Intel DAAL AI鍔犻€熲€斺€旀敮鎸佷粠鏁版嵁棰勫鐞嗗埌妯″瀷棰勬祴锛屾暟鎹簮蹇呴』浣跨敤DAAL鐨勫簳灞傚皝瑁呭簱



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Intel DAAL AI鍔犻€熲€斺€旀敮鎸佷粠鏁版嵁棰勫鐞嗗埌妯″瀷棰勬祴锛屾暟鎹簮蹇呴』浣跨敤DAAL鐨勫簳灞傚皝瑁呭簱相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

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Data Management


鍦ㄨ繖浜涘畾鍒剁殑鏁版嵁婧愪笂锛孖ntel DAAL浣跨敤鑷繁搴曞眰鐨凜PU杩涜纭欢鍔犻€燂紒涓嬮潰鎽樿嚜鍏跺畼鏂癸細

Intel DAAL addresses all stages of the data analytics pipeline: preprocessing, transformation, analysis, modeling, validation, and decision-making.

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Intel DAAL is developed by the same team as the Intel? Math Kernel Library (Intel? MKL)鈥攖he leading math library in the world. This team works closely with Intel? processor architects to squeeze performance from Intel processor-based systems.

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Specs at a Glance


Processors Intel Atom?, Intel Core?, Intel? Xeon?, and Intel? Xeon Phi? processors and compatible processors
Languages Python*, C++, Java*
Development Tools and Environments

Microsoft Visual Studio* (Windows*)

Eclipse* and CDT* (Linux*)

Operating Systems Use the same API for application development on multiple operating systems: Windows, Linux, and macOS*
# file:
# Copyright 2014-2018 Intel Corporation.
# This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted  materials,  and
# your use of  them is  governed by the  express license  under which  they were
# provided to you (License).  Unless the License provides otherwise, you may not
# use, modify, copy, publish, distribute,  disclose or transmit this software or
# the related documents without Intel鈥榮 prior written permission.
# This software and the related documents  are provided as  is,  with no express
# or implied  warranties,  other  than those  that are  expressly stated  in the
# License.

## example

import os
import sys

from daal.algorithms import low_order_moments
from daal.data_management import FileDataSource, DataSourceIface

utils_folder = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))))
if utils_folder not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, utils_folder)
from utils import printNumericTable

DAAL_PREFIX = os.path.join(鈥?.鈥? 鈥榙ata鈥?

# Input data set parameters
dataFileName = os.path.join(DAAL_PREFIX, 鈥榖atch鈥? 鈥榗ovcormoments_dense.csv鈥?

def printResults(res):
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.minimum),              "Minimum:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.maximum),              "Maximum:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.sum),                  "Sum:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.sumSquares),           "Sum of squares:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.sumSquaresCentered),   "Sum of squared difference from the means:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.mean),                 "Mean:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.secondOrderRawMoment), "Second order raw moment:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.variance),             "Variance:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.standardDeviation),    "Standard deviation:")
    printNumericTable(res.get(low_order_moments.variation),            "Variation:")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Initialize FileDataSource to retrieve input data from .csv file
    dataSource = FileDataSource(

    # Retrieve the data from input file

    # Create algorithm for computing low order moments in batch processing mode
    algorithm = low_order_moments.Batch()

    # Set input arguments of the algorithm
    algorithm.input.set(, dataSource.getNumericTable())

    # Get computed low order moments
    res = algorithm.compute()


以上是关于Intel DAAL AI鍔犻€熲€斺€旀敮鎸佷粠鏁版嵁棰勫鐞嗗埌妯″瀷棰勬祴锛屾暟鎹簮蹇呴』浣跨敤DAAL鐨勫簳灞傚皝瑁呭簱的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

头文件可能存在英特尔 DAAL 问题?

英特尔 DAAL python 错误

带有 scikit-learn 的英特尔 daal4py 分类器


Intel AI Cloud 使用