?rst and the ?rst competitor who walker through it would not break the wires. Since then, however, when a person go through the i?th path, there is a chance of pi to touch the wires and a?ect the whole networks. Moreover, to protect these wires, no more than ci competitors are allowed to walk through the i-th path. 
    Now you need to ?nd a way for all competitors to get their lunch, and minimize the possibility of network crashing. 
    The ?rst line of input contains an integer t which is the number of test cases. Then t test cases follow. 
    For each test case, the ?rst line consists of two integers N (N ≤ 100) and M (M ≤ 5000). Each of the next N lines contains two integers si and bi (si,bi ≤ 200). 
    Each of the next M lines contains three integers ui,vi and ci(ci ≤ 100) and a ?oat-point number pi(0 < pi < 1). It is guaranteed that there is at least one way to let every competitor has lunch. 
    For each turn of each case, output the minimum possibility that the networks would break down. Round it to 2 digits.




首先这个输入u -> v 花费 (c_i) 概率 (p_i) 费用流的输入还是很好看出来的。

  1. 源点连每个点(1~n) 流量人数,费用零
  2. 每个点(1~n)连汇点,流量食物,费用零
    这样问题就变成了源点到汇点的费用表示的概率最小了。都是题目的概率计数是乘法,而费用流中是加法。这里需要转化成log的形式log(ab) = log(a) + log(b) 这样结果最后求一个exp(x)就好了。
    对于u->v 容量c, 概率p
    建边 u->v, 流量c, 费用-log(1-p)



///2016ACM/ICPC亚洲区青岛站 Coding Contest 费用流
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const double EPS = 1e-4;
struct MCMF {
    static const int MAXN = 200;
    static const int MAXM = 10000;
    static const int INF = 1e9 + 7;
    static const int INF0X3F = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    int n, m, first[MAXN], s, t, sign;
    double dist[MAXN];
    int inq[MAXN], pre[MAXN], incf[MAXN];
    int max_flow;
    double min_cost;
    struct Edge {
        int to, cap, next;
        double cost;
    } edge[MAXM * 4];
    void init(int l, int r, int ss, int tt) {
        memset(first, -1, sizeof(first));
        s = ss, t = tt, sign = 0;
        max_flow = min_cost = 0;
    void add_edge(int u, int v, int cap, double cost) {
        edge[sign].to = v, edge[sign].cap = cap, edge[sign].cost = cost;
        edge[sign].next = first[u], first[u] = sign++;
        edge[sign].to = u, edge[sign].cap = 0, edge[sign].cost = -cost;
        edge[sign].next = first[v], first[v] = sign++;
    bool spfa(int s, int t) {
        for(int i = 0; i < MAXN; i++ ) {
            dist[i] = INF;
            inq[i] = 0;
            pre[i] = -1;
        que.push(s), inq[s] = 1, dist[s] = 0;
        incf[s] = INF0X3F;
        while(!que.empty()) {
            int now = que.front();
            inq[now] = 0;
            for(int i = first[now]; ~i; i = edge[i].next) {
                int to = edge[i].to, cap = edge[i].cap;
                double cost = edge[i].cost;
                ///不加EPS T了?
                if(cap > 0 && dist[to] > dist[now] + cost + EPS) {
                    dist[to] = dist[now] + cost;
                    incf[to] = min(incf[now], cap);
                    pre[to] = i;
                    if(!inq[to]) {
                        inq[to] = 1;
        return fabs(dist[t] - INF) > EPS;
    void update(int s, int t) {
        int x = t;
        while(x != s) {
            int pos = pre[x];
            edge[pos].cap -= incf[t];
            edge[pos ^ 1].cap += incf[t];
            x = edge[pos ^ 1].to;
        max_flow += incf[t];
        min_cost += dist[t] * incf[t];
    void minCostMaxFlow(int s, int t) {
        while(spfa(s, t)) {
            update(s, t);
} cwl;
int main() {
    int t, n, m;
    scanf("%d", &t);
    while(t--) {
        scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
        cwl.init(0, n + 1, 0, n + 1);
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
            int a, b;
            scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
            if(a) {
                cwl.add_edge(0, i, a, 0);
            if(b) {
                cwl.add_edge(i, n + 1, b, 0);
        for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++ ) {
            int u, v, cap;
            double cost;
            scanf("%d %d %d %lf", &u, &v, &cap, &cost);
            cost = -log(1 - cost);
            cwl.add_edge(u, v, 1, 0);
            cwl.add_edge(u, v, cap - 1, cost);
        cwl.minCostMaxFlow(0, n + 1);
", 1 - exp(-cwl.min_cost));
    return 0;

以上是关于2016ACM/ICPC亚洲区青岛站 Coding Contest 费用流的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

2016ACM/ICPC亚洲区青岛站 B Hdu-5983 Pocket Cube 模拟



2016 ACM/ICPC亚洲区大连站-重现赛 解题报告

