release check

Posted mayfly-xlc


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了release check相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


uid=0 gid=1007@nutshell:/ # vehicletool                                        
connected to the server [/dev/socket/socket.nclog.LOG_FILTER_WACTHER_SRV]
The below commands are supported:
Usage: vehicletool [OPTIONS]   [PARAMS] 
   listsrc                             display the status of source loading.
   listpro [uuid]                      display supported properties infos.
   loadsrc uuid [lib*.so]              load src, uuid:src uuid, libName:src lib name, when first load must special libname
   freesrc uuid                        free src, uuid:src uuid.
   setproval uuid pro valType val      set property value, uuid:src uuid, pro:property Name, valType:property value type, val:property value
   getp pro                            get property value, pro: property Name.
   dumpProSink                         display property sink info.

--imitate can event data-- 
   pbk on|off                          set pbk by cmd, value is on or off
   tail on|off                         set tail by cmd, value is on or off
   rev on|off                          set rev by cmd, value is on or off
   ig on|off                           set ig by cmd, value is on or off
   swangle uint                        set swangle by cmd, value is uint
   spd float                           set vehicle speed by cmd, value is float, unit is m/s 
   spdRange lower upper  times         change speed in range by cmd, min and max is uint, unit is km/h, times mean change speed times 

--modify config-- 
   prohbflag on|off                    set prohibitionflag, value is on or off
   spdtype int                         set speedtype, 1: VEHICLE, 2: GPSSNS
   spdthd lower upper                  set speedthreshold, val is int, unit is km/h 


以上是关于release check的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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